
Version 1 (Alexander Shishkov, 2012-06-06 02:57 pm)

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h1. Open Source Vision Software, Intro and Training (CVPR 2010) 
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This tutorial was lead by 
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 *(_VLFeat:_) Andrea Vedaldi, Brian Fulkerson, 
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 * (_Generic Image Library:_) Hailin Jin, Lubomir Bourdev, 
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 * (_OpenCV:_) Gary Bradski, Vadim Pisarevsky and 
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 * (_PCL:_) Radu Rusu, 
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see the "tutorial page":,_Intro_and_Training.
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 * attachment:OpenCV_Tutorial_CVPR2010.pptx Foils (.pptx, 13.4M) for the OpenCV talk by Gary Bradski
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 * attachment:CVPR2010_ProgrammingExercise.odp Programming excercise description foils by Vadim Pisarevsky
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The programming exercise is now included in OpenCV download in 
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 <code> .../opencv/samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp</code></pre>
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This program allows you to:
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# Put down a calibration chessboad
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# Draw a 3D box around the object you want to capture
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# As you move the camera (as long as both the calibration pattern and the object can be seen), the program will output a
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* 3D bounding box in the calibration coordinate sys. 
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** given as 4 points, 3 on the ground plane and one point that gives the “Z” height from the plane.
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* For each object view:
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** R,T of the bounding box points  
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** File name of the tight grab cut segmented image