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Gary Bradski, 2015-11-24 07:05 pm
Ideas Page for OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2015 (GSoC 2015)¶
We are an accepted organization in GSoC 2015!
OpenCV 3D recognition and pose from last year.
General Information:¶
- GSoC 2015 site: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015
- Mailing list for OpenCV GSOC 2015: [email protected]
- Timeline for GSoC 2015
- Next important dates:
Feb 20 19:00 UTC: Organization Application Deadline.DONE!Mar 02 19:00 UTC: List of accepted Organizations.We're in!- Mar 16 16:00 UTC: Student Application period begins!
- Mar 27 19:00 UTC: Student Application period ends!
- Apr 13 Deadline for OpenCV to request # of slots.
- Apr 15 Google publishes how many slots we get.
- Apr 21 Try to eliminate duplication of students.
- Apr 24 IRC for OpenCV to resolve all duplications.
- Apr 27 19:00 UTC: Accepted students announced.
- May 25 Let Coding begin!
- Jun 26 19:00 UTC: Mid term evaluation begins.
- Jul 03 19:00 UTC: Mid term end.
- Aug 21 19:00 UTC: Coding stop; Pull requests must be in; Mentors: final evaluation begins...
- Aug 28 19:00 UTC: Final evaluation deadline; Students begin submitting code.
- Sept 25 19:00 UTC: Deadline for Google Code submission
- Oct 24-25: Mentor Summit!
- we'll create a video just like we did 2013 year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TTtN4frMEA
- 2014 Vincent?!
- UTC to PDT (California uses PST in the winter (from Nov 1st) and PDT in the summer (from March 8)).
- OpenCV Developers Site
- OpenCV User's Site
- How to Contribute Code
- Source Code can be found at GitHub.
- To get the source code, point your git client to
. Here are instructions.git clone git://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git
- The rest of the history plus matches between git commits and SVN revisions are stored at a separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: git://code.opencv.org/opencv_attic.git.
- Also OpenCV Extra was put to a separate repository: git://code.opencv.org/opencv_extra.git.
- To get the source code, point your git client to
- OpenCV Development Process
How you will be evaluated if you are an accepted student¶
- Student projects to be paid only if:
- Midterm:
- You must generate a pull request
- That builds
- Has at least stubbed out functionality
- With appropriate Doxygen documentation
- Has at least stubbed out unit test
- Has a stubbed out example of use that builds
- You must generate a pull request
- End of summer:
- A full pull request
- Full Doxygen documentation
- A good unit test
- Example of use code
- Create a (short!) Movie (preferably on Youtube, but any movie) that demonstrates your code
- We use this to create an overall summary. Past years:
- A full pull request
- Midterm:
For students or mentors interested in applying¶
- You must already know how to program well in C++
- Some projects may require Python or Matlab skills
- Discuss projects below or other ideas with us https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/opencv-gsoc-2015
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2015 Project Ideas:¶
Students may propose their own projects (give us a clear summary and why you can do this project). However, below are some of our priorities for this year Contact us and/or discuss ideas at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/opencv-gsoc-2015
These are not in order of priority
1 Google Cardboard- Do visual odometry, SLAM etc for Google Cardboard
- Calibrate a camera to a projector
- Put out structured light to learn the 3D map of what's in front of the camera
- Project the camera image, suitably rotated and shifted onto the scene
- Unity or some other program to start transforming the scene for projection mapping
- See http://www.creativebloq.com/video/projection-mapping-912849 to get ideas of what you can do with this
- Mentor Prasanna
- OpenCV C++ writes out its own YAML tags which makes it incompatible with it's own Python and with external python readers
- Speedup fs reading/writing, add JSON support, add base64 (+RLE) support for large amounts of numerical data
- References
- YAML http://www.yaml.org
- Problem statement: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11141336/filestorage-for-opencv-python-api
- More accurate and faster stereo correspondence (StereoBM/StereoSGBM) by using LBP/BRIEF/DAISY etc. per-pixel descriptors instead of sum-of-absolute-differences.
- There is draft version of self-contained motion jpeg encoder to be integrated to OpenCV.
- We will also need decoder, 12-bit jpeg support, multi-threaded encoder and decoder.
- There are some other codecs, like libvpx, which we can support and link right into highgui, without dependency from ffmpeg/libav.
- It would be cool if OpenCV could load and run deep networks trained with popular DNN packages like Caffe, Theano or Torch.
- GPU/OpenCL optimization and/or other optimizations (that can partly be contributed back to the upstream projects) are also encouraged.
- Modern algorithms would allow us to recompute camera parameters after almost each frame, compute reprojection error, compute confidence intervals for the parameters.
- the partially occluded calibration patterns could be handled somehow to, especially if we want to estimate intrinsic parameters only.
- the application may show us the areas where the corner borders have been shown so that user can see how good are the data
- We know how to combine Aruco targets with checker boards to create a "super calibration" object
- It also can express ~1 billion distinct codes
- Implement this for OpenCV
- Aruco target finding description
- Great overview
- A similar system to Arcuo: AprilTag: A robust an dflexible visual fiducial system
- With McBeth chart and with gray world algorithm (improve exisiting color constancy algorithms)
- Possibly collect deep learning way of doing this (needs large training set)
- We and many other OpenCV users would definitely enjoy very fast denoising, color improvements, white balance etc. algorithms.
- TLD algorithm is implemented in OpenCV, but it needs improvements and optimizations.
- ASM/AAM can also be implemented, as well as the particle filter.
- There is latentsvm package in opencv_contrib that needs to be improved (quality-wise and speed-wise).
- Adding training, even if it involves execution of external svmperf or other tool, is definitely appreciated too.
- In opencv_contrib there is initial version of the training application and detector based on integral channel features and boosting. Further improvements of this part would be really useful.
- there is emerging numl language, suitable for implementation of complex computationally-intensive algorithms. OpenCV bindings for this language would be really useful.
- the other language that is now used more often for ML and CV (thanks to Torch) is Lua; there are old bindings for a tiny part of OpenCV; could be useful to extend our autogenerated bindings to Lua.
- gesture recognition
- human skeleton based on 2d or 3d
- update libmv to OpenMVG and get the 3d viz from OpenCV
- Make the Structure from Motion Module coherent
- Apply much of the above into a quad rotor drone automatic tracking, mapping navigation etc module
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Accepted Projects for OpenCV GSoC 2015:¶
OpenCV GSoC 2015 students, projects, mentors are below. WHEN THEY ARE KNOWN
Student Project Mentor(s) ======= ======= ========
Project notes will be compiled here .
Actual signed up mentors
- Alexander Mordvintsev zzznah(+)gmail.com
- Sid Bao ybao(+)magicleap.com
- Vincent Rabaud vincent.rabaud(+)gmail.com
- Vadim Pisarevsky vadim.pisarevsky(+)gmail.com
- Adrian Kaehler therealadrian(+)gmail.com
- Terry Boult tboult(+)vast.uccs.edu
- spmallick spmallick(+)taaz.com
- Serge Belongie sjb344(+)cornell.edu
- Stefano s.fabri10(+)gmail.com
- Prasanna pras.bits(+)gmail.com
- Pablo Alcantarilla pablofdezalc(+)gmail.com
- Bence Magyar mw.mzperx(+)gmail.com
- Manuele manuele.tamburrano(+)gmail.com
- Grace Vesom grace.vesom(+)gmail.com
- Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) garybradski(+)gmail.com
- Douglas Lee dougabug(+)gmail.com
- Claudia Rapuano c.rapuano(+)gmail.com
- Antonella Cascitelli antonellacascitelli(+)gmail.com
- Anatoly Baksheev anatoly.baksheev(+)itseez.com
- Alexander alexander.shishkov(+)itseez.com
- Alexander Smorkalov alexander.smorkalov(+)itseez.com
- Alexander Bovyrin alexander.bovyrin(+)itseez.com
In the below, get rid of the ''-delete-'' to make the emails work.
Anatoly Baksheev
Researcher, Vision Algorithms on GPU
[email protected]
Alexander Bovyrin
PhD, Senior Researcher
Argus/Itseez founder
NNU Lecturer
[email protected]
Gary Bradski
Founder, Industrial Perception Inc.
Consulting Prof. Stanford U.
OpenCV Founder, Technical Content Owner, GSoC Admin
Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book
[email protected]
Antonella Cascitelli
Grad student, University of Rome
[email protected]
Eric Christiansen
[email protected]
Stefano Fabri
CRR Team leader, University of Rome
[email protected]
Victor Eruhimov
OpenCV founding team/Senior Researcher
Argus/Itseez founder
NNU Lecturer
[email protected]
Adrian Kaehler
Principle Engineer, Applied Minds
Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book.
[email protected]
Peter Karasev
PhD Student, MINERVA Research Group
Georgia Tech
[email protected]
Vadim Pisarevsky
OpenCV founding team/Czar
[email protected]
Manuele Tamburrano
Grad Student, University of Rome
[email protected]
Vincent Rabaud
Principle Engineer, Aldebaran Robotics
[email protected]
Claudia Rapuano
Grad student, University of Rome
[email protected]
Grace Vesom
Senior Software Engineer, Magic Leap
Bence Magyar
Pal Robotics
[email protected]
Pablo Alcantarilla
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd.
[email protected]
Back up Mentors¶
Mark Asbach
Fraunhofer IAIS
Schloss Birlinghoven
Sankt Augustin, Germany
[email protected]
Nicolas Saunier, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Civil, Geological and Mining Department (CGM)
Ãcole Polytechnique de Montréal
[email protected]
Alexander Mordvintsev
Software Engineer
[email protected]
Andrey Morozov
Software Engineer
[email protected]
OpenCV Org. Application to GSoC 2015¶
Previous Years¶
- 2014 GSoC 2014 Ideas Page
- 2013 GSoC 2013 Ideas Page
- 2012 Ideas site http://code.opencv.org/projects/gsoc2012/wiki/Wiki/
- 2011 Ideas site http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/GSOC_OpenCV2011
- 2011 Application GSoC page is http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/GSoC2011OpenCVApplication
- 2010 Ideas site http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/GSOC_OpenCV2010
- 2010 Application page http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/ApplicationGSOC2010