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Grace Vesom, 2016-06-20 06:47 am
More information soon 10/03/2014
OpenCV is launching a community-wide challenge to update and extend the OpenCV library. An award pool of $50,000 will be provided to the best performing algorithms in the following 10 CV application areas:
- image segmentation,
- image registration,
- human pose estimation,
- multi-view stereo matching,
- object recognition,
- face recognition,
- gesture recognition,
- action recognition, and
- text recognition.
We will soon provide code to read from existing data sets in each of these areas.
The OpenCV Vision Challenge Committee will judge up to five best entries.
- You may submit a new algorithm developed by yourself
- You may submit an existing algorithm whether or not developed by yourself (as long as you re-implement it yourself or it already has a BSD or compatible license).
- You must submit your winning code as an OpenCV pull request under a BSD or compatible license
- You acknowledge that your code may be included, with citation, in OpenCV
Winners and prizes are at the sole discretion of the committee.
Submission Period:
Now - May 8th 2015
Winners Announcement:
June 8th 2015 at CVPR 2015
For more information, go to http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/wiki/VisionChallenge
Or mail:
The group is located at: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/opencv_vision_challenges