Tim Zaman

  • Registered on: 2012-03-25
  • Last connection: 2012-06-10


Reported issues: 4


05:37 pm OpenCV Bug #2022 (Cancelled): Cannot build snapshot with CUDA on Linux
Figured it out. For some reason he couldnt find libcuda.so. That's the problem For people finding this problem later:...
04:30 pm OpenCV Bug #2022 (Cancelled): Cannot build snapshot with CUDA on Linux


02:34 pm OpenCV Patch #1846 (Done): performance_gpu test timing is wrong
Ho stop, I suddenly find myself in GSOC!? Can you switch this to the general bug repo?
02:31 pm OpenCV Patch #1846 (Done): performance_gpu test timing is wrong


10:44 pm OpenCV Feature #1793 (Open): EXIF Rotation tag spatially inverts image
So..? I can't seem to unassign myself?


01:59 pm OpenCV Feature #1793 (Open): EXIF Rotation tag spatially inverts image
Sorry, i use C++.
My code is >5kloc so i wont post it, but I guess this sample should produce the same:...
10:38 am OpenCV Feature #1793 (Open): EXIF Rotation tag spatially inverts image
10:28 am OpenCV Feature #1742 (Cancelled): Possible error : camera grabs gray solid image
Try doing the same thing with a different application and deduce if its a hardware/OCV-software or library-software- ...


10:04 pm OpenCV Bug #1713 (Done): Matchtemplate on GPU fails with large images
Confirmed, updating to CUDA 4.1 fixed the problem, and i get a nice out-of-memory error. But can you explain *why* it...


05:45 pm OpenCV Bug #1713 (Done): Matchtemplate on GPU fails with large images

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