Open Source Vision Software, Intro and Training (CVPR 2010)

This tutorial was lead by

  • Andrea Vedaldi, Brian Fulkerson,
  • (Generic Image Library:) Hailin Jin, Lubomir Bourdev,
  • (OpenCV:) Gary Bradski, Vadim Pisarevsky and
  • (PCL:) Radu Rusu,

see the tutorial page.

  • attachment:OpenCV_Tutorial_CVPR2010.pptx Foils (.pptx, 13.4M) for the OpenCV talk by Gary Bradski
  • attachment:CVPR2010_ProgrammingExercise.odp Programming excercise description foils by Vadim Pisarevsky

The programming exercise is now included in OpenCV download in

This program allows you to:

  1. Put down a calibration chessboad
  2. Draw a 3D box around the object you want to capture
  3. As you move the camera (as long as both the calibration pattern and the object can be seen), the program will output a
    • 3D bounding box in the calibration coordinate sys.
      • given as 4 points, 3 on the ground plane and one point that gives the ā€œZā€ height from the plane.
    • For each object view:
      • R,T of the bounding box points
      • File name of the tight grab cut segmented image