Version 11 (Vincent Rabaud, 2016-01-12 06:12 pm) → Version 12/17 (Vincent Rabaud, 2016-01-12 06:12 pm)
h2. 2013-XX-XX
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WR [OpenCV 2.4.4: Evgeny + Tegra team]
OpenCV 2.4.4 is out! Here is the announce: http://opencv.org/opencv-2-4-4-is-out.html
Big thanks to Tegra team, who took responsibility over the release process (and do that very well) and Evgeny who
helped a lot, in parallel with the work on the text detection algorithm.
At the same time, the number of downloads from sf.net/projects/opencvlibrary exceeded 6,000,000!
2.4.5 will almost certainly be released around June 1st, i.e. ~the same time as 2.5.0 (if 2.5.0 is on time)
[OpenCV 2.5: Vadim]
Stereo correspondence classes in calib3d have been refactored. Now they have the same class StereoMatcher - the change
requested by Adrian and several other people.
The whole module video has been refactored too: Meanshift, Camshift and motion templates have been rewritten in C++,
background subtractor classes have been cleaned too to adhere OpenCV 2.5 principles.
The document "Towards OpenCV 2.5" has been written. This is initial todo list and discussion of the key things that
should be done by 2.5.0. The basic idea is that we should do as much of necessary API changes by 2.5.0 as possible,
since after that we can not break API for a very long time. Everything else, i.e. implementation-related things, can be
done in 2.5.x. We already discussed a bit possible modifications in the base Algorithm class.
[Bilateral filter optimization: Ilya]
Ilya Lavrenov got back to his previous work - optimization of the bilateral filter. By optimizing the memory access
pattern he managed to squeeze some more performance (~10% for floating-point images, ~20% for 8-bit images).
[Text detection: Evgeny]
I finally realized that it's not quite fair to call this a Matas algorithm, since the first author of the paper is his
student Neumann. So, let's call it NM text detection algorithm. And this is how it's called in the code (more exactly
ERFilterNM1, 1 is for the first stage).
Evgeny is finishing work on the 1st stage of the NM algorithm and will switch to another task next week. Convenient and
flexible API has been developed. Basically, user supplies image an callback (the "classifier") that takes extremal
region (ER) and returns probability - the measure of how good it is. On output the algorithm gives the list of survived
extremal regions. Following the paper philosophy, each ER, regardless of its area and shape, takes O(1) space and O(1)
time to process. The actual region mask can then be extracted using cv::floodfill or cv::threshold + cv::findContours
[github statistics]
Over 35 pull requests have been closed during the last week.
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WR [OpenCV 2.4.4: Evgeny + Tegra team]
OpenCV 2.4.4 is out! Here is the announce: http://opencv.org/opencv-2-4-4-is-out.html
Big thanks to Tegra team, who took responsibility over the release process (and do that very well) and Evgeny who
helped a lot, in parallel with the work on the text detection algorithm.
At the same time, the number of downloads from sf.net/projects/opencvlibrary exceeded 6,000,000!
2.4.5 will almost certainly be released around June 1st, i.e. ~the same time as 2.5.0 (if 2.5.0 is on time)
[OpenCV 2.5: Vadim]
Stereo correspondence classes in calib3d have been refactored. Now they have the same class StereoMatcher - the change
requested by Adrian and several other people.
The whole module video has been refactored too: Meanshift, Camshift and motion templates have been rewritten in C++,
background subtractor classes have been cleaned too to adhere OpenCV 2.5 principles.
The document "Towards OpenCV 2.5" has been written. This is initial todo list and discussion of the key things that
should be done by 2.5.0. The basic idea is that we should do as much of necessary API changes by 2.5.0 as possible,
since after that we can not break API for a very long time. Everything else, i.e. implementation-related things, can be
done in 2.5.x. We already discussed a bit possible modifications in the base Algorithm class.
[Bilateral filter optimization: Ilya]
Ilya Lavrenov got back to his previous work - optimization of the bilateral filter. By optimizing the memory access
pattern he managed to squeeze some more performance (~10% for floating-point images, ~20% for 8-bit images).
[Text detection: Evgeny]
I finally realized that it's not quite fair to call this a Matas algorithm, since the first author of the paper is his
student Neumann. So, let's call it NM text detection algorithm. And this is how it's called in the code (more exactly
ERFilterNM1, 1 is for the first stage).
Evgeny is finishing work on the 1st stage of the NM algorithm and will switch to another task next week. Convenient and
flexible API has been developed. Basically, user supplies image an callback (the "classifier") that takes extremal
region (ER) and returns probability - the measure of how good it is. On output the algorithm gives the list of survived
extremal regions. Following the paper philosophy, each ER, regardless of its area and shape, takes O(1) space and O(1)
time to process. The actual region mask can then be extracted using cv::floodfill or cv::threshold + cv::findContours
[github statistics]
Over 35 pull requests have been closed during the last week.
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_*From Last Time*_
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