Version 4 (Alexander Smorkalov, 2013-03-04 08:30 am)
1 | 1 | h1. Android |
2 | 1 | ||
3 | 1 | {{>toc}} |
4 | 1 | ||
5 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | Android is awesome, and so is OpenCV, so wouldn't it be awesomer if they could work together? Well they can, and its now officially supported in OpenCV! See the [[Android Release Notes]]. |
6 | 1 | ||
7 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | h2. How to start |
8 | 1 | ||
9 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | Developers have [[AndroidWays|2 basic ways]] to develop applications with the OpenCV4Android: |
10 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | # We recommend to download the "prebuilt OpenCV package": and follow the instructions from our tutorial: "Using Android binary package with Eclipse": *(start from here)*. This package contains Eclipse library project and [[AndroidSamples|samples]]. Package also includes prebuilt apk-files, which you can run on your device immediately. They are placed at @OpenCV-2.4.0/bin@ folder inside the binary package. |
11 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | # You can build OpenCV from sources and have the full control over the library. See the [[Trunk OpenCV for Android|OpenCV trunk for Android]] page for instructions. Please note, that this is not recommended way and think [[AndroidWays|twice]] before you checkout the OpenCV sources. |
12 | 1 | ||
13 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | h2. Getting help |
14 | 1 | ||
15 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | h3. User Communities |
16 | 1 | ||
17 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Android-OpenCV group: (for Android-specific questions) |
18 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | * General OpenCV group: (for general OpenCV questions and discussions) |
19 | 1 | ||
20 | 1 | h3. OpenCV4Android documentation |
21 | 1 | ||
22 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Javadoc html-files are included into the binary package. |
23 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Tutorials and samples: |
24 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** "Using Android binary package with Eclipse": |
25 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** "Using C++ OpenCV code with Android binary package": (advanced guide for NDK developers) |
26 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** [[AndroidSamples|Android Samples]] |
27 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
28 | 1 | * [[AndroidBestPractices|Android Best Practices]] |
29 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * [[Trunk OpenCV for Android|OpenCV Trunk]] - These are the bleeding edge trunk instructions |
30 | 1 | ||
31 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | h3. OpenCV documentation |
32 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
33 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | Pay special attention to the tutorials! |
34 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
35 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Latest (updated daily): |
36 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * 2.4.0: |
37 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | * C++ cheatsheet: source:trunk/opencv/doc/opencv_cheatsheet.pdf |
38 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
39 | 1 | h2. Providing feedback |
40 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
41 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | You know, we love [[How_to_contribute|contributions]]! And please check the open "Android issues": on the bug tracker. |
42 | 3 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
43 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Issue tracker: (you're already here). If you submit a ticket, please provide the correct "Category" name - @android@). If you could not identify the cause of the error, please provide the following information in your ticket: |
44 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Version number of Android platform (all 3 components of the version - for example: 2.2.1); |
45 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Exact CPU model of your device ("@adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo@" command); |
46 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Output of "@adb logcat@" command; |
47 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Name of a sample if the problem is reproducible for any of the samples included into the binary package. |
48 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
49 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | * Contacts |
50 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Android-OpenCV group: |
51 | 4 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Email: [email protected] *(please use the Anroid-OpenCV group first of all, we do not provide private consultancy)* |
52 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | ** Twitter: |
53 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | |
54 | 2 | Alexander Smorkalov | h2. Deprecated pages |
55 | 1 | ||
56 | 1 | * "OpenCV 2.2 for Android": - These are the instructions if you are building against the 2.2 release of OpenCV. |
57 | 1 | * "OpenCV 2.3.0 for Android": - These are the instructions if you are building against the 2.3.0 release of OpenCV. |
58 | 1 | * "Build Android NDK application with prebuilt OpenCV 2.3.0 alpha": |
59 | 1 | * "Prebuilt OpenCV 2.3.1 Package instruction on old wiki": |
60 | 1 | ||
61 | 1 | * "How to build Android NDK application with prebuilt OpenCV": |
62 | 1 | * "AndroidExperimental": - This is temporary page describing how to build OpenCV with a stanalone toolchain |