GSoC 2016
Version 11 (Gary Bradski, 2016-04-24 08:51 am)
1 | 1 | h1. *Ideas Page for OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2016 (GSoC 2016)* |
2 | 1 | ||
3 | 1 | ||
4 | 8 | Gary Bradski | *OpenCV Augmented Reality from ArUco Markers last year. (click image for video showing all 2015 projects)* |
5 | 6 | Gary Bradski | " !AR_Aruco.png! ": |
6 | 1 | ||
7 | 1 | ---- |
8 | 1 | ||
9 | 1 | h2. General Information: |
10 | 1 | ||
11 | 9 | Gary Bradski | * "GSoC 2016 site": |
12 | 8 | Gary Bradski | * Mailing list for OpenCV GSOC 2016: [email protected] |
13 | 8 | Gary Bradski | ** Group site!forum/opencv-gsoc-2016 |
14 | 11 | Gary Bradski | * IRC Channel: |
15 | 11 | Gary Bradski | <pre> |
16 | 11 | Gary Bradski | #opencv on freenode |
17 | 11 | Gary Bradski | </pre> |
18 | 2 | Gary Bradski | * "Timeline for GSoC 2016": |
19 | 1 | ||
20 | 1 | ** *Next important dates:* |
21 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Feb 19 19:00 UTC: Mentoring organization application deadline. |
22 | 4 | Gary Bradski | *** Feb 29 19:00 UTC: List of accepted Organizations. |
23 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Mar 14 16:00 UTC: Student Application period begins! |
24 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Mar 25 19:00 UTC: Student Application period ends! |
25 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** ? Deadline for OpenCV to request # of slots. |
26 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** ? Google publishes how many slots we get. |
27 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** ? Try to eliminate duplication of students. |
28 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** ? IRC for OpenCV to resolve all duplications. |
29 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Apr 22 19:00 UTC: Accepted students announced. |
30 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** May 23 Let Coding begin! |
31 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Jun 20 19:00 UTC: Mid term evaluation begins. *Pull requests must be in* |
32 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Jun 27 19:00 UTC: Mid term evaluation ends. *Pull requests must be in* |
33 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Aug 23 19:00 UTC: Coding stop; Pull requests must be in; Mentors: final evaluation begins... |
34 | 3 | Gary Bradski | *** Aug 29 19:00 UTC: Final evaluation deadline. |
35 | 4 | Gary Bradski | *** Late October: Mentor Summit! |
36 | 1 | ||
37 | 1 | *Times:* |
38 | 1 | * UTC to PDT (California uses PST in the winter (from Nov 1st) and PDT in the summer (from March 8)). |
39 | 1 | ** "utc time converter": |
40 | 1 | ||
41 | 1 | *Resources:* |
42 | 1 | ||
43 | 1 | * "OpenCV Developers Site": |
44 | 1 | * "OpenCV User's Site": |
45 | 1 | * [[How_to_contribute|How to do a pull request/How to Contribute Code]] |
46 | 1 | * Source Code can be found at "GitHub": |
47 | 1 | ** To get the source code, point your git client to @git:// Here are [[Working_with_OpenCV_git_repository|instructions]]. |
48 | 1 | <pre> |
49 | 1 | git clone git:// |
50 | 1 | </pre> |
51 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** To get user contributions, GSoC code, go to: |
52 | 11 | Gary Bradski | <pre> |
53 | 11 | Gary Bradski | git clone git:// |
54 | 11 | Gary Bradski | </pre> |
55 | 1 | ** The rest of the history plus matches between git commits and SVN revisions are stored at a separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: git:// |
56 | 1 | ** Also OpenCV Extra was put to a separate repository: git:// |
57 | 1 | * [[OpenCV Development Process]] |
58 | 1 | ** [[Meeting_notes|Developer meeting notes]] |
59 | 1 | ||
60 | 1 | h2. How you will be evaluated if you are an accepted student |
61 | 1 | ||
62 | 1 | * Student projects to be paid only if: |
63 | 1 | ** *Midterm:* |
64 | 1 | *** You must generate a pull request |
65 | 1 | **** That builds |
66 | 1 | **** Has at least stubbed out functionality |
67 | 1 | **** With appropriate Doxygen documentation |
68 | 1 | **** Has at least stubbed out unit test |
69 | 1 | **** Has a stubbed out example of use that builds |
70 | 1 | ** *End of summer:* |
71 | 1 | *** A full pull request |
72 | 1 | **** Full Doxygen documentation |
73 | 1 | **** A good unit test |
74 | 1 | **** Example of use code |
75 | 1 | *** Create a (short!) Movie (preferably on Youtube, but any movie) that demonstrates your code |
76 | 1 | **** We use this to create an overall summary. Past years: |
77 | 1 | ***** "The 2015 Movie": |
78 | 1 | ***** "The 2014 Movie": |
79 | 1 | ***** "The 2013 Movie": |
80 | 1 | ||
81 | 1 | ||
82 | 1 | h2. For students interested in applying |
83 | 1 | ||
84 | 11 | Gary Bradski | # You *must* already know how to program fluently in C++ |
85 | 1 | ** Some projects may require Python or Matlab skills |
86 | 11 | Gary Bradski | # Ask to join the "OpenCV GSoC Forum List":!forum/opencv-gsoc-2016 |
87 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Discuss projects below or other ideas with us there (Feb 29 - March 13) |
88 | 11 | Gary Bradski | # On March 14th - 25th, Go to the "GSoC site": and sign up to be a student with OpenCV |
89 | 11 | Gary Bradski | # Post the project from below or your own agreed on project on the GSoC to [email protected] |
90 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Include Name, google email, age |
91 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Include how you think you are qualified to accomplish this project (skills, courses, relevant background) |
92 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Include Country of origin, school you are enrolled in, Professor you work with (if any) |
93 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Include a projected timeline and milestones for the project |
94 | 11 | Gary Bradski | # Once (and if!) OpenCV gets accepted as GSoC 2016 org (Feb 29th), and we are told how many slots we will get *and* you've signed up for a project with us (March 14-25th) |
95 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** We will weight the students and projects against mentors and their interests and choose which students/project to pursue. |
96 | 11 | Gary Bradski | ** Accepted students will be posted on the GSoC site on April 22nd (and we will notify the accepted students ourselves). |
97 | 1 | ||
98 | 1 | h2. For computer vision professionals interested in mentoring |
99 | 4 | Gary Bradski | |
100 | 1 | # Go to the "GSoC site": and sign up. |
101 | 1 | # Request to be a mentor for OpenCV there. |
102 | 1 | # We accept or reject you |
103 | 1 | # Students submit projects and you |
104 | 1 | ** find a project you want to mentor (several students might try for the same project) |
105 | 1 | ** contact us about it through [email protected] so we can be sure there is not someone already handling that project |
106 | 1 | ** contact the students to assess which one if any are capable of coding that up in a summer. |
107 | 1 | # We get a slot allocation from Google, the administrators then _"spend"_ the slots in order of priority |
108 | 1 | # Students must finally actually accept to do that project (some sign up for multiple organizations and then choose) |
109 | 1 | ||
110 | 1 | *If* you are accepted as a mentor *and* you find a suitable student *and* we give you a slot *and* the student signs up for it, +*then*+ you are a mentor. |
111 | 1 | ** It sounds harder than it is. |
112 | 1 | ||
113 | 1 | ||
114 | 1 | <pre> |
115 | 1 | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |
116 | 1 | </pre> |
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118 | 1 | h1. 2016 Project Ideas: |
119 | 1 | ||
120 | 1 | *Students may propose their own projects (give us a clear summary and why you can do this project). However, below are some of our priorities for this year* Contact us and/or discuss ideas at!forum/opencv-gsoc-2015 |
121 | 1 | ||
122 | 1 | _These are not in order of priority_ |
123 | 1 | ||
124 | 1 | *1 Google Cardboard* |
125 | 1 | * Do visual odometry, SLAM etc for Google Cardboard |
126 | 1 | ||
127 | 1 | *2 Projection mapping (Projected Augmented Reality)* |
128 | 1 | * Calibrate a camera to a projector |
129 | 1 | * Put out structured light to learn the 3D map of what's in front of the camera |
130 | 1 | * Project the camera image, suitably rotated and shifted onto the scene |
131 | 1 | * Unity or some other program to start transforming the scene for projection mapping |
132 | 1 | ** See to get ideas of what you can do with this |
133 | 1 | ||
134 | 1 | *3 Update OpenCV file storage so that it's readable by Python in OpenCV (move to YAML 1.2 Edition 3)* |
135 | 1 | * Mentor Prasanna |
136 | 1 | * OpenCV C++ writes out its own YAML tags which makes it incompatible with it's own Python and with external python readers |
137 | 1 | * Speedup fs reading/writing, add JSON support, add base64 (+RLE) support for large amounts of numerical data |
138 | 1 | * References |
139 | 1 | ** YAML |
140 | 1 | ** Problem statement: |
141 | 1 | ||
142 | 1 | *4 Stereo correspondence improvements* |
143 | 1 | * More accurate and faster stereo correspondence (StereoBM/StereoSGBM) by using LBP/BRIEF/DAISY etc. per-pixel descriptors instead of sum-of-absolute-differences. |
144 | 1 | ||
145 | 1 | *5 Self-contained video codec(s)* |
146 | 1 | * There is draft version of self-contained motion jpeg encoder to be integrated to OpenCV. |
147 | 1 | * We will also need decoder, 12-bit jpeg support, multi-threaded encoder and decoder. |
148 | 1 | * There are some other codecs, like libvpx, which we can support and link right into highgui, without dependency from ffmpeg/libav. |
149 | 1 | ||
150 | 1 | *6 Deep learning* |
151 | 1 | * It would be cool if OpenCV could load and run deep networks trained with popular DNN packages like Caffe, Theano or Torch. |
152 | 1 | * GPU/OpenCL optimization and/or other optimizations (that can partly be contributed back to the upstream projects) are also encouraged. |
153 | 1 | ||
154 | 1 | *7 Better interactive camera calibration* |
155 | 1 | * Modern algorithms would allow us to recompute camera parameters after almost each frame, compute reprojection error, compute confidence intervals for the parameters. |
156 | 1 | * the partially occluded calibration patterns could be handled somehow to, especially if we want to estimate intrinsic parameters only. |
157 | 1 | * the application may show us the areas where the corner borders have been shown so that user can see how good are the data |
158 | 1 | ||
159 | 1 | *9 Color Calibration and white balance* |
160 | 1 | * With McBeth chart and with gray world algorithm (improve exisiting color constancy algorithms) |
161 | 1 | * Possibly collect deep learning way of doing this (needs large training set) |
162 | 1 | ||
163 | 1 | *10 Realtime image preprocessing algorithms (real time on mobile)* |
164 | 1 | * We and many other OpenCV users would definitely enjoy very fast denoising, color improvements, white balance etc. algorithms. |
165 | 1 | ||
166 | 1 | *11 Tracking improvements* |
167 | 1 | * TLD algorithm is implemented in OpenCV, but it needs improvements and optimizations. |
168 | 1 | * ASM/AAM can also be implemented, as well as the particle filter. |
169 | 1 | ||
170 | 1 | ||
171 | 1 | *12 PBM (part-based models) improvements* |
172 | 1 | * There is latentsvm package in opencv_contrib that needs to be improved (quality-wise and speed-wise). |
173 | 1 | * Adding training, even if it involves execution of external svmperf or other tool, is definitely appreciated too. |
174 | 1 | ||
175 | 1 | *13 Improving ICF/ACF + <some>Boost training and detection* |
176 | 1 | * In opencv_contrib there is initial version of the training application and detector based on integral channel features and boosting. Further improvements of this part would be really useful. |
177 | 1 | ||
178 | 1 | *14 lua+OpenCV* |
179 | 1 | * the other language that is now used more often for ML and CV (thanks to Torch) is Lua; there are old bindings for a tiny part of OpenCV; could be useful to extend our autogenerated bindings to Lua. |
180 | 1 | ||
181 | 1 | *15 human interaction* |
182 | 1 | * gesture recognition |
183 | 1 | * human skeleton based on 2d or 3d |
184 | 1 | ||
185 | 1 | *17 Quad Rotor Contrib* |
186 | 1 | * Apply much of the above into a quad rotor drone automatic tracking, mapping navigation etc module |
187 | 1 | ||
188 | 1 | ||
189 | 1 | New 2016 ideas: |
190 | 1 | ||
191 | 1 | *Architecture |
192 | 1 | * Exceptions in OpenCV need to be easily disabled ? (need to check if that's the case or not) |
193 | 1 | * Minimal OpenCV: give the functions you want, it gives you a minimal version of the library. |
194 | 1 | * reduce the size of OpenCV on Anddroid |
195 | 1 | * create a more C++ type (to be able to deal with constness and separate the pointer from the type) |
196 | 1 | * create an image type (that would also have color information, maybe calibration too) and implement a proper resize algorithm for that type |
197 | 1 | ||
198 | 1 | *Tracking |
199 | 1 | * David Tanâs tracking |
200 | 1 | 2d: |
201 | 1 | 3d: |
202 | 1 | ||
203 | 1 | *misc |
204 | 1 | * convexHull is implemented with Sklansky's second, 1982 algorithm, which is incorrect in some case, and suboptimal complexity-wise. cf. |
205 | 1 | cv::contourArea(cv::convexHull(contour)) for a convex contour is different from cv::contourArea(contour), somtimes by nearly 30%. |
206 | 1 | ||
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208 | 1 | ||
209 | 1 | <pre> |
210 | 1 | /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ |
211 | 1 | </pre> |
212 | 1 | ||
213 | 1 | ||
214 | 1 | h1. Accepted Projects for OpenCV GSoC 2016: |
215 | 1 | ||
216 | 1 | OpenCV GSoC 2016 students, projects, mentors are below. *WHEN THEY ARE KNOWN* |
217 | 1 | ||
218 | 1 | ||
219 | 1 | *GSoC Progress. Need Pull requests (don't have to be complete) to pass by July 3rd* |
220 | 1 | ||
221 | 1 | *Mailing Lists (only for use of Mentors and Students, please to not request to join these lists otherwise):* |
222 | 1 | * Mentors |
223 | 1 | ** opencv-gsoc2015-mentors |
224 | 1 | * Students |
225 | 1 | ** opencv-gsoc2015-students |
226 | 1 | ||
227 | 1 | * [[How_to_contribute|How to do a pull request]] |
228 | 1 | ||
229 | 1 | *Pre-Midterm status:* |
230 | 1 | ||
231 | 1 | Project notes will be compiled "here": . |
232 | 1 | ||
233 | 1 | ||
234 | 1 | ||
235 | 1 | h2. Mentors |
236 | 1 | ||
237 | 1 | *Actual signed up mentors* |
238 | 1 | ||
239 | 1 | * Alexander Mordvintsev zzznah(+) |
240 | 1 | * Sid Bao ybao(+) |
241 | 1 | * Vincent Rabaud vincent.rabaud(+) |
242 | 1 | * Vadim Pisarevsky vadim.pisarevsky(+) |
243 | 1 | * Adrian Kaehler therealadrian(+) |
244 | 1 | * Terry Boult tboult(+) |
245 | 1 | * spmallick spmallick(+) |
246 | 1 | * Serge Belongie sjb344(+) |
247 | 1 | * Stefano s.fabri10(+) |
248 | 1 | * Prasanna pras.bits(+) |
249 | 1 | * Pablo Alcantarilla pablofdezalc(+) |
250 | 1 | * Bence Magyar mw.mzperx(+) |
251 | 1 | * Manuele manuele.tamburrano(+) |
252 | 1 | * Grace Vesom grace.vesom(+) |
253 | 1 | * Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) garybradski(+) |
254 | 1 | * Douglas Lee dougabug(+) |
255 | 1 | * Claudia Rapuano c.rapuano(+) |
256 | 1 | * Antonella Cascitelli antonellacascitelli(+) |
257 | 1 | * Anatoly Baksheev anatoly.baksheev(+) |
258 | 1 | * Alexander alexander.shishkov(+) |
259 | 1 | * Alexander Smorkalov alexander.smorkalov(+) |
260 | 1 | * Alexander Bovyrin alexander.bovyrin(+) |
261 | 1 | ||
262 | 1 | ||
263 | 1 | ||
264 | 1 | In the below, get rid of the ''-delete-'' to make the emails work. |
265 | 1 | ||
266 | 1 | Anatoly Baksheev |
267 | 1 | Researcher, Vision Algorithms on GPU |
268 | 1 | Argus/Itseez |
269 | 1 | [email protected] |
270 | 1 | ||
271 | 1 | Alexander Bovyrin |
272 | 1 | PhD, Senior Researcher |
273 | 1 | Argus/Itseez founder |
274 | 1 | NNU Lecturer |
275 | 1 | [email protected] |
276 | 1 | ||
277 | 1 | Gary Bradski |
278 | 1 | Founder, Industrial Perception Inc. |
279 | 1 | Consulting Prof. Stanford U. |
280 | 1 | OpenCV Founder, Technical Content Owner, GSoC Admin |
281 | 1 | Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book |
282 | 1 | |
283 | 1 | [email protected] |
284 | 1 | ||
285 | 1 | Antonella Cascitelli |
286 | 1 | Grad student, University of Rome |
287 | 1 | [email protected] |
288 | 1 | ||
289 | 1 | Eric Christiansen |
290 | 1 | PhD, UCSD |
291 | 1 | [email protected] |
292 | 1 | ||
293 | 1 | Stefano Fabri |
294 | 1 | CRR Team leader, University of Rome |
295 | 1 | [email protected] |
296 | 1 | ||
297 | 1 | Victor Eruhimov |
298 | 1 | OpenCV founding team/Senior Researcher |
299 | 1 | Argus/Itseez founder |
300 | 1 | NNU Lecturer |
301 | 1 | [email protected] |
302 | 1 | ||
303 | 1 | Adrian Kaehler |
304 | 1 | Principle Engineer, Applied Minds |
305 | 1 | Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book. |
306 | 1 | [email protected] |
307 | 1 | ||
308 | 1 | Peter Karasev |
309 | 1 | PhD Student, MINERVA Research Group |
310 | 1 | Georgia Tech |
311 | 1 | [email protected] |
312 | 1 | ||
313 | 1 | Vadim Pisarevsky |
314 | 1 | OpenCV founding team/Czar |
315 | 1 | [email protected] |
316 | 1 | ||
317 | 1 | Manuele Tamburrano |
318 | 1 | Grad Student, University of Rome |
319 | 1 | [email protected] |
320 | 1 | ||
321 | 1 | Vincent Rabaud |
322 | 1 | Principle Engineer, Aldebaran Robotics |
323 | 1 | [email protected] |
324 | 1 | ||
325 | 1 | Claudia Rapuano |
326 | 1 | Grad student, University of Rome |
327 | 1 | [email protected] |
328 | 1 | ||
329 | 1 | Grace Vesom |
330 | 1 | Senior Software Engineer, Magic Leap |
331 | 1 | |
332 | 1 | ||
333 | 1 | Bence Magyar |
334 | 1 | Pal Robotics |
335 | 1 | [email protected] |
336 | 1 | ||
337 | 1 | Pablo Alcantarilla |
338 | 1 | Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. |
339 | 1 | [email protected] |
340 | 1 | ||
341 | 1 | h3. Back up Mentors |
342 | 1 | ||
343 | 1 | Mark Asbach |
344 | 1 | Fraunhofer IAIS |
345 | 1 | Schloss Birlinghoven |
346 | 1 | Sankt Augustin, Germany |
347 | 1 | |
348 | 1 | [email protected] |
349 | 1 | ||
350 | 1 | ||
351 | 1 | Nicolas Saunier, Ph.D. |
352 | 1 | Assistant Professor |
353 | 1 | Civil, Geological and Mining Department (CGM) |
354 | 1 | Ãcole Polytechnique de Montréal |
355 | 1 | |
356 | 1 | [email protected] |
357 | 1 | ||
358 | 1 | ||
359 | 1 | Alexander Mordvintsev |
360 | 1 | Software Engineer |
361 | 1 | |
362 | 1 | [email protected] |
363 | 1 | ||
364 | 1 | Andrey Morozov |
365 | 1 | Software Engineer |
366 | 1 | Argus/Itseez |
367 | 1 | [email protected] |
368 | 4 | Gary Bradski | |
369 | 1 | h2. OpenCV Org. Application to GSoC 2016 |
370 | 10 | Gary Bradski | |
371 | 1 | [[OpenCV GSoC Application]] |
372 | 1 | ||
373 | 1 | h2. Previous Years |
374 | 1 | ||
375 | 1 | * 2015 "GSoC 2015 Ideas Page": |
376 | 1 | ** "The 2015 Movie": |
377 | 1 | * 2014 "GSoC 2014 Ideas Page": |
378 | 1 | ** "The 2014 Movie": |
379 | 1 | * 2013 "GSoC 2013 Ideas Page": |
380 | 1 | ** "The 2013 Movie": |
381 | 1 | * 2012 Ideas site |
382 | 1 | * 2011 Ideas site |
383 | 1 | ** 2011 Application GSoC page is |
384 | 1 | * 2010 Ideas site |
385 | 1 | ** 2010 Application page |
386 | 1 | ||
387 | 1 | ---- |