GSoC 2015

Version 2 (Gary Bradski, 2015-11-24 07:05 pm) → Version 3/50 (Gary Bradski, 2015-11-24 07:05 pm)

h1. *Ideas Page for OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2015 (GSoC 2015)*


*OpenCV 3D recognition and pose from last year.*


h2. General Information:

* "GSoC 2015 2014 site:":":
* Mailing list for OpenCV GSOC 2015: [email protected] 2014: [email protected]
** Group site!forum/opencv-gsoc-2015!forum/opencv-gsoc-2014
* "Timeline for GSoC 2015":

** *Next important dates:*
*** Feb 20 19:00 UTC: Organization Application Deadline. -March 21: Final call to register with GSoC and submit a project to OpenCV-
*** Mar 02 19:00 UTC: List of accepted Organizations.
*** Mar 16 16:00 UTC: Student Application
-Interim period begins! all mentors go to and rate the proposals-
*** Mar 27 19:00 UTC: Student Application period ends!
*** Apr 13 Deadline for
-April 6 OpenCV to request # of slots.
*** Apr 15 Google publishes
Request how many slots we get. want-
*** Apr 21 Try to eliminate duplication of students. -April 9 Slot allocations published-
*** Apr 24 IRC -Talk amongst your orgs for OpenCV to resolve all duplications. slots-
*** Apr 27 19:00 UTC: Accepted students announced. -April 18: *All mentors must be signed up. Deduplication Meeting*-
*** May 25 Let Coding begin! -April 21 Project selections announced-
*** Jun 26 19:00 UTC: Mid term evaluation begins. -May 19 Coding starts!-
*** Jul 03 19:00 UTC: Mid term end. -June 23-27 Midterm-
*** Aug 21 19:00 UTC: Coding stop; Pull requests must be in; Mentors: final evaluation begins... -Aug 11 Documentation, Youtube video (*MUST BE DONE*)-
*** Aug 28 19:00 UTC: Final evaluation deadline; Students begin submitting code. -Aug 18 It's over folks-
*** Sept -Aug 25 19:00 UTC: Deadline for Google Code submission Results are posted-
*** Oct 24-25: 23-26 Mentor Summit! summit

* we'll create a video just like we did 2013 last year
* 2014 *Vincent?!*

* UTC to PDT (Pacific Daylight Time == Daylight savings time. In winter it's PST).
** "utc time converter":


* "OpenCV Developers Site":
* "OpenCV User's Site":
* [[How_to_contribute|How to Contribute Code]]
* Source Code can be found at "GitHub":
** To get the source code, point your git client to @git:// Here are [[Working_with_OpenCV_git_repository|instructions]].
git clone git://
** The rest of the history plus matches between git commits and SVN revisions are stored at a separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: git://
** Also OpenCV Extra was put to a separate repository: git://
* [[OpenCV Development Process]]
** [[Meeting_notes|Developer meeting notes]]

h2. For students or mentors interested in applying

* You *must* already know how to program well in C++
** Some projects may require Python or Matlab skills
* Discuss projects below or other ideas with us!forum/opencv-gsoc-2014

h1. Accepted Projects for OpenCV GSoC 2015: 2014:

OpenCV GSoC 2015 2014 students, projects, mentors are below. *WHEN THEY ARE KNOWN*

Mentor "link to spreadsheet and email is here": .

Student Project Mentor(s)
======= ======= ========

Lluis Gomez Improve Scene Text Detection module in OpenCV Stefano Fabri, Vadim Pisarevsky
Abid Rahman Extend of OpenCV-Python Bindings and Tutorials Vadim Pisarevsky
Fedor Morozov Local feature descriptors Pablo Alcantarilla
Siddharth Kherada Computational Photography: Image Decomp Color spmallick
Daniel Angelov Custom Calibration Pattern Sid Bao
Vitaly Lyudvichenko New edge-aware filters for OpenCV Alexander Mordvintsev
Alex Leontiev Learning based trackers Gary Bradski
Tolga Bridle Rec & Pose Est of 3D Objects via 3D Features Bence Magyar
Francesco Puja Saliency improvement for tracking Antonella Cascitelli
edgarriba Real Time Pose Est Tutorial and DLS impl. Alexander Shishkov
Yuri Gitman P. Dollar segmentation algorithm Alexander Shishkov
Vlad Shakhuro Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West Alexander Bovyrin
biagio Geometrical-primitives based localization system Manuele Tamburrano
Tomasz Pietruszka Optical Flow Estimation – state-of-the-art Prasanna Krishnasamy
Paul Foster Dense Tracking and Mapping (DTAM) for OpenCV Vincent Rabaud

Project notes will be are compiled "here": "here": .

h1. Project Ideas summary:

*Students may propose their own projects (give us a clear summary and why you can do this project). However, below are some of our priorities for this year*

Contact us and/or discuss ideas at!forum/opencv-gsoc-2014

+These are not in order of priority+

* Finger print detection (Prasanna Krishnasamy)
** Implement the detectors associated with MINDTCT and other algorithms
** Full recognition pipeline as done by NIST
*** Some description can be found here:

* Quadrotor / quadcopter computer vision (Gary Bradski)
** Implement hovering, tracking other algorithms
** Due to the nature of this, you should have a working quad rotor craft with camera and feedback to work with

* Expand the Matlab port from GSoC 2013
** Matlab will likely continue to mentor

* Graphics rendering expert: Create a data set generator for OpenCV
** We want to take a 3D scan or CAD model of a rigid object, and
*** render it 1000's of times
*** in different lightings
*** using settable camera parameters (OpenCV structure)
*** outputting the rendered image and the ground truth mask and 6DOF pose
** We also want to do the same thing with humans and/or hands
*** Use makehuman + blender + poser or any other tool
*** Create humans/hands in 1000's of poses, lightings etc

* We would like to create a "High school robotics competition intelligent vision package" to allow high school robot competitions to be more autonomous
** In Python
*** Calibration
*** Stereo
*** Planar object detection and tracking
*** Object tracking (such as balls)

* Expand 3D processing in OpenCV already in the "RGBD module":
** Surface curvature
** Basic 3D features
** ICP step to improve LINE-MOD

* Expand OpenCV Viz module
** +Mentor:+ Anatoly Baksheev
** Integration message loops highgui & viz. For now they are handled separately by waitKey & Viz3d::spin()
** More widgets (like human body/hand/skeletons visualization, need to generate more ideas)
** More widgets (free-fly mode, possible will be done before GSoC by me)

* Code up Piotr Dollár's method of segmentation, make it fast
** Matlab implementation:

* Code up Piotr Dollár's __The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West__
** Paper:

* Automatically generating comics:
** See
** Do effects like comic life

* Finish off OpenCV's Soft Cascades, use it to detect faces in many orientations
** Existing OpenCV code documentation:
** Original paper:
*** training, new features, detection
*** interframe interpolation and smoothing
*** outlier supression

* Continue on and expand the computational photography project from GSoC 2013
** Help support the growth of mobile cameras on tablets and phones. Fun stuff and important
*** tilt-shift images and movies,
*** high dynamic range images by composition with different shutter times
**** another important topic on HDR imaging is squeezing all information from 10-12-14bit raw file into 8-bit, in other words, single-shot HDR. It's true that many modern video cameras have quite small sensor and quite small dynamic range, but we can still try to recover highlight details by careful demosaicing combined with dynamic range optimization.
*** Fun effects -- converting images and videos to line drawings
*** Color balance, take a Macbeth color chart and fill in the 3x3 transform look up matrix, implement something like

* Mobile vision app development:
** Vision apps on phone and tablet. We want a very clear examples to build on to make it easier for the rest to start developing mobile vision applications. People can apply for:
*** iOS (iPhone) examples
*** Android example

* Tracking -- predator (tracking, detection + learning) or Alien type tracker
** Basically: learning based trackers
*** Draw box, resize
*** Box distortion
*** Look for candidates

* Update solvePnP (fundamental algorithm)

* Update to state of the art Optical flow
** State of art
** Prepare testing framework for quality
*** Have frameworks for features and stereo already

* Mech Turk Interface
** Easily label images for train test in OpenCV

* OpenCL Optmization:
** We have contributors already, get one or more of them to be GSoC students

* Object Recognition
** New, post Line-Mod object recognition
** +Menor:+ Manuele Tamburano
*** Binarizzation of a new line descriptor[1] and adapting
*** "Fast exact nearest neighbor search in Hamming distance on binary codes with Multi-index hashing" code[2].
**** [1]
**** [2]
** write a trainer for Deva Ramanan's parts-based detector

* Camera based 1D and 2D Barcode readers. OpenCV needs this, robotics needs this
** +Mentor:+ Claudia Rapuano
** We have a basic datamatrix reader. Expand to other kinds of barcodes (1D, other 2D).

* Improve tracking API module in contrib created for Gsoc 2013.
** +Mentor:+ Antonella Cascitell
** Add Reidentification on the tracking (allows tracking to re-find the object if lost)
** Add camera network activity sub-modual
** Add saliency module for the tracking modual

* Natural barcodes:
* +Mentor:+ Gary Bradski
** OpenCV can read calibration patterns.
*** Calibrate a camera,
*** rectify it's output.
*** Put a picture next to a calibration pattern in a scene.
*** Find 2D interest points with features2D.
*** Measure them in the image using the calibration pattern.
*** Use the pattern of interest points and their measures to turn the picture into a calibration pattern/barcode so that the computer recognizes the picture and knows where it is in relation to the iamge.
** Stretch goal, embeded and retrieve watermarks in the image.

* Ego-centric vision:
** maybe something like "Pixel-level Hand Detection for Ego-centric Videos." in CVPR 2013
** Combine with depth sensing from the kinect

* Geometry:
** DTAM implementation
** write tutorials for the libmv integration from the previous years (on "GitHub":, improve the CERES integration
** create a structure for camera matrix information (K, D, colorspace ...)

* Tutorials:
** Continue with "OpenCV Tutorials":

* OpenCV Documentation:
** Add to the general documentation for all platforms: C++, CUDA, OpenCL, Python 2/3, Java, ... and smart search.
** Help create an _*inverted index*_ of functionality to functions. That is, say, _edge detection_ would list Sobel, Scharr, Canny etc.

* Course-ware:
** We want to start offering vision courses using OpenCV.
*** If you are expert in a topic (say it's your area of graduate research, or you've just finished a project or course in a particular topic and can explain it well)
*** Write up the topic, the math and then develop a step by step example of it using OpenCV.

* Expose OpenCV GPU functionality into Python API
** Current Python OpenCV wrappers use @cv::Mat@ <=> Numpy array mapping for passing data between C++ and Python worlds. Aim of this project is to adopt "PyCuda GPUArray": as a counterpart of @GpuMat@.
** This would allow to extend cv2 wrapper generator to expose CUDA-powered OpenCV functions.
** Project requires good knowledge of C++ and Python and willingness to dive into the internals of OpenCV, Python and PyCuda.
** Expect all sorts of gotchas, subtle issues and design discussion with mentors.
** The resulting design decisions can be used to wrap the OpenCV's OpenCL functionality with "PyOpenCL":

h2. Mentors

*Actual signed up mentors*

* Alexander Mordvintsev zzznah(+)
* Sid Bao ybao(+)
* Vincent Rabaud vincent.rabaud(+)
* Vadim Pisarevsky vadim.pisarevsky(+)
* Adrian Kaehler therealadrian(+)
* Terry Boult tboult(+)
* spmallick spmallick(+)
* Serge Belongie sjb344(+)
* Stefano s.fabri10(+)
* Prasanna pras.bits(+)
* Pablo Alcantarilla pablofdezalc(+)
* Bence Magyar mw.mzperx(+)
* Manuele manuele.tamburrano(+)
* Grace Vesom grace.vesom(+)
* Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) garybradski(+)
* Douglas Lee dougabug(+)
* Claudia Rapuano c.rapuano(+)
* Antonella Cascitelli antonellacascitelli(+)
* Anatoly Baksheev anatoly.baksheev(+)
* Alexander alexander.shishkov(+)
* Alexander Bovyrin alexander.bovyrin(+)

In the below, get rid of the ''-delete-'' to make the emails work.

Anatoly Baksheev
Researcher, Vision Algorithms on GPU
[email protected]

Alexander Bovyrin
PhD, Senior Researcher
Argus/Itseez founder
NNU Lecturer
[email protected]

Gary Bradski
Founder, Industrial Perception Inc.
Consulting Prof. Stanford U.
OpenCV Founder, Technical Content Owner, GSoC Admin
Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book
[email protected]

Antonella Cascitelli
Grad student, University of Rome
[email protected]

Eric Christiansen
[email protected]

Stefano Fabri
CRR Team leader, University of Rome
[email protected]

Victor Eruhimov
OpenCV founding team/Senior Researcher
Argus/Itseez founder
NNU Lecturer
[email protected]

Adrian Kaehler
Principle Engineer, Applied Minds
Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book.
[email protected]

Peter Karasev
PhD Student, MINERVA Research Group
Georgia Tech
[email protected]

Vadim Pisarevsky
OpenCV founding team/Czar
[email protected]

Manuele Tamburrano
Grad Student, University of Rome
[email protected]

Vincent Rabaud
Principle Engineer, Aldebaran Robotics
[email protected]

Claudia Rapuano
Grad student, University of Rome
[email protected]

Grace Vesom
Lawrence Livermore

Bence Magyar
Pal Robotics
[email protected]

Pablo Alcantarilla
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd.
[email protected]

h3. Back up Mentors

Mark Asbach
Fraunhofer IAIS
Schloss Birlinghoven
Sankt Augustin, Germany
[email protected]

Nicolas Saunier, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Civil, Geological and Mining Department (CGM)
École Polytechnique de Montréal
[email protected]

Alexander Mordvintsev
Software Engineer
[email protected]

Andrey Morozov
Software Engineer
[email protected]

h2. OpenCV Org. Application to GSoC 2015 2014

"OpenCV GSoC Application":

h2. Previous Years

* 2014 "GSoC 2014 Ideas Page":
"Google Summer of Code 2013 "GSoC 2013 (GSoC 2013) Ideas Page":
* 2012 Ideas site
* 2011 Ideas site
** 2011 Application GSoC page is
* 2010 Ideas site
** 2010 Application page
