
Version 6 (Alexander Smorkalov, 2013-03-04 08:30 am)

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h1. Android
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5 2 Alexander Smorkalov
Android is awesome, and so is OpenCV, so wouldn't it be awesomer if they could work together? Well they can, and its now officially supported in OpenCV! See the [[Android Release Notes]].
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h2. How to start 
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Developers have [[AndroidWays|2 basic ways]] to develop applications with the OpenCV4Android:
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# We recommend to download the "prebuilt OpenCV package": and follow the instructions from our tutorial: "Using Android binary package with Eclipse": *(start from here)*. This package contains Eclipse library project and [[AndroidSamples|samples]]. Package also includes prebuilt apk-files, which you can run on your device immediately. They are placed at @OpenCV-2.4.0/bin@ folder inside the binary package.
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# You can build OpenCV from sources and have the full control over the library. See the [[Trunk OpenCV for Android|OpenCV trunk for Android]] page for instructions. Please note, that this is not recommended way and think [[AndroidWays|twice]] before you checkout the OpenCV sources.
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h2. Getting help
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h3. User Communities
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* Android-OpenCV group: (for Android-specific questions)
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* General OpenCV group: (for general OpenCV questions and discussions)
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h3. OpenCV4Android documentation
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* Javadoc html-files are included into the binary package.
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* Tutorials and samples: 
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** "Using Android binary package with Eclipse": 
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** "Using C++ OpenCV code with Android binary package": (advanced guide for NDK developers)
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** [[AndroidSamples|Android Samples]]
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* [[AndroidBestPractices|Android Best Practices]]
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* [[Trunk OpenCV for Android|OpenCV Trunk]] - These are the bleeding edge trunk instructions
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h3. OpenCV documentation
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Pay special attention to the tutorials!
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35 4 Alexander Smorkalov
* Latest (updated daily):
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* 2.4.0:
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* C++ cheatsheet: source:trunk/opencv/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.pdf
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h2. Providing feedback
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You know, we love [[How_to_contribute|contributions]]! And please check the open "Android issues": on the bug tracker.
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* Issue tracker: (you're already here). If you submit a ticket, please provide the correct "Category" name - @android@). If you could not identify the cause of the error, please provide the following information in your ticket:
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** Version number of Android platform (all 3 components of the version - for example: 2.2.1);
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** Exact CPU model of your device ("@adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo@" command);
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** Output of "@adb logcat@" command;
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** Name of a sample if the problem is reproducible for any of the samples included into the binary package.
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* Contacts
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** OpenCV4Android group:
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** Email: [email protected] *(please use the OpenCV4Android group first of all, we do not provide private consultancy)*
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** Twitter:
53 2 Alexander Smorkalov
54 2 Alexander Smorkalov
h2. Deprecated pages
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 * "OpenCV4Android 2.2": - These are the instructions if you are building against the 2.2 release of OpenCV.
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 * "OpenCV4Android 2.3.0": - These are the instructions if you are building against the 2.3.0 release of OpenCV.
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 * "Build Android NDK application with prebuilt OpenCV 2.3.0 alpha":
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 * "Prebuilt OpenCV 2.3.1 Package instruction on old wiki":
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 * "How to build Android NDK application with prebuilt OpenCV":
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 * "AndroidExperimental": - This is temporary page describing how to build OpenCV with a stanalone toolchain