Version 117 (Vincent Rabaud, 2016-03-01 07:24 pm) → Version 118/122 (Gary Bradski, 2016-03-01 07:24 pm)
Issue tracker is closed!
All new tickets should be created on GitHub:
Wiki is closed!
You can find it on GitHub:
h1. OpenCV Wiki
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for realtime computer vision. It uses a "BSD license": and hence it's free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java (Android) interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Mac OS. It has more than 2500 optimized algorithms. Adopted all around the world, OpenCV has more than 7 million downloads growing by nearly 200K/month. Usage ranges from interactive art, to mines inspection, stitching maps on the web on through advanced robotics.
* "Wiki map":
* "Roadmap":
h2. GSoC 2015
" !GSoCOpenCV2015.jpg! ":
* *[[GSoC 2015|OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2015 Project Page]]*
* "We are an accepted organization in GSoC 2015!":
"Wiki for Google Summer of Code":
h2. Resources
h3. General
* "User site":, "News": and "Help":
* *Documentation:*, including "Books":, "Reference manual":, "Tutorials": and "Cheatsheet":
* "ChangeLog": for the latest releases
h3. Development
* [[How_to_contribute|How to Contribute]]
* Source Codes can be found at "GitHub": The main OpenCV repository was converted to git and compactified. History now begins with the famous âatomic bombâ commit, that dates back to May the 11th, 2010.
** To get the source code, point your git client to @git:// Here are [[Working_with_OpenCV_git_repository|instructions]].
git clone git://
** The rest of the history plus matches between git commits and SVN revisions are stored at a separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: git://
** Also OpenCV Extra was put to a separate repository: git://
* [[OpenCV Development Process]]
** [[Meeting_notes|Developer meeting notes]]
h2. Issue Tracking
Please note that OpenCV project, as any open-source project, welcomes contributions from users. Either you have implemented some new functionality, or you're able to localize and fix a bug by yourself, please make a "pull request": at the GitHub. It will be "automatically tested": and reviewed by peers. Check your code for compliance with [[CodingStyleGuide|OpenCV Code Style Guide]] and please explain how your contribution might help others.
h3. Creating new tickets
All new tickets should be created on GitHub: and
Old issue tracker will be moved to read-only state:
h3. Reporting bugs
* First of all ask about the issue at the Q&A forum: Then try to debug it in your own environment, because it may take forever to just reproduce the issue on other workstation. If you succeed, submit the fix as a pull request, and your fix may be included to the very next OpenCV release! But if you can't debug it, please do as follows...
* Please, specify your platform (Windows 32/64bit, Linux x86/x64/ppc/..., MacOSX 32/64bit/ppc); compiler version; OpenCV version/revision; whether IPP, OpenMP, MMX, SSE ... have been enabled or not, and any other information that let us reproduce the environment, identify and localize the problem.
* A sample code reproducing the problem helps us the most. It would really help if you could implement a unit-test that fails! Please check source:samples - for the preferred style (small code size, cross-platform). There is *no need* to provide any project files or makefiles, if it is a short single-file sample, we could build it and run in a minute. If we can reproduce the problem, we can fix it quickly.
* If your application is complex, and the problem happens somewhere in the middle, often it is still possible to create a short standalone sample:
** First, capture and store the data that you pass to the function using FileStorage.
** Then copy the function call and put the corresponding reading from FileStorage in front of it.
h2. Topic Pages
* [[GSoC 2016|Google Summer of Code 2016 2015 (GSoC 2016) Ideas Page]]
* [[GSoC 2015|Google Summer of Code 2015 (GSoC 2015) Ideas Page]]
* [[Workshops|Workshops]]
* [[Tutorials|Tutorials]]
* [[VisionChallenge|Vision Challenge Sponsored by OpenCV, CVPR 2015!!]]
* [[New functionality discussion]]
* [[CARMA platform, compilation and testing]]
Issue tracker is closed!
All new tickets should be created on GitHub:
Wiki is closed!
You can find it on GitHub:
h1. OpenCV Wiki
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for realtime computer vision. It uses a "BSD license": and hence it's free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java (Android) interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Mac OS. It has more than 2500 optimized algorithms. Adopted all around the world, OpenCV has more than 7 million downloads growing by nearly 200K/month. Usage ranges from interactive art, to mines inspection, stitching maps on the web on through advanced robotics.
* "Wiki map":
* "Roadmap":
h2. GSoC 2015
" !GSoCOpenCV2015.jpg! ":
* *[[GSoC 2015|OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2015 Project Page]]*
* "We are an accepted organization in GSoC 2015!":
"Wiki for Google Summer of Code":
h2. Resources
h3. General
* "User site":, "News": and "Help":
* *Documentation:*, including "Books":, "Reference manual":, "Tutorials": and "Cheatsheet":
* "ChangeLog": for the latest releases
h3. Development
* [[How_to_contribute|How to Contribute]]
* Source Codes can be found at "GitHub": The main OpenCV repository was converted to git and compactified. History now begins with the famous âatomic bombâ commit, that dates back to May the 11th, 2010.
** To get the source code, point your git client to @git:// Here are [[Working_with_OpenCV_git_repository|instructions]].
git clone git://
** The rest of the history plus matches between git commits and SVN revisions are stored at a separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: git://
** Also OpenCV Extra was put to a separate repository: git://
* [[OpenCV Development Process]]
** [[Meeting_notes|Developer meeting notes]]
h2. Issue Tracking
Please note that OpenCV project, as any open-source project, welcomes contributions from users. Either you have implemented some new functionality, or you're able to localize and fix a bug by yourself, please make a "pull request": at the GitHub. It will be "automatically tested": and reviewed by peers. Check your code for compliance with [[CodingStyleGuide|OpenCV Code Style Guide]] and please explain how your contribution might help others.
h3. Creating new tickets
All new tickets should be created on GitHub: and
Old issue tracker will be moved to read-only state:
h3. Reporting bugs
* First of all ask about the issue at the Q&A forum: Then try to debug it in your own environment, because it may take forever to just reproduce the issue on other workstation. If you succeed, submit the fix as a pull request, and your fix may be included to the very next OpenCV release! But if you can't debug it, please do as follows...
* Please, specify your platform (Windows 32/64bit, Linux x86/x64/ppc/..., MacOSX 32/64bit/ppc); compiler version; OpenCV version/revision; whether IPP, OpenMP, MMX, SSE ... have been enabled or not, and any other information that let us reproduce the environment, identify and localize the problem.
* A sample code reproducing the problem helps us the most. It would really help if you could implement a unit-test that fails! Please check source:samples - for the preferred style (small code size, cross-platform). There is *no need* to provide any project files or makefiles, if it is a short single-file sample, we could build it and run in a minute. If we can reproduce the problem, we can fix it quickly.
* If your application is complex, and the problem happens somewhere in the middle, often it is still possible to create a short standalone sample:
** First, capture and store the data that you pass to the function using FileStorage.
** Then copy the function call and put the corresponding reading from FileStorage in front of it.
h2. Topic Pages
* [[GSoC 2016|Google Summer of Code 2016 2015 (GSoC 2016) Ideas Page]]
* [[GSoC 2015|Google Summer of Code 2015 (GSoC 2015) Ideas Page]]
* [[Workshops|Workshops]]
* [[Tutorials|Tutorials]]
* [[VisionChallenge|Vision Challenge Sponsored by OpenCV, CVPR 2015!!]]
* [[New functionality discussion]]
* [[CARMA platform, compilation and testing]]