OpenCV Contributors¶
If you noticed that some names are missing, please mail to a [email protected]
Original OpenCV committee (vision, functionality proposals etc.):¶
Title | Name | Current Position |
Prof. | Gary Bradski | Stanford University, Willow Garage |
Prof. | Trevor Darrell | UC Berkeley |
Prof. | Irfan Essa | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Prof. | Jitendra Malik | UC Berkeley |
Prof. | Pietro Perona | Caltech |
Prof. | Stan Sclaroff | Boston University |
Prof. | Carlo Tomasi | Duke University |
Corporate Contributors¶
Company | Contribution |
Intel | Founded OpenCV, years of support |
NVIDIA | Supporting Android, Embedded Linux, WinRT and CUDA ports |
Itseez | Supporting current core programming team |
Willow Garage | Supported core programming team for 5 years |
Image wrapper class cvwimage | |
Phase Space | Bundle adjustment |
Individual Contributors¶
Git log after the "atomic bomb" commit¶
Status of the 'master'
branch in July 2013.
1283 Andrey Kamaev 1154 Vadim Pisarevsky 775 Vladislav Vinogradov 509 Alexey Spizhevoy 398 Maria Dimashova 359 marina.kolpakova 315 Alexander Smorkalov 292 Andrey Pavlenko 239 Anatoly Baksheev 229 Alexander Shishkov 169 Ilya Lysenkov 150 yao 139 Kirill Kornyakov 138 Alexander Mordvintsev 129 Gary Bradski 124 Marina Kolpakova 99 Andrey Morozov 94 Ethan Rublee 81 Alexander Reshetnikov 78 peng xiao 72 Ana Huaman 71 Yannick Verdie 61 Leonid Beynenson 51 Ilya Lavrenov 49 Roman Donchenko 47 Elena Fedotova 41 Alexandre Benoit 40 Vincent Rabaud 39 Daniil Osokin 39 Victor Erukhimov 39 James Bowman 33 alexandre benoit 32 Philipp Wagner 29 Vsevolod Glumov 27 Marius Muja 27 Bernat Gabor 23 Vladimir Dudnik 21 Ivan Korolev 19 Stefano Fabri 18 itsyplen 16 Anna Kogan 15 Alexander Mordvintesv 15 Alexander Kapustin 14 Jason Newton 14 Evgeny Talanin 13 Anton Obukhov 13 Andy Maloney 13 Peng Xiao 12 LeonidBeynenson 11 niko 10 Suenghoon Park 10 Yury Zemlyanskiy 10 Alexey Kazakov 9 OpenCV Buildbot 9 AoD314 8 Oleg Sklyarov 7 Nils Hasler 7 Eric Christiansen 7 alegarda 6 Sergei Nosov 6 abidrahmank 6 Bo Li 6 Jose Luis Blanco 5 alex77git 5 P. Druzhkov 5 kobigurk 5 Patrick Mihelich 5 Dominik Rose 5 Dirk Van Haerenborgh 5 berak 5 alexey.spizhevoy 5 Kevin Hughes 5 Gurpinder Singh Sandhu 5 Alexey Polovinkin 4 Alexander 4 Victor Passichenko 4 Sam Bromley 4 Brian Gerkey 4 Sergiu Dotenco 4 Leszek Swirski 4 salmanulhaq 4 Gabe Schwartz 3 gpsinghsandhu 3 Artem Myagkov 3 kencoken 3 NikoKJ 3 Oscar Deniz Suarez 3 Valentina Kustikova 3 Artanis 3 Patrick Welche 3 Evgeniy Kozinov 3 poiuytrez 3 Victoria Zhislina 3 Markus Schoeler 3 bitwangyaoyao 3 Filipe Almeida 2 Ryan Rawson 2 jmbuena 2 ericgreveson 2 daniil.osokin 2 cuda_geek 2 Jacob Baines 2 Jonathan Bohren 2 Alexander Bohn / FI$H2k 2 Zifei Tong 2 Liu Liu 2 Malcolm Reynolds 2 Dustin Spicuzza 2 Vikas Dhiman 2 Misty De Meo 2 Moshe Kaplan 2 Charles Otto 2 Pastafarianist 2 Peter Minin 2 Roy Reapor 2 Siegfried Hochdorfer 2 Siva Prasad Varma 2 Daniil-Osokin 1 Ãric Piel 1 Abid K 1 Amro 1 Andrew Senin 1 Brian McKinnon 1 Corentin Wallez 1 Dong Nguyen 1 Egbert van der Wal 1 Eugene Gritskevich 1 Fabrice Silva 1 Frédéric Devernay 1 Georgios Evangelidis 1 Haoxiang Li 1 IanVS 1 Jan Machacek 1 Jin Ma 1 Jordi Villar 1 Josh Doe 1 Justin Muncaster 1 KOLANICH 1 Karl-Heinz Zimmer 1 Kazuki MATSUDA 1 Kevin 1 Konstantin Bezruk 1 Luis DÃaz Más 1 Martin Baeum 1 NCBee 1 Niels Gerlif Myrtue 1 Niko 1 Niko Li 1 P. Karasev 1 Pablo Speciale 1 ShengyinWu 1 Stefan Romberg 1 Stefan Walk 1 Stephen Fox 1 Takahiro Horikawa 1 Uwe Kindler 1 Xavier Delacour 1 andrey.kamaev 1 askforeric 1 caorong 1 dave 1 gferry 1 hartmut 1 hgaspar 1 jackculpepper 1 kir 1 mdim 1 mikle 1 morozov.andrey 1 noob 1 ograycode 1 saskathex 1 takacsd 1 tim36272 1 vlad 1 vpisarev 1 Abhinav Gupta
Before the "atomic bomb" commit¶
Name | Company (by the moment of contribution) | Remarks |
Abrosimov, Dmitry | Intel Corp. | Optimization, Eigen objects |
Alekseev, Aleksey | Intel Corp. | IppCV testing |
Asbach, Mark | RWTH Aachen University | New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG wrappers, Mac OS X porting |
Baksheev, Anatoly | Itseez | GPU module, CMake support for OpenCV, Spin Images |
Benoit, Alexandre | LISTIC lab | Retina model |
Blanco, Jose Luis | Universidad de Malaga, Spain | CMake support for OpenCV; added cvLinearPolar, multiple bug reports and misc. patches |
Boldyrev, Sergey | Intel Corp. | rpm spec & linux makefiles |
Bornet, Olivier | IDIAP Research Institute | New-style Linux makefiles, SWIG & specialized Python wrappers |
Bouguet, Jean-Yves | Intel Corp. | Algorithms for Camera calibration, calibration toolbox for MATLAB, LK in pyramids ... |
Bovyrin, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Contours, Stereo, Improvements in object detection, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
Bowman, James | Willow Garage Inc. | Latex-based OpenCV documentation, the new-style Python wrappers opencvpython, a lot of QA work. |
Bradski, Gary | Intel Corp., Willow Garage Inc. | Idea and Vision, Leading, Promotion, the OpenCV book. Also, CAMSHIFT & MHI algorithms, Codebook background/foreground subtraction etc. |
Bradley, David | Princeton Univ. | Haar classifier for profile faces |
Breen, Ed | ??? | EiC intepreter, used for Hawk |
Burenkov, Denis | Moscow State Uni | Contour morphing, several demo scripts |
Butko, Nicolas | ??? | HighGUI Cocoa Backend |
Calonder, Michael | Germany | Calonder detector |
Castrillon-Santana Modesto | IUSIANI, Spain | Haarcascades for facial feature detection |
Cherepanova, Tatiana | Novosibirsk University | Face tracking |
Cherepennikov, Valery | Intel Corp. | Optimization, matrices, estimators (Kalman, ConDensation) and more ... |
Chudinovich, Boris | Intel Corp. | Ideas and algorithms on contours and comp. geometry functions |
Cohen, Andre | ??? | HighGUI QTKit backend |
Conbere, Morgan | ??? | Image I/O on MacOSX |
Cowperthwaite, David | Intel Corp. | 3d Tracker |
Dadgostar, Farhad | ??? | Adaptive Skin Detector, Fuzzy MeanShift Tracker |
Dalal, Navneet | [Page | Home] |
Davies, Bob | Intel Corp. | First OpenCV installation program, communications with user group, tech. advisor |
Delacour, Xavier | PhaseSpace Inc. | Octave bindings, KD trees/BBF and LSH search, some Video I/O components for highgui |
Devernay, Frederic | INRIA (?) | Multiple patches for OpenCV (cvcam, cxcore, cv, highgui). |
Dimashova, Maria | Itseez | TrainCascade application, the new object detection class cv::CascadeClassifier, Extremely Random Trees in MLL, a lot of optimization and QA work on MLL and Features2D. |
Don Murray | PointGrey | PointGrey SDK and patches for stereo gesture recognition code |
Dubey, Premnath | ??? | Patch for cvcam (Windows version) |
Eaton, Daniel | ??? | Texture descriptors code |
Eruhimov, Victor | Intel Corp., Itseez | Hough & distance transforms, stereo, Hawk, HighGUI, One-way descriptor and more ... |
Fabri, Stefano | Univ. of Rome | HighGUI gstreamer backend |
Filip, Daniel | Google Inc. | cv::wImage* template image classes |
Gaspard Breton | France Telecom | Support for multiple cameras (2,3,4) in SyncFilter and cvcam |
Grachev, Ilya | Intel Corp. | TCL/TK demos (cvlkdemo, cvcsdemo, cvenv) |
Gruebele, Philip | ??? | Multiple patches for OpenCV |
Guhring, Philipp | ??? | Single-object mode in cvHaarDetectObjects |
Hafeneger, Stefan | ??? | Some 3D & Calibration related functionality |
Halsall, Chris | Open Source Solutions Inc | O-Reilly papers on OpenCV, calibration app for Linux, patches for Linux version |
Hameed, Shameem | University of Michigan | Haar classifiers for eye detection |
Hasler, Nils | Max Planck Institut | 16-bit images support, Jasper and OpenEXR bindings in HighGUI |
Jacobsen, Jostein | NTNU | Hartley/Sturm correction |
Kamaev, Andrey | Itseez | Android Port Improvements & Optimization |
Karasev, Peter | Georgia Tech | Helped with Android Port |
Kertesz, Csaba | - | v4l2 interface, bugfixes at almost every area |
Khamenya, Valery | BioVisioN AG | OpenCV CVS repository at SourceForge |
Khudyakov, Vasily | Novosibirsk University | Face feature detection |
Krivakin, Konstantin | ??? | TBB parallelization of ML |
Kruppa, Hannes | ETH Zurich | Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
Kuranov, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Matlab wrappers, face detection code, haartraining and related applications |
Kuriakin, Valery | Intel Corp. | Started OpenCV project in Nizhny Novrogod Lab |
Kosov, Sergey | MPI Informatik | Variational Stereo Correspondence Algorithm |
Lienhart, Rainer | Intel Corp. | Haar feature-based face detection algorithm and the original code; Self-similarity features. |
Liu Liu | ??? | SURF, Spill trees, MSERs |
Lantz, Philip | Intel Corp. | 3d Tracker |
Lundin, Magnus | ??? | Patches and new functionality for Linux version of highgui |
Lysenkov, Ilya | Itseez. | Circle grid detector. Bug fixes. |
Mihelich, Patrick | Willow Garage | Innumerable patches |
Molinov, Sergey | Intel Corp., Itseez | HMM face recognition code, POSIT, snakes, optical flow, improved face detection, stereo, bundle adjustment and more ... |
Mordvitsev, Alexander | Saint-Petersburg Univ. | Python samples |
Morozov, Andrey | Itseez | Buildbot, build scripts; multi-threaded FFMPEG support |
Mosyagin, Valery | Intel Corp. | View morphing, camera calibration code v.1, fundamental matrix estimation |
Muehlmann, Karsten | Lehrstuhl fur Informatik V | 3D stereo correspondence algorithm (not included yet) |
Muja, Marius | Willow Garage Inc. | FLANN bindings |
Nefian, Ara | Intel Corp. | Algorithm for HMM face recognition |
Oblomov, Sergey | Intel Corp. | Camshift and histogram code, linux scripts and makefiles, optimization and more ... |
Pantofaru, Caroline | Willow Garage Inc. | Latex-based OpenCV documentation |
Pele, Ofir | Hebrew U | Fast EMD, New Chi-Sqr histogram matching |
Perreault, Simon | Universite Laval | O(1) Median filtering algorithm |
Philomin, Vasanth | PHILIPS (?) | Several bug reports/fixes on face detection etc. |
Pisarevsky, Vadim | Intel Corp., Itseez | OpenCV hacker :) |
Pleskov, Alexander | Intel Corp. | Pyramidal segmentation, gesture recognition code, comp. geometry functions |
Rabaud, Vincent | Video Surf | Homography to rotation conversion. Corner orientation, optmizations |
Rodyushkin, Konstantin | Intel Corp. | applications OpenCV to 3dFace caused a few bug reports, functionality proposals, blobtrack/vs module in cvaux |
Rosten, Edward | Univ. of Cambridge | FAST corner detector |
Rublee, Ethan | Self | Android port, further development of FAST and BRIEF |
Schaefer, Dirk | MD-Mathematische Dienste GmbH | original code for Bayer->RGB pattern conversion |
Schiele, Bernt | ETH Zurich | Haar classifier for fullbody, lowerbody, upperbody detection. |
Shavit, Adi | ??? | OpenCV forum moderation, OpenCV logo |
Shevtsova, Irina | Moscow State Uni | EM, Bayesian classifier, Random Trees, CNN in Machine Learning module; SVM enhancements |
Shishkov, Alexander | Itseez | Buildbot, build scripts, OpenCV infrastructure |
Shiqi Yu | Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology | Haar cascades for eye detection. The author of the world-first book on OpenCV (in Chinese) and the translator to Chinese of the OReilly OpenCV book. |
Sobolev, Andrey | Moscow State Uni | Contour skeletons and linear-contour model |
Spizhevoy, Alexey | Itseez | Stitching application |
Stanchak, Roman | Naval Research Lab | Multiple improvements in Highgui (GTK+), Python wrappers and the core functionality |
Stavinzky, Jay | ??? | 8u->8u L1 Distance transform. |
Toderici, George | ??? | Floating-point bilateral filter |
Veretennikov, Eugene | Intel Corp. | Testing, some comp. geometry functions |
Vezhnevets, Vladimir | MSU Graphics and Media Lab | New algorithm for chessboard detection |
Zajko, Marian | Ximea | Ximea cameras support |
Zaguskin, Victor | Intel Corp. | cvcam, vmdemo in tcl/tk |
Watson, Theodore | ??? | videoInput author |
Wayne W. Cheng | SoftIntegration | Ch C/C++ intepreter, OpenCV Ch toolbox |
Wood, Travis | ??? | Patches for highgui (video capturing in Linux) |
OpenCV includes (or included in the past) modified versions of the following software:
- Gaussian Random Number Generator by George Marsaglia et al. (see cxcore/src/cxrand.cpp)
- SVD from SLATEC (see cxcore/src/cxsvd.cpp)
- Small inline math functions and macros by Agner Fog, Bruce Holloway et al., Ken Turkowski (see cxcore/include/cxtypes.h)
- Quicksort implementation from University of California, Berkeley (see cxcore/include/cxoperations.hpp)
- Earth Mover Distance and RGB->Lab conversion by Yossi Rubner (see src/cv/cvemd.cpp and src/cv/cvcolor.cpp)
Active OpenCV forum participants, bug reporters etc.:
- Barbaresi, Abramo Betti, Gabriele Cao, Ning Cawkwell, Jack Chen, Gen-Nan Cheng, Michael Fritz, Frank Grossman, Dave Iannizotto, Giancarlo Lu, Le Kunz, Clay Mellor, J. P. Ming, Li Zayed, Mohamed Rocha, Jairo Stewart, James Andr Small, Daniel Zivkovic, Zoran