Jukka Holappa

  • Registered on: 2012-03-20
  • Last connection: 2014-04-24


Reported issues: 5


11:29 am OpenCV Bug #1523 (Done): (x,y) bug in MouseCallback when image is larger than your screen
The problem is caused by event handler in window_w32.cpp that scales the image coordinates unconditionally for the ca...


01:25 pm OpenCV Bug #1523 (Done): (x,y) bug in MouseCallback when image is larger than your screen
I'm able to reproduce this bug with Windows 7 using OpenCV 2.4.8 compiled with Visual Studio 2012. I do not have Qt e...


11:16 pm OpenCV Bug #2719 (Done): different determinant result for cv::Matx44d and cv::Mat
There are two bugs with current Matx determinant operation. First one is invalid call to LU with matrix stepping set ...


01:18 pm OpenCV Bug #2715 (Cancelled): Problems calculating determinant of larger (>= 4x4) matrices
Thanks for quick feedback.
I'm currently suspecting my compiler as I needed to upgrade it very recently.
11:40 am OpenCV Bug #2715 (Cancelled): Problems calculating determinant of larger (>= 4x4) matrices


12:14 am OpenCV Patch #2261 (Done): OpenCL library detection on Linux with Nvidia implementation


07:24 pm OpenCV Patch #2245 (Done): BFMatcher with Hamming distace stores distances as integers instead of floats
Proposed patch to fix hamming distance radius search.


09:35 pm OpenCV Patch #2245 (Done): BFMatcher with Hamming distace stores distances as integers instead of floats


03:53 pm OpenCV Bug #2059 (Done): Thread safety issues with initInterTab2D()


10:29 pm OpenCV Bug #1705 (Done): Matx types do not work inside Mat_ template matrices

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