Version 1 (Alexander Shishkov, 2012-05-21 05:09 pm)

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OpenCV Meeting notes for 2009 year
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h2. 2009-01-06
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 * Update
10 1
 * VTK?
11 1
 * Finding planes with Radu's code?
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
 * Russian holidays 
16 1
 ** *Vadim* working on using Lapack+BLAS in OpenCV 
17 1
 *** Using ATLAS & MKL
18 1
 * See about getting some of *Radu* Ruso's mesh routines in OpenCV
19 1
 * Want to move C-descriptor into OpenCV
20 1
 *** What's needed to make a paper out of it
21 1
 * 3D reconstruction
22 1
 ** Good camera
23 1
 ** Textured light
24 1
 ** Rotating platform and rotate object captured frame by frame
25 1
 ** Robot can scan object
26 1
 * Structure from motion
27 1
 ** What is JD working on with 3D reconstruction
28 1
 * "OpenCV" entry in manufacturing robots 
29 1
30 1
31 1
*_Action Items_*
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34 1
35 1
 * Talk to JD about code
36 1
 * Record minutes of tomorrows discussion with the Vision workbench team
37 1
 * Talk to Calendar about producing a Star-C-descriptor paper
38 1
39 1
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41 1
 * Compare OpenCV star detector with ROS star detector
42 1
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 h2. 2009-01-13 
44 1
45 1
 * Updates
46 1
 * Interface issues (what next)
47 1
 * Pattern Recognition 
48 1
 * 3D functionality
49 1
50 1
51 1
52 1
Update *Gary*:
53 1
54 1
 * Set up stereo capture node and will collect 100's of outlets and doorknobs
55 1
 * Collecting 3D object database of Ikea objects
56 1
 * Writing an opencv tutorial for Stanford class, will post that 
57 1
58 1
Update *Vadim*:
59 1
60 1
 * Continued work on BLAS and LAPACK interface
61 1
 ** Eigen vectors and values,
62 1
 ** SVD, 
63 1
 ** cvsolve, 
64 1
 ** cvinvert and 
65 1
 ** qr decomposition
66 1
 ** Accuracy is great and performance is great
67 1
 *** 500x500 matrix is 2.5x faster
68 1
 *** Small matrixes, 10x10, the new implementation is slower
69 1
 **** Need to add branches in this case
70 1
 ** Netlib.org Jack Dungar's implementation, puts out clapack with same interface
71 1
 *** Eigen2 lib, small matrices are faster than lapack, but algorithms aren't as well developed as lapack 
72 1
 * multiwin replaced using wImage (code from Google)
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 * This week is after Russian new year vacation.  
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 ** Anatoli working on Octrees for Spin images
75 1
 * CVS becomes obsolete this week
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Update *Victor*
78 1
79 1
 * Was sick with mono for 3 weeks
80 1
 * Outlets
81 1
 ** Filter keypoints using random forest
82 1
 *** Train image passes around keypoints
83 1
 *** 2 class filter for inside/outside outlets, works 90%
84 1
 *** 70% recognition on hard datasets with textured walls and different lighting condition
85 1
 *** Low false positive rate
86 1
 **** Need to turn down false positive rate to gain low false negative (missed detection) rate and then apply stronger models to the detections
87 1
 *** Needs to wait to final camera setup
88 1
 ** Need datasets for US outlets for keypoint detection 
89 1
 *** Adapt hole searching code for US outlets
90 1
 * Doorknobs
91 1
 ** Dark round objects using series of thresholds and connected components
92 1
 ** RCG collected doorknobs together with chessboards.
93 1
 *** Perspective corrected
94 1
 *** Trained adaboost
95 1
 *** Same for test set
96 1
 **** Results weren't that good -- 40% detection with 15% false alarm
97 1
 **** *Gary* suspects making many different templates to match -- one each 10 degrees. 
98 1
 * Random forest improvements
99 1
 ** Extreme random trees code implemented
100 1
 *** Bugs fixed while in hospital  
101 1
 *** Compare with same datasets measure test errors. 
102 1
 *** Errors with noise variables
103 1
 *** Variable importance -- correction noise variables
104 1
 *** If improvements, possible paper
105 1
106 1
Videri camera is supported in OpenCV
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Nearest Neighbor
109 1
110 1
 * cvFeatureTree, already in OpenCV
111 1
 * David Lowes FLANN -- test against cvFeatureTree()
112 1
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*_Action Items_*
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115 1
116 1
117 1
 * Get doorknob and outlet datasets to *Victor*
118 1
 * Get outlets from Milestone dataset to *Victor*
119 1
 * Get cannon outlet sites to Argus or Willow sites
120 1
 * Get Willow doorknobs to *Victor*
121 1
122 1
123 1
124 1
 * Send SVN instructions for Window to *Gary*
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 * Test random trees against random forest
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h2. 2009-01-20 
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136 1
 * Milestone2
137 1
 ** Outlets up close
138 1
 ** => *Victor* to Doorknobs?
139 1
 *** 3D box with chessboard
140 1
 * Planning for Summer release, what should be in it
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 Close range outlet detection to subpixel
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# LAPACK is now included into OpenCV tree.
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cvSVD, cvEigenVV, cvDet, cvSolve and cvInvert have been rewritten using LAPACK;
152 1
cvInvert and cvSolve have got an additional method CV_CHOLESKY, cvSolve also got additional method CV_QR.
153 1
# *Anatoly* has implemented a draft version of octree for computing spin images. The existing implementation of octree did not contain the key algorithm for retrieving all the points in the cloud that belong to the given sphere and it was difficult to integrate it, so the new class has been written. *Anatoly* compared performance of this new code with OBB tree from VTK, which has been used by the existing spin image code and found that the performance of the two is very close now:
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 * Hope to speed up spin feature by factor of 10
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 * Future to speed up Radu's histogram of normals
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Next release
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160 1
 * C++ interface with templates 
161 1
 ** 30-50% done 
162 1
 ** Templates will be optional
163 1
 ** More compatible with STL
164 1
 * Much better python interface
165 1
 ** Mark submitted a patch for python wrapper and use with numpy
166 1
 * 3D features/related algorithm
167 1
 ** Spin images -- goal is 10x speedup.
168 1
 ** Plane fitting from Radu
169 1
 * Alpha and/or 4 channel support
170 1
 * 2D features
171 1
 ** C-descriptor (Calandor descriptor)
172 1
 ** Maybe Boundary fragments
173 1
 * Stitching/VSLAM
174 1
 ** Move in the V-SLAM stitching into OpenCV (?, more probably next ...)
175 1
 ** Place localization/recognition as an app or example code for C-Descriptors 
176 1
 * Optical flow
177 1
 ** Dense
178 1
 ** Rigid
179 1
 ** Affine 
180 1
 ** Intern from Michael Black
181 1
 * Machine learning library
182 1
 ** Extremely Randomized Trees
183 1
 ** Nistor Tree
184 1
 ** Convolutional NN
185 1
 ** Additions to RF
186 1
 ** Extend cascade to other features beyond Haar
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189 1
190 1
191 1
 # C++ interface
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 # Python 
193 1
 # 3D Features (for Obj rec) 
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 # 2D Features (for Obj rec)
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(no order)
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 * MLL
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 * Alpha / multi-channel
200 1
 * Optical flow improvements
201 1
 * Stitching
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Extremely Randomized Trees (ET) algorithm shows comparable performance with published in the original Geurts paper on 4 datasets while on 2 datasets (spambase and vehicle) it demonstrates larger errors (see the table below). We are still investigating this issue, the current main hypothesis is that there is a bug that plays a significant role only on these two datasets. Variable importance charts built for Random Forest (RF) and ET models are similar.  
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 | Name | RF MLL | ET MLL |	ET Geurts |
209 1
 | waveform |	17.1 |	16.06 |	16.61|
210 1
 | vehicle |	21.88 |	47.29 |	26|
211 1
 | spambase |	5.41 |	22.68 |	4.17|
212 1
 | isolet | 6.61 |	10.52 |	7.61|
213 1
 | twonorm7400 |	4.523944 |	3.745071| 3.53|	
214 1
 | ringnorm7400 |	6.164789 |	3.138028 |	3.27|
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There is a bug on Vehicle and Spambase.  *_UPDATE:_* This bug is fixed.
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The application for automatic tracking of planar objects has been tested on windows and linux with usb camera and video. 
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A method for learning an RF model of an outlet invariant to affine transformations has been implemented. An RF is learned on patches of frontal view outlets that have been distorted with random affine transforms (following Lepetit's paper). Each outlet candidate gets a weight (in [0,1]) from this model and low weighted samples are filtered out. Attached is a precision-recall curve of this algorithm obtained by varying the weights threshold. It shows the performance of the model (recall = 1 corresponds to no filtering). The most of false positives are gathered on few images with rich texture. 
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 * Have outlets detectors in 2D 
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 ** Single image
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 ** At least 50x50 ROI
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 ** Based on finding dark round objects (European) and dark round (American)
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 ** 2 stage RF (European): 
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 *** First stage dark small round holes (where metal prongs goes in) 
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 **** But many false positives, filtered by RF
229 1
 **** Look for pairs of holes
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 *** Second stage does the neighborhood of the found holes look like an outlet
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 ** Need more American data and can train on that
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 * Keep going -- use this as one method of attack.
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 * 3D box relative to chessboard.  The RCG (*Alexi* (tracking, doorknob) *Maria* (RF, ET))
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 ** Today he's training adaboost on doorknobs
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 ** Error control for planar object position
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 *** Calibration
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*_Action Items_*
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242 1
243 1
 * Send images of current outlet detector
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 * Train on Willow images to be sent
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247 1
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 * Send images of outlets to *Victor* (today)
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 * Try to get several hundred
250 1
 * Get doorknob imagery to *Victor*
251 1
 * Take 3D model of doorknob
252 1
 * CC *Vadim* with Ara
253 1
 * CC to Jean-Bouguet about 4 channel
254 1
 * Talk with Michael about what needs to be done to get C-descriptors in OpenCV
255 1
 * Michael Black's intern
256 1
 * Talk with *Kurt* about moving VSLAM stitching
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258 1
259 1
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 * Spin images
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 ** Preliminary study is quite fast, could be optmized more
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 ** Most of the time in spin image is not in octree, but in the spin image
263 1
 * Send me OpenCV goals spreadsheet
264 1
 * Put up initial next release goals on OpenCV wiki
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h2.  2009-01-27 
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* Updates
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*_For OpenCV Release_*
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 * Company Retreat 
277 1
 * Outlets
278 1
 ** Bottlenecks
279 1
 *** Find outlets to sub-mm when robot is "in position"
280 1
 **** Must detect that nothing is plugged into the outlet
281 1
 *** Visual servoing after robot touches the wall with the plug
282 1
 *** Finding the plug orientation 
283 1
 **** Finding a dropped plug(?)
284 1
 ** Other things which are "good" but not critical for milestone 2
285 1
 *** Detecting Willow Garage outlets from a distance with and without stereo and/or laser data
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 *** Detecting outlets in general from a distance with and without stereo or laser data
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 * Method for first bottleneck (find plugs to sub-mm accuracy)
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 # Using a calibrated camera with rectified images:
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 ## Segment the outlet "ovals", find 4 centroids
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 ## Compute homography to canonical view and remap
291 1
 ## Match templates to find holes and more exact center of outlets
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 ## Re-project more exact center found above into the image to find floating point centers
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 ## Use these reprojected floating point centers to again compute a homography to the canonical view and remap
294 1
 ## Use templates to find the exact location of outlet holes.  This should now be sub-mm precision
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 ## Using the homography and measured outlet, compute the X,Y,Z location of the outlet holes
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 * Arrange for common repository 
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299 1
300 1
 * Lapack debugged -- now using clapack
301 1
 ** Simple small matrix operations still use native OpenCV code
302 1
 ** Try fast lapack algorithms like ATLAS
303 1
 ** Make use of MKL if available
304 1
 * New memory allocator -- fast for small matrixies  A*B+C 
305 1
 *** ~5x faster than malloc and free
306 1
 * Spin images
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 ** 20x speed up on spin images
308 1
 ** Compare against Point Feature Histogram PFH
309 1
 ** Ready in 2-3 more days
310 1
 ** Can be further optimized by factor of 2x ~ 1 week
311 1
 ** 20 seconds on 200K points scene of a conference room using 40cm radius
312 1
 * Stereo
313 1
 ** Textured areas have problems, either use textured light or something like Kolmogorov
314 1
 ** Stereo SSE-2 optimization uses only gcc 4.2 or higher
315 1
 ** Chessboard detector is breaking on high angle views
316 1
 *** High angles are not so useful for calibration, but good for plane finding
317 1
 **** Moderate priority
318 1
 ** Optimizing Kolmogorov
319 1
 *** Sparse graph cuts -- might not work, but idea is to soft fix points that are unlikely to change
320 1
 *** Run as background project for now
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 * Next week
322 1
 ** C-descriptor
323 1
 ** C++ image classes
324 1
 ** cvBoostPatch() from Steve Gould and from Ian Goodfellow
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*_C descriptor_*
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In _.../ros/ros-pkg/visino/calonder_descriptor_  (it should be named _C-descriptor_ for "Classifier Descriptor")
329 1
I spoke with Michael Calonder about getting his descriptor (which we use in visual odometry and place recognition) into OpenCV.  He's going to write up a short description of how it works.  It is already fairly optimized using 16 bit vectors and SSE -- it can do a 512x512 image in about 5ms (depending on complexity of course).
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They've been using the "FAST" detector which has a GPL license.  We might consider doing our own FAST detector.  But, it can use any intrest point detector, it's mainly a really good descriptor.  At the end of training he used Matlab to compress the vectors using PCA -- we'd have to replace that step with clapack.
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*_Place Recognition/Nistor/Kmeans_*
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In _../ros/ros-pkg/vision/place_recognition_ there are several things of interest:
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337 1
 # Improved kmeans code (src/kmeans.cpp)
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 # Nistor vocabulary tree which we can add to MLL (src/vocabulary_tree.cpp)
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 # Place recognition  (src/place_recognizer.cpp).  This could be sample code or a really useful app that uses (is an example of use of) the C-descriptor above, along with the vocabulary tree and kmeans.
340 1
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*_Action Items_*
342 1
343 1
344 1
345 1
 * Determine time for outlet meetings with Patrick
346 1
 * Data with plugs already in outlet
347 1
 * Get data to *Victor* of plug images
348 1
 * Put *Victor* in touch with Michael Calonder
349 1
 * Put *Vadim* in touch with Michael about C-descriptor
350 1
 * Find out from *Kurt* status or priority of stereo speedups
351 1
 * Talk to Scott about getting *Vadim* SSH access to machines in Willow
352 1
 * Sandbox in ROS for things like outlet detection experimentation.
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354 1
355 1
356 1
 * Stereo OpenCV vs *Kurt* algorithm comparison for speed on a known good machine.
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h2. 2009-02-03 
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Outlets will be moved to a meeting directly after the OpenCV meeting, so we will no longer discuss outlet specific issues here but instead focus on OpenCV issues.
363 1
364 1
 * Updates
365 1
 ** *Vadim*
366 1
 ** *Victor*
367 1
 ** *Gary*
368 1
 * Progress towards Summer release
369 1
 ** "OpenCV200906":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV200906
370 1
 ** Memory limitations in machine learning -- design matrix limits
371 1
 ** Error handling???
372 1
 * PnP problem approaches
373 1
374 1
375 1
376 1
377 1
378 1
# *Anatoly* and me: finished optimization of OctTree & Spinimage code. OpenMP and SSE2 gave ~2x speedup each. In result, the running time of one of our benchmarks dropped from  (ROS was 80 secs), new c code is 880ms and now downto ~230ms with SSE and OpenMP. That is, together with ~20x speedup we achieved with new C code, the total speedup is over 75x. The code has been prepared for integration to OpenCV.
379 1
# The 2 optimizations of the boosting code, proposed by Stephen Gould and Ian Goodfellow, have been integrated to MLL. No feedback from the guys yet.
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# Studied the C-descriptor source code the relevant papers by Michael Calonder and Vincent Lepetit. The algorithm is pretty clear now and the preparation to integration into OpenCV has been started.
381 1
# ~30% of the new matrix class integration has been done. This appeared to be significantly bigger task than I expected.
382 1
# Received the adaptive skin detector code from Farhad Dadgostar; reviewed the code and recieved the corrected variant; The code will be integrated this week.
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386 1
 * Outlet detection: calibration, template matching and hole detection have been combined in a single application. The method has been adjusted for another camera (narrow lens resulting in higher resolution outlets). A method for finding a tuple of 4 outlets has been improved for the case of large viewing angle. Recalculation to 3D coordinates in cm scale has been implemented and tested. If an outlet is found correctly the error of hole detection is less than 0.5mm for all cases but one.
387 1
 * Extreme trees (*Maria*): the code has been refactored, all ET functionality has been encapsulated into a separate class inherited from CvRTrees. The performance of RF and ET has been compared. For very deep trees (depth 20) the performance is comparable, while for more shallow trees (less than 10) ET is faster at least 2x.
388 1
 ** Has natural parallelism, look at it.
389 1
 ** Parallize all boosted and random prediction trees.
390 1
 ** Possible paper in statistical convergence to correct answer
391 1
 * 3D object tracking (*Alex*ey): the method for tracking 3D will be based on 5 points set by user on two different frames. Stereo pair calibration has been implemented.
392 1
 ** Right now we are trying to catch a bug in calculating 3D from disparity.  *Alexi* out so this will wait.
393 1
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Other: *Alex*ey is on vacation Feb2-8, back in the office Feb 9.
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 * Will try to see if we're still artificially limited by memory size
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OpenCV errors
403 1
404 1
 * New implmentation moves completely to exceptions
405 1
 * Should work with debugger now
406 1
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OpenCV website
408 1
409 1
 * For demos etc
410 1
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*_Action Items_*
412 1
413 1
414 1
415 1
416 1
417 1
 * -Email Steve Gould about boosting memory limits with *Victor* and *Vadim*-
418 1
 * -Email Ian Goodfellow about opencv error catching with *Vadim*.-
419 1
420 1
421 1
422 1
 * Check ML design matrix
423 1
424 1
425 1
426 1
427 1
428 1
429 1
430 1
 * Determine time for outlet meetings with Patrick
431 1
 ** 10am (9pm NN) on Tuesday
432 1
 * Data with plugs already in outlet
433 1
 * Get data to *Victor* of plug images
434 1
 * Put *Victor* in touch with Michael Calonder
435 1
 * Put *Vadim* in touch with Michael about C-descriptor
436 1
 * (?) Find out from *Kurt* status or priority of stereo speedups
437 1
 * (?) Talk to Scott about getting *Vadim* SSH access to machines in Willow
438 1
 ** I talked, but no action yet.
439 1
 * Sandbox in ROS for things like outlet detection experimentation.
440 1
 ** Just  use sourceforge and ROS can pull it in if you build say the outlet node.
441 1
442 1
443 1
444 1
 * Stereo OpenCV vs *Kurt* algorithm comparison for speed on a known good machine.
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h2. 2009-02-10 
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Quick updates:
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454 1
 * Helped get "Mech Turk interface":http://pr.willowgarage.com/wiki/ROS/mturk into Willow Garage (thanks to *Alexander* Sorokin and Scott Hassan's 2 daze of hacking last week). View some "results":http://vm6.willowgarage.com:8080/mt/results/ (click on the numbers under "completed hits"). 
455 1
 ** We can use this for massive data sets and even say sponsor people to create better face recognizers etc. 
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459 1
 * Matrix interface
460 1
 * 80% of cxcore is ported to the new C++ interface
461 1
 ** Automatic garbage collection (reference counter based)
462 1
 ** Can use with STL vector of images and matrixes
463 1
 ** Have template interface matrix(i,j) does the right thing
464 1
 *** Thread safety coming, can use atomic operations, efficient on Intel and AMD archs
465 1
 * IPP will now be installed/built at configure instead of dynamic
466 1
 ** Using cmake, if IPP is detected the build flag will be on by default, user can explicitly turn it off (same way as ffmpg libs etc)
467 1
 * Decision tree memory optimization, needs about 2 weeks (*Maria* knows the code a bit, but *Vadim* expert)
468 1
 ** Needed to move cascade recognizer to general decision trees, beyond Haar features
469 1
 ** Think about collaborating with someone to train good working models for the release
470 1
 * Spin images are done but waiting to complete the C++ integration before integration (probably by Friday)
471 1
 * Focus results, ... lower priority
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473 1
474 1
475 1
 * Extreme Trees
476 1
 ** Categorical support is added
477 1
 ** Don't need sorting of variables, so lower memory requirements
478 1
 ** Can handle 100K samples of 1000 features, Extreme trees worked OK
479 1
 ** Code is in SVN 
480 1
 ** Recognition performance is comparable to RF but faster
481 1
 *** Inherently more parallel
482 1
 *** Try on outlets?
483 1
 * 3D object tracking (*Alexander* was on vacation) 
484 1
 ** Estimate pose of box in space from motion and knowlege of box
485 1
 ** Function for disparity to 3D has bug 
486 1
 ** 2D version ... finished ... but special case of 3D, integrate 
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OpenCV release tracking
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 * Go over the "development plans":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV200906
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Tracking the summer release:
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497 1
 # General Structure:
498 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
499 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
500 1
 # New Features
501 1
 ** C++ interface
502 1
 *** ... see above
503 1
 ** Better python
504 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ... 
505 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
506 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
507 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
508 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus. 
509 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
510 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
511 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
512 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
513 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
514 1
 *** Mask channels
515 1
 *** Optical flow
516 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
517 1
 *** SPIN almost done
518 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
519 1
520 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
521 1
 ** Image stitching
522 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
523 1
 ** Optical flow
524 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
525 1
 ** MLL
526 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
527 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint 
528 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
529 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
530 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
531 1
 *** As discussed above 
532 1
 # Optimizations
533 1
 ** .
534 1
 # Documenation
535 1
 ** .
536 1
 # High GUI
537 1
 ** .
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*_Action Items_*
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541 1
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Meeting next week will be on Wednesday
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545 1
546 1
547 1
 * Send *Vadim* MSER code
548 1
 * Ask Jean-Yves for priority list of functions to work with mask and alpha channels
549 1
 * Ask Jean-Yves about image stitching support/libraries/functionality
550 1
 * Ask *Radu* about his library progress.
551 1
 * Send email reminder for Wednesday meeting next week.
552 1
553 1
554 1
555 1
 * Adaptive skin tracker app/test
556 1
 * Finish cxcore rewrite, make sure all the tests pass, update the documentation.
557 1
 * Start cv module revision.
558 1
 * Integrate spin images.
559 1
560 1
561 1
562 1
563 1
564 1
565 1
566 1
 * -Email Steve Gould about boosting memory limits with *Victor* and *Vadim*-
567 1
 * -Email Ian Goodfellow about opencv error catching with *Vadim*.-
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569 1
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571 1
 * Check ML design matrix
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h2. 2009-02-18
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579 1
Accomplishment Tracking
580 1
581 1
 * .
582 1
583 1
Chessboard issues
584 1
585 1
 * Detection failures
586 1
 * 2 functions? One chessboards for calibration, another chessboards for pose?
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588 1
3D capture, discuss implementation of
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590 1
 * http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~awf/turntable/index.html
591 1
592 1
cxcore re-write, cv-rewrite
593 1
594 1
Spin, skin
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Release tracking.
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_*Tracking the summer release:*_
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 # General Structure:
603 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
604 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
605 1
 # New Features
606 1
 ** C++ interface
607 1
 *** ... see below
608 1
 ** Better python
609 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
610 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
611 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
612 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
613 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
614 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
615 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
616 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
617 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
618 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
619 1
 *** Mask channels
620 1
 *** Optical flow
621 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
622 1
 *** SPIN almost done
623 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
624 1
625 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
626 1
 ** Image stitching
627 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
628 1
 ** Optical flow
629 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
630 1
 ** MLL
631 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
632 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
633 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
634 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
635 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
636 1
 *** As discussed above
637 1
 # Optimizations
638 1
 ** .
639 1
 # Documentation
640 1
 ** .
641 1
 # High GUI
642 1
 ** .
643 1
644 1
_*New Interface*_
645 1
646 1
 * cxcore revision is complete (except for XML/YAML input/output functions). All the algorithmic tests for cxcore and cv pass, all the samples run well.
647 1
 ** As a small illustration of the new API capabilities, here is a some code that I used to debug SVD:
648 1
649 1
 <pre><code class="cpp">
650 1
    // matrix A comes in
651 1
    SVD svd(A);
652 1
    int n = A.rows;
653 1
654 1
    double a = norm(svd.u*svd.u.t() - Mat::eye(n,n), CV_C);
655 1
    double b = norm(svd.vt*svd.vt.t() - Mat::eye(n,n), CV_C);
656 1
    int nz = countNonZero(svd.w >= 0);
657 1
    double c = norm(svd.u*Mat::diag(svd.w)*svd.vt - Mat::eye(n,n), CV_C);
658 1
    CV_Assert( a < 1e-5 && b < 1e-5 && c < 1e-5 && nz == n );
659 1
660 1
661 1
 * Can template this
662 1
 ** Can create image with up to 64 channels
663 1
 ** Some functions limit to 4 channels
664 1
 ** Splitting channels is easy
665 1
 *** Work with IPP, for cache, want to extract channel
666 1
667 1
_*General Issues:*_
668 1
669 1
670 1
671 1
 * cvFindCornersSubpix  fails with large search window, diverges.
672 1
 ** Ordering of chessboard corners and splitting
673 1
 ** Will lookat
674 1
 * Initial location of corners can be wrong
675 1
 ** Extreme angles can create problems for morphological operations
676 1
 *** vertical and horizontal operations can make distance between corners smaller than within squares
677 1
678 1
679 1
680 1
 * http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~awf/turntable/index.html
681 1
Skin detection should work using highGUI camera
682 1
683 1
Spin images, trying on Ikea
684 1
685 1
3D tracking (*Victor*, *Alexi*) (3D box)
686 1
687 1
 * 3d positions of markers using Chessboard
688 1
 ** Currently unstable depending on where the user clicks
689 1
 ** Somewhere in disparity to 3D transformation
690 1
 ** Generating tests on synthetic data by tomorrow.
691 1
692 1
Memory use with MLL
693 1
694 1
 * Shrank memory use several times
695 1
 * Debugging
696 1
697 1
*_Action Items_*
698 1
699 1
700 1
701 1
702 1
703 1
 * Send in list of what's been accomplished so far in OpenCV since Willow started supporting development.
704 1
705 1
706 1
707 1
 * Look into sending prosilica and other cameras to Argus
708 1
 * Send full data link with mask images for Spin image work
709 1
 * Get Zisserman 3D paper to *Vadim* (on ACM)
710 1
711 1
712 1
713 1
 * Look at better calibration and pose object
714 1
 ** Equal or better in accuracy and stability
715 1
 * Check what you think 3D scanning would take
716 1
717 1
718 1
719 1
720 1
721 1
Meeting next week will be on Wednesday
722 1
723 1
724 1
725 1
 * Send *Vadim* MSER code
726 1
 * [but he didn't answer yet] Ask Jean-Yves for priority list of functions to work with mask and alpha channels
727 1
 * [same] Ask Jean-Yves about image stitching support/libraries/functionality
728 1
 * Ask *Radu* about his library progress. Radu:
729 1
730 1
We took a few steps today to unify the point cloud -related libraries in ROS under one umbrella. The result is that
731 1
there is now a _point_cloud_mapping_ package which contains the following things:
732 1
- cloud_geometry: areas, distances, intersections, 3D normals/features estimation, norms, projections, statistics,
733 1
transformations, etc;
734 1
- cloud_io: a library for Input/Output PCD (Point Cloud Data) processing;
735 1
- cloud_kdtree: a library for nD spatial decomposition and nearest neighbors searches for PointCloud messages using k-D
736 1
737 1
- cloud_octree: a library for 3D spatial decomposition of PointCloud messages using octree data structures;
738 1
- sample_consensus: a library for SAmple Consensus (SAC) like methods (RANSAC, MSAC, MLESAC, etc,) and geometric shape
739 1
740 1
There are also 2 basic nodes included with the package:
741 1
- cloud_downsampler_node: a node which uniformly downsamples a 3D point cloud
742 1
- normal_estimation_node: a node which estimates local surface properties at each point such as surface normals,
743 1
curvature changes, moment invariants, etc.
744 1
745 1
 * -Send email reminder for Wednesday meeting next week.-
746 1
747 1
748 1
749 1
 * Adaptive skin tracker app/test
750 1
 * Finish cxcore rewrite, make sure all the tests pass, update the documentation.
751 1
 * Start cv module revision.
752 1
 * Integrate spin images.
753 1
754 1
755 1
756 1
h2. 2009-02-24 
757 1
758 1
759 1
760 1
 * Accomplishments
761 1
 * Interface update
762 1
 * Chessboard improvements
763 1
 * 3D Box relative to chessboard
764 1
 * 3D Object Capture paper/analysis
765 1
 * Spin images
766 1
 * Summer release tracking
767 1
768 1
769 1
770 1
_*Tracking the summer release:*_
771 1
772 1
 # General Structure:
773 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
774 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
775 1
 # New Features
776 1
 ** C++ interface
777 1
 *** cxcore 
778 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
779 1
 ** Better python
780 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
781 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
782 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
783 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
784 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
785 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
786 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
787 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
788 1
 *** HoG
789 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
790 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
791 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
792 1
 *** Mask channels
793 1
 *** Optical flow
794 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
795 1
 *** SPIN almost done
796 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
797 1
798 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
799 1
 ** Image stitching
800 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
801 1
 ** Optical flow
802 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
803 1
 ** MLL
804 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
805 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
806 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
807 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
808 1
 *** Generalize cascade
809 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
810 1
 *** As discussed above
811 1
 # Optimizations
812 1
 ** .
813 1
 # Documentation
814 1
 ** .
815 1
 # High GUI
816 1
 ** .
817 1
818 1
819 1
820 1
New Interface
821 1
822 1
 * Whole new interface for cxcore is finsished
823 1
 ** Moving to cv
824 1
 ** Examples: Update samples.  .c code will be old interface, .cpp will be new interface
825 1
 ** Output is simplified by automatically correct type
826 1
 ** Start effort to doxygen (lower background priority)
827 1
828 1
Chessboard code that
829 1
830 1
 * *Vadim* has released a patch that seems to fix all known problems.  Congrats!
831 1
 * High angle (60 degrees) boards still cannot be done
832 1
 * Detect lines, automatically detect board size, perhaps remap image to frontal view.
833 1
 ** Sub-pixel finding is now put inside the algorithm rather than after. 
834 1
835 1
3D box
836 1
837 1
 * 3D object tracking: the code is in debugging phase. The calibration of a stereo pair is still unstable, producing large reprojection errors too often.
838 1
 * *Alexi* not much time to work on in
839 1
 * Make relative to chessboard
840 1
841 1
842 1
3D Object Capture
843 1
844 1
 * Bundle adjustment missing from OpenCV
845 1
 * Mesh reconstruction, not in OpenCV
846 1
 * Might take a month if we can't get the above code
847 1
 ** http://www.3dsom.com/index.html  seems to use the same technique.
848 1
849 1
Spin images
850 1
851 1
 * Not incorporated yet, code is ready, just time to integrate
852 1
 ** Test code is ready
853 1
 ** 1 or 2 days
854 1
855 1
Extremely random trees
856 1
857 1
 * Put a callback in the splitting function
858 1
859 1
860 1
861 1
 * *Alex* has MSER code
862 1
863 1
*_Action Items_*
864 1
865 1
866 1
867 1
868 1
869 1
 * Ask *Kurt* about where Bundle adjustment is ... if it is
870 1
 * -Send *Victor* Florian's paper-
871 1
872 1
873 1
874 1
 * Doxygen documentation as background, lower priority task.
875 1
876 1
877 1
878 1
879 1
880 1
881 1
882 1
 * -Send in list of what's been accomplished so far in OpenCV since Willow started supporting development.-
883 1
884 1
885 1
886 1
 * Look into sending prosilica and other cameras to Argus
887 1
 * -Send full data link with mask images for Spin image work-
888 1
 * -Get Zisserman 3D paper to *Vadim* (on ACM)-
889 1
890 1
891 1
892 1
 * Finish up 3D box
893 1
894 1
895 1
896 1
 * Look at better calibration and pose object
897 1
 ** Equal or better in accuracy and stability
898 1
 * Check what you think 3D scanning would take
899 1
900 1
901 1
902 1
h2. 2009-02-24 
903 1
904 1
905 1
906 1
 * Accomplishments
907 1
 * Interface update
908 1
 * Chessboard improvements
909 1
 * 3D Box relative to chessboard
910 1
 * 3D Object Capture paper/analysis
911 1
 * Spin images
912 1
 * Summer release tracking
913 1
914 1
915 1
916 1
_*Tracking the summer release:*_
917 1
918 1
 # General Structure:
919 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
920 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
921 1
 # New Features
922 1
 ** C++ interface
923 1
 *** cxcore 
924 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
925 1
 ** Better python
926 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
927 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
928 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
929 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
930 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
931 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
932 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
933 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
934 1
 *** HoG
935 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
936 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
937 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
938 1
 *** Mask channels
939 1
 *** Optical flow
940 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
941 1
 *** SPIN almost done
942 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
943 1
944 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
945 1
 ** Image stitching
946 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
947 1
 ** Optical flow
948 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
949 1
 ** MLL
950 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
951 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
952 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
953 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
954 1
 *** Generalize cascade
955 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
956 1
 *** As discussed above
957 1
 # Optimizations
958 1
 ** .
959 1
 # Documentation
960 1
 ** .
961 1
 # High GUI
962 1
 ** .
963 1
964 1
965 1
966 1
New Interface
967 1
968 1
 * Whole new interface for cxcore is finsished
969 1
 ** Moving to cv
970 1
 ** Examples: Update samples.  .c code will be old interface, .cpp will be new interface
971 1
 ** Output is simplified by automatically correct type
972 1
 ** Start effort to doxygen (lower background priority)
973 1
974 1
Chessboard code that
975 1
976 1
 * *Vadim* has released a patch that seems to fix all known problems.  Congrats!
977 1
 * High angle (60 degrees) boards still cannot be done
978 1
 * Detect lines, automatically detect board size, perhaps remap image to frontal view.
979 1
 ** Sub-pixel finding is now put inside the algorithm rather than after. 
980 1
981 1
3D box
982 1
983 1
 * 3D object tracking: the code is in debugging phase. The calibration of a stereo pair is still unstable, producing large reprojection errors too often.
984 1
 * *Alexi* not much time to work on in
985 1
 * Make relative to chessboard
986 1
987 1
988 1
3D Object Capture
989 1
990 1
 * Bundle adjustment missing from OpenCV
991 1
 * Mesh reconstruction, not in OpenCV
992 1
 * Might take a month if we can't get the above code
993 1
 ** http://www.3dsom.com/index.html  seems to use the same technique.
994 1
995 1
Spin images
996 1
997 1
 * Not incorporated yet, code is ready, just time to integrate
998 1
 ** Test code is ready
999 1
 ** 1 or 2 days
1000 1
1001 1
Extremely random trees
1002 1
1003 1
 * Put a callback in the splitting function
1004 1
1005 1
1006 1
1007 1
 * *Alex* has MSER code
1008 1
1009 1
*_Action Items_*
1010 1
1011 1
1012 1
1013 1
1014 1
1015 1
 * Ask *Kurt* about where Bundle adjustment is ... if it is
1016 1
 * -Send *Victor* Florian's paper-
1017 1
1018 1
1019 1
1020 1
 * Doxygen documentation as background, lower priority task.
1021 1
1022 1
1023 1
1024 1
1025 1
1026 1
1027 1
1028 1
 * -Send in list of what's been accomplished so far in OpenCV since Willow started supporting development.-
1029 1
1030 1
1031 1
1032 1
 * Look into sending prosilica and other cameras to Argus
1033 1
 * -Send full data link with mask images for Spin image work-
1034 1
 * -Get Zisserman 3D paper to *Vadim* (on ACM)-
1035 1
1036 1
1037 1
1038 1
 * Finish up 3D box
1039 1
1040 1
1041 1
1042 1
 * Look at better calibration and pose object
1043 1
 ** Equal or better in accuracy and stability
1044 1
 * Check what you think 3D scanning would take
1045 1
1046 1
1047 1
1048 1
h2. 2009-03-03 
1049 1
1050 1
1051 1
1052 1
 * SURF and *_OpenCV Announce_*
1053 1
 * *Marius* Muja is at Willow for 6 months
1054 1
 ** FLANN incorporation
1055 1
 * New interface update
1056 1
 * 3D Box -- it slips
1057 1
 * 3D Model
1058 1
1059 1
1060 1
1061 1
1062 1
_*Tracking the summer release:*_
1063 1
1064 1
 # General Structure:
1065 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
1066 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
1067 1
 # New Features
1068 1
 ** C++ interface
1069 1
 *** cxcore 
1070 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
1071 1
 ** Better python
1072 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
1073 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
1074 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
1075 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
1076 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
1077 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
1078 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
1079 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
1080 1
 *** HoG
1081 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
1082 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
1083 1
 *** New alpha transparency (per pixel) added
1084 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
1085 1
 *** Mask channels
1086 1
 *** Optical flow
1087 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
1088 1
 *** SPIN almost done
1089 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
1090 1
 ** 3D capture  http://www.3dsom.com/index.html
1091 1
1092 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
1093 1
 ** Image stitching
1094 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
1095 1
 ** Optical flow
1096 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
1097 1
 ** MLL
1098 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
1099 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
1100 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
1101 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
1102 1
 *** Generalize cascade
1103 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
1104 1
 *** As discussed above
1105 1
 # Optimizations
1106 1
 ** .
1107 1
 # Documentation
1108 1
 ** .
1109 1
 # High GUI
1110 1
 ** .
1111 1
1112 1
1113 1
1114 1
OpenCV Announce ...
1115 1
1116 1
 * SURF is in #1 in change log
1117 1
 * Post change log to wiki
1118 1
 * OpenCV Weekly ...
1119 1
1120 1
1121 1
1122 1
 * Some timing results at bottom
1123 1
 * Code is in good shape
1124 1
 ** 3D party directoy can be put there
1125 1
 ** For mac, can be put in system path
1126 1
 ** Linux can select
1127 1
 * In CV module, can create a wrapper for CvMat interface to FLANN
1128 1
 ** Make test, so can use included version of FLANN
1129 1
 ** First looks to internal unless user specifies external
1130 1
 *** Put flag to download external
1131 1
 *** We keep reasonably up to date with external
1132 1
1133 1
Interface update 
1134 1
1135 1
 * cxcore in SVN 
1136 1
 ** Mac and Windows, 
1137 1
 ** Linux: gcc caused changes due to template handling differences
1138 1
 * convolution in cv
1139 1
 ** Then geometrical transforms
1140 1
 ** Optical flow
1141 1
 ** Add new alpha blending function with separate transparency for each pixel
1142 1
 ** Further functions can be lower priority
1143 1
1144 1
3D box
1145 1
1146 1
 * Box slips up (pretty sure)
1147 1
 * Image is rectified
1148 1
 ** If camera is close, distortion can be large
1149 1
 ** Tomorrow will ship new video with box being tracked
1150 1
 * Could be chessboard slippage ?  
1151 1
1152 1
3D Object Capture
1153 1
1154 1
 * Bundle adjustment missing from OpenCV
1155 1
 * Mesh reconstruction, not in OpenCV
1156 1
 * Might take a month if we can't get the above code
1157 1
 ** http://www.3dsom.com/index.html  seems to use the same technique.
1158 1
 * Initialization of extrinsics (pose) is hardest part of the code
1159 1
 * Different from general SFM or stereo
1160 1
 * smart inversion of J^t*J  
1161 1
 ** pass to SVD (might be 10x slower but easier)
1162 1
1163 1
1164 1
1165 1
 * *Gary* sent
1166 1
 ** *Victor* looking at right now, 
1167 1
 *** *Alex* doing his own version faster at lower priority ~ couple of weeks
1168 1
1169 1
1170 1
1171 1
 * detection and descriptor united
1172 1
 ** Should be split
1173 1
 ** "Find_obj.cpp" is demo code in samples/c
1174 1
1175 1
1176 1
1177 1
 # cxcore has been built with GCC 4.0 and GCC 4.2 on MacOSX. Quite a few changes have been made because GCC handles some template stuff differently and usually catches more bugs. Another portion of changes were made to make all the tests pass. This tested version of cxcore has been committed to SVN repository. 
1178 1
 # The work on revising cv has been started, new interface for filtering functions (linear separable and non-separable, Laplacian, median, morphogical operations) is ~90% ready (the code was written and now debugged).
1179 1
 # fixed 1 minor bug in boosting (reported by Ian Goodfellow) and 2 bugs in camera calibration (reported by Sergey).
1180 1
 # *Anatoly* started the work on benchmarking various fast n-dim search algorithms for quality & speed. For now we have 3 algorithms in OpenCV: kdtree, spilltree, LSH (locally-sensitive hash), and there is also FLANN. We could not run LSH properly yet, but here are some first results on synthetic uniformly-distributed data in n-dim cubes:
1181 1
 ** tAvgDist is the average (over the test set) distance to the nearest point, as returned by various alorithms (DumbBruteForce is the naive algorithm), the closer to the naive algorithm, the better.
1182 1
 ** M1 is average over the test set of (min_dist/average_dist), the smaller the better.
1183 1
 ** M2 is the number of times the returned point was closer than MAX(average_dist - stddev(distance), 0)
1184 1
 ** and M3 is average of (average_dist - min_dist)/stddev(distance). More than 3 should good enough from statistical point of view, but the larger - the better. 
1185 1
 * These preliminary results show that kd-tree is the fastest method and generally not that bad, FLANN is as accurate as naive algorithm, yet significantly faster (but significantly slower than kd-tree, we wonder, whether it can be tuned to be less accurate but faster)
1186 1
 * spill tree is only good for low-dimensional space, otherwise brute force is much faster.
1187 1
 * LSH is yet to be tested.
1188 1
1189 1
*_Action Items_*
1190 1
1191 1
1192 1
1193 1
1194 1
1195 1
 * -Make change log wiki page, and send to *Vadim*-
1196 1
 * -Make OpenCV Montly Newsletter and send to *Vadim*-
1197 1
 * Ask J-Y again about mask image uses/image stitching
1198 1
 * -Find JD's code and send to *Vadim*-
1199 1
 * -Send email to *Radu* to point to mesh code/techniques-
1200 1
 * Calendor to Andrew Ng
1201 1
1202 1
1203 1
1204 1
 * Put up change log wiki page and monthly page after *Gary* set's up
1205 1
1206 1
1207 1
1208 1
 * Do new video of box
1209 1
1210 1
1211 1
1212 1
1213 1
1214 1
 * Ask *Kurt* about where Bundle adjustment is ... if it is
1215 1
 ** _Umm, JD Chen (no longer with Willow) supposedly did this, but for stereo code, sent him an email_
1216 1
 * -Send *Victor* Florian's paper-
1217 1
 ** http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/publications/papers/schroff08.pdf
1218 1
 ** http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/publications/papers/schroff06.pdf
1219 1
1220 1
1221 1
1222 1
 * Doxygen documentation as background, lower priority task.
1223 1
1224 1
1225 1
1226 1
h2. 2009-03-10
1227 1
1228 1
1229 1
1230 1
Summer of Code
1231 1
1232 1
New interface status
1233 1
1234 1
FLANN Benchmarks
1235 1
1236 1
Status of Extremely Random Trees -- is it in
1237 1
1238 1
1239 1
1240 1
3D Box
1241 1
1242 1
3D capture
1243 1
 * Bundle adjustment missing from OpenCV
1244 1
 * Mesh reconstruction, not in OpenCV
1245 1
 * Might take a month if we can't get the above code
1246 1
 ** http://www.3dsom.com/index.html  seems to use the same technique.
1247 1
1248 1
1249 1
1250 1
_*Tracking the summer release:*_
1251 1
1252 1
 # General Structure:
1253 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
1254 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
1255 1
 # New Features
1256 1
 ** C++ interface
1257 1
 *** cxcore 
1258 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
1259 1
 ** Better python
1260 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
1261 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
1262 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
1263 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
1264 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
1265 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
1266 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
1267 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
1268 1
 *** HoG
1269 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
1270 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
1271 1
 *** New alpha transparency (per pixel) added
1272 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
1273 1
 *** Mask channels
1274 1
 *** Optical flow
1275 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
1276 1
 *** SPIN almost done
1277 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
1278 1
 ** 3D capture  http://www.3dsom.com/index.html
1279 1
1280 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
1281 1
 ** Image stitching
1282 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
1283 1
 ** Optical flow
1284 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
1285 1
 ** MLL
1286 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
1287 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
1288 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
1289 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
1290 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
1291 1
 *** As discussed above
1292 1
 # Optimizations
1293 1
 ** .
1294 1
 # Documentation
1295 1
 ** .
1296 1
 # High GUI
1297 1
 ** .
1298 1
1299 1
1300 1
1301 1
Summer of code
1302 1
1303 1
 * We already have not just a cascade, but a cascade-tree
1304 1
 * Gradient boosting trees(?) -- project?
1305 1
 * Optimize general boosting, not haar
1306 1
 * Have Mechanical Turk
1307 1
 * Image stitching
1308 1
 * HighGUI 
1309 1
1310 1
New interface
1311 1
1312 1
 * Filtering functions in cv all pass test
1313 1
 ** SSE optimizations added for most important filtering functions
1314 1
 * Image warping next
1315 1
 * Usergroup glitch (old macro) posted to SVM
1316 1
1317 1
1318 1
1319 1
 * Investigation is continuing by Anatoly
1320 1
 ** With new FLANN #2, the performance gap is smaller
1321 1
 *** Accuracy is the same
1322 1
 *** kd-tree in OpenCV is very fast, but not so accurate
1323 1
 *** FLANN, accuracy is high, but speed is slower.  
1324 1
 **** We made it faster, with same accuracy, but don't know how to make it less accurate for more speed.
1325 1
1326 1
Extremely Random Trees
1327 1
1328 1
 * Is in. Needs sample code
1329 1
1330 1
1331 1
1332 1
 * Got it, stripped out other parts and compiled it.
1333 1
 * *Alexander* working on it. 
1334 1
1335 1
3D Box
1336 1
1337 1
 * There was a bug, found it, corrected it.
1338 1
 * Sent email
1339 1
1340 1
1341 1
1342 1
1343 1
1344 1
1345 1
# Debugged the new filtering functions (called by cvSmooth, cvFilter2D, cvErode, cvDilate, cvSobel). Now all the tests pass. Also, added SSE2 optimization to some important functions, like morphology and separable filters (like Sobel and Gaussian), so they should be much faster even if IPP is not available.
1346 1
# Started revision of image warping functions.
1347 1
# *Anatoly* continued investigation of various n-dim search algorithms. In the latest version of benchmark and with FLANN #2 the FLANN part runs faster, but still there is gap in speed-accuracy tradeoff. Also, the LSH part still does not give adequate results to be included into the benchmark. These 2 items are being investigated. *Anatoly* also ported the benchmark to Linux and sent it to *Marius*.
1348 1
1349 1
1350 1
1351 1
* See outlet detection for main report
1352 1
* 3D tracking: several bugs have been corrected, the new video is at ftp://argus-cv.dnsalias.org/3DTrackDemo/logitec_demo.avi, login willow, password awgarage.
1353 1
1354 1
1355 1
*_Action Items_*
1356 1
1357 1
1358 1
1359 1
1360 1
1361 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1362 1
 * Job application page
1363 1
 * Put up application
1364 1
 * Ask *Marius* to interact with *Anatoly* on FLANN
1365 1
1366 1
1367 1
1368 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1369 1
1370 1
1371 1
1372 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1373 1
1374 1
1375 1
1376 1
1377 1
1378 1
 * -Make change log wiki page, and send to *Vadim*-
1379 1
 * -Make OpenCV Montly Newsletter and send to *Vadim*-
1380 1
 * Ask J-Y again about mask image uses/image stitching
1381 1
 * -Find JD's code and send to *Vadim*-
1382 1
 * -Send email to *Radu* to point to mesh code/techniques-
1383 1
 * Calendor to Andrew Ng
1384 1
1385 1
1386 1
1387 1
 * Put up change log wiki page and monthly page after *Gary* set's up
1388 1
1389 1
1390 1
1391 1
 * Do new video of box
1392 1
1393 1
h2. 2009-03-17
1394 1
1395 1
1396 1
1397 1
[No meeting next week, I won't be in]
1398 1
1399 1
Google Summer of Code
1400 1
1401 1
1402 1
1403 1
3D rotation + Translation of stereo images
1404 1
1405 1
1406 1
1407 1
 * New interface
1408 1
1409 1
"Monthly announce":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Monthly, "Change Logs":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Change%20Logs
1410 1
1411 1
FLANN Benchmarks
1412 1
1413 1
3D Box
1414 1
1415 1
3D capture
1416 1
1417 1
1418 1
1419 1
"OpenCV Summer Release":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Ideas%202009
1420 1
1421 1
 # General Structure:
1422 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
1423 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
1424 1
 # New Features
1425 1
 ** C++ interface
1426 1
 *** cxcore
1427 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
1428 1
 ** Better python
1429 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
1430 1
 *** C++ will take another month but can improve python in parallel
1431 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
1432 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
1433 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
1434 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
1435 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
1436 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
1437 1
 *** HoG
1438 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
1439 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
1440 1
 *** New alpha transparency (per pixel) added
1441 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
1442 1
 *** Mask channels
1443 1
 *** Optical flow
1444 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
1445 1
 *** SPIN -almost- done
1446 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
1447 1
 ** 3D capture  http://www.3dsom.com/index.html
1448 1
1449 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
1450 1
 ** Image stitching
1451 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
1452 1
 ** Optical flow
1453 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
1454 1
 ** MLL
1455 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
1456 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
1457 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
1458 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
1459 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
1460 1
 *** As discussed above
1461 1
 # Optimizations
1462 1
 ** .
1463 1
 # Documentation
1464 1
 ** .
1465 1
 # High GUI
1466 1
 ** .
1467 1
1468 1
1469 1
1470 1
1471 1
1472 1
 * Already received an application, but Google decides who's in on the 18th
1473 1
 * I've been working on some stereo data collection for people detection
1474 1
 ** Also for object detection too
1475 1
1476 1
1477 1
1478 1
 * 2D feature 
1479 1
1480 1
1481 1
1482 1
 * Code and 
1483 1
 * Demo reads vrml
1484 1
 * Constructs oct tree C++
1485 1
 * Has compute normal points separate functions (takes oct tree)
1486 1
 * Then computes spin image
1487 1
1488 1
1489 1
1490 1
 * 3d perspective transform
1491 1
 * perspective projection
1492 1
 * for each point, find generalized interpolation 
1493 1
 ** Computer weighted sum of K nearest points
1494 1
 ** To search in projected view, use quad tree or regular grid
1495 1
1496 1
*Vadim* update
1497 1
1498 1
# Made another few corrections in filtering functions to make the API a bit more convenient. Updated filtering-depdendent functions (that used not cvSobel, cvFilter2D etc., but the internal API): SURF, Snakes, CornerMinEigenVal etc. Now the tests for these functions pass too. Here are some performance numbers (on Core2Duo #6GHz laptop, assuming that performance of C code has not been changed much comparing to the old version of OpenCV, this is how much faster the summer version will be comparing to #0 and #1pre).
1499 1
# Started the work on updating image warping functions. cvResize & cvWarpAffine have been rewritten and optimized using SSE2 intrinsics. The code is now being debugged.
1500 1
1501 1
1502 1
1503 1
# *Anatoly* finished benchmarking FLANN and OpenCV's KD-tree.
1504 1
 * Below is the table (M1 and M3 mean the same thing as in previous report:
1505 1
 ** M1 - ratio of the distance to the found neighbor to the average distance to points in DB. The smaller - the better.
1506 1
 ** M3 - normalized to standard deviation difference between average distance and best distance. >= 2-2.5 is already very good. The larger - the better.
1507 1
1508 1
1509 1
 * _Conclusion_
1510 1
 ** Current conclusion is that OpenCV's kd-tree is comparable to FLANN in both speed and accuracy (by varying parameters we can get either better accuracy or better performance).
1511 1
 ** *Anatoly* now started working on HoG and the framework for model matching using spin-images.
1512 1
1513 1
3D Box
1514 1
1515 1
 * Sent video of tracking another box
1516 1
 * Put in local SVN
1517 1
1518 1
Application area
1519 1
1520 1
 * Under trunk put OpenCV Apps
1521 1
1522 1
3D Reconstruction
1523 1
1524 1
 * Nothing
1525 1
1526 1
*_Action Items_*
1527 1
1528 1
1529 1
1530 1
1531 1
1532 1
 * Talk to *Radu* about 3D rotation of points and create an image
1533 1
 * *Gary* to send *Anatoly* stereo data for trying HOG and SPIN
1534 1
 * Send gaussian curvature paper
1535 1
 * *Kurt* to send paper on fast plane fit
1536 1
 * Histogram of Gradient link
1537 1
1538 1
1539 1
1540 1
 * *Anatoly* -- prioritize HOG, SPIN
1541 1
 ** Fast plane fit
1542 1
1543 1
1544 1
1545 1
 * Set up the first OpenCV appliation: 3D box
1546 1
 ** Video of it working
1547 1
 ** Raw video that spits out marked object
1548 1
1549 1
1550 1
1551 1
1552 1
1553 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1554 1
 * Job application page
1555 1
 * Put up application
1556 1
 * Ask *Marius* to interact with *Anatoly* on FLANN
1557 1
1558 1
1559 1
1560 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1561 1
1562 1
1563 1
1564 1
 * Put up GSofC projects
1565 1
1566 1
h2.  2009-03-31 
1567 1
1568 1
1569 1
1570 1
Interface progress
1571 1
1572 1
 * Python machine learning
1573 1
1574 1
Updates for
1575 1
1576 1
 * Accomplishments
1577 1
 * "Monthly announce":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Monthly, "Change Logs":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Change%20Logs
1578 1
 * Contributors credit page?
1579 1
1580 1
Spin and HOG progress
1581 1
1582 1
 * How was HOG done?
1583 1
1584 1
Trying 3D capture code
1585 1
1586 1
Point cloud library
1587 1
1588 1
Application areas
1589 1
1590 1
New HighGUI
1591 1
1592 1
Improving the machine learning interface(?)
1593 1
1594 1
 * There is also the issue of a new classifier design for robotics that needs the following capabilities:
1595 1
 *** Needs to do one shot learning (but can refine later)
1596 1
 *** Needs to be able to combine separately learned objects in a sub-linear way
1597 1
 *** Needs the ability to express some structure in the data, particularly spatial or geometric structure.
1598 1
1599 1
1600 1
1601 1
"OpenCV Summer Release":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Ideas%202009
1602 1
1603 1
 # General Structure:
1604 1
 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
1605 1
 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
1606 1
 # New Features
1607 1
 ** C++ interface
1608 1
 *** cxcore
1609 1
 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
1610 1
 ** Better python
1611 1
 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
1612 1
 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
1613 1
 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
1614 1
 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
1615 1
 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
1616 1
 *** Get contributions of 2D features externally
1617 1
 *** MSER ... (*Gary* has code)
1618 1
 *** HoG
1619 1
 *** Star is already in and in for ROS build
1620 1
 ** Alpha channel, alternatives to contours RLE
1621 1
 *** New alpha transparency (per pixel) added
1622 1
 *** Introduce functions with advance ways of blending
1623 1
 *** Mask channels
1624 1
 *** Optical flow
1625 1
 ** 3D features (Plane fit, PFH, FPFH from Radu), 3D Delaunay, 3D convex hull, mesh generation
1626 1
 *** SPIN -almost- done
1627 1
 *** *Radu* is organizing his code into a library ... maybe we can just lift this
1628 1
 ** 3D capture  http://www.3dsom.com/index.html
1629 1
1630 1
 *** Wait on what *Kurt* and *James* get together
1631 1
 ** Image stitching
1632 1
 *** will ask Jean-Yves for pointers
1633 1
 ** Optical flow
1634 1
 *** Move code derived form former work in OpenCV
1635 1
 ** MLL
1636 1
 *** Extreme trees are coming
1637 1
 *** Reduce memory footprint
1638 1
 *** Need to work on input and output of data in CSV (or other simple deliminators), XML and YML
1639 1
 *** Regression tests ... maybe general cross validation
1640 1
 ** Misc: Focus detector, adaptive skin tracking
1641 1
 *** As discussed above
1642 1
 # Optimizations
1643 1
 ** .
1644 1
 # Documentation
1645 1
 ** .
1646 1
 # High GUI
1647 1
 ** .
1648 1
1649 1
1650 1
1651 1
1652 1
1653 1
 # Revised, converted to the new API and tested:
1654 1
 **** all the image warping functions (Resize, WarpAffine, WarpPerspective, Remap & Undistort), with SSE2 optimization the performance improves up to 50-100%.
1655 1
 **** integral images
1656 1
 **** fixed-level threshold and adaptive threshold + SSE2 optimization
1657 1
 **** functions for background statistics accumulation
1658 1
 **** For the previously added median blur function added SSE2 optimization for 3x3 and 5x5 kernels, up to x10 speedup.
1659 1
 # Fixed haartraining app. problem (reported by Caroline Pantofaru) by reverting couple of files to the versions from OpenCV #0.
1660 1
 # Modified spin images to use the new C++ matrix class. The updated code is in SVN.
1661 1
 # Integrated MSER code by Liu Liu. For now the C interface is retained.
1662 1
 # *Anatoly* implemented function for extracting HoG features based on the contributed by Alberto Orlandi code. At new version is also ~50% faster. Some further optimization is possible. The code is in SVN now.
1663 1
 # Started working with the dataset of IKEA objects. HoG features did not provide any reasonable output (e.g. comparing to SURF), because the object outlines are very simple and HoG seems to require a classifier on top of it. Now trying to run spin images.
1664 1
1665 1
 * Next for API is optical flow 
1666 1
 ** Pyramid and adding 
1667 1
 ** Dense optical flow)
1668 1
 ** High Gui
1669 1
 * MLL 
1670 1
 ** Extremely random trees Importance Variables
1671 1
 ** Input interface: to csv and loaded with standard function in SVN tomorrow
1672 1
1673 1
 * ROS stable this week. 
1674 1
 ** latest_tested_snapshot is the SVN flag for ROS
1675 1
1676 1
Stereo data
1677 1
1678 1
 * On mechanical turk 
1679 1
 * Radu, has developed a plane finder interface
1680 1
1681 1
Nearest neighbor
1682 1
1683 1
1684 1
1685 1
Spin features
1686 1
1687 1
 * Tried on synthetic data and vmrl files
1688 1
 * Missing elements vs Andrew Johnson features
1689 1
 ** Using geometric constraints if occluded object
1690 1
 * API 3D point cloud from oct tree 
1691 1
 ** Pass set of points into spin function
1692 1
 ** List of 3D locations to compute spin images at
1693 1
 ** Computes normals
1694 1
 ** Pass pts and normals to a function that computes spin images
1695 1
 *** Support is the radius of included points
1696 1
 * Memory and time hogs -- hard to optimize
1697 1
1698 1
1699 1
1700 1
 * Anatoli tried HOG in a "Haar style" manner
1701 1
 * HOG features compared in matching set of points
1702 1
1703 1
1704 1
1705 1
 * Want to start getting in specularity and lighting direction detectors
1706 1
 * Train by by rendering
1707 1
1708 1
Stanford feature
1709 1
1710 1
 * Sub patches from mean
1711 1
1712 1
3D capture code
1713 1
1714 1
 * Start *Anatoly* on 3D capture
1715 1
1716 1
*_Action Items_*
1717 1
1718 1
1719 1
1720 1
1721 1
1722 1
1723 1
1724 1
 * Check kdd trees on small vectors
1725 1
1726 1
1727 1
1728 1
1729 1
1730 1
1731 1
1732 1
 * Talk to *Radu* about 3D rotation of points and create an image
1733 1
 * *Gary* to send *Anatoly* stereo data for trying HOG and SPIN
1734 1
 ** Look in
1735 1
 ** http://vault.willowgarage.com/wgdata1/vol1/IKea_Related/Class
1736 1
 ** For file Objects_kjlKJL.tar.gz (0.5G)
1737 1
 * Send gaussian curvature paper
1738 1
 * *Kurt* to send paper on fast plane fit
1739 1
 * Histogram of Gradient link
1740 1
1741 1
1742 1
1743 1
 * *Anatoly* -- prioritize HOG, SPIN
1744 1
 ** Fast plane fit
1745 1
1746 1
1747 1
1748 1
 * Set up the first OpenCV appliation: 3D box
1749 1
 ** Video of it working
1750 1
 ** Raw video that spits out marked object
1751 1
1752 1
h2.  2009-04-07 
1753 1
1754 1
1755 1
1756 1
 * We need to update:
1757 1
 ** Accomplishments
1758 1
 ** "Monthly announce":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Monthly
1759 1
 ** "Change Logs":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Change%20Logs Can we get new functions listed here?
1760 1
 ** Contributors credit page?
1761 1
 ** Update what people are working on.
1762 1
 * *Vadim*
1763 1
 ** Stereo block match at two scales.  Progress?
1764 1
 ** kd_tree tests for small vectors?
1765 1
 ** New interface progress
1766 1
 ** 3D Capture -- software in? Testing?
1767 1
 ** Python interface based on numpy matrices?
1768 1
 ** Optical flow code?
1769 1
 * *Victor*
1770 1
 ** Code for 3D box tracking
1771 1
 ** Chamfer matching
1772 1
 *** 2D
1773 1
 *** 3D?
1774 1
 ** Machine learning reading csv
1775 1
 *** Other MLL improvements
1776 1
1777 1
1778 1
1779 1
1780 1
1781 1
 * 3D box code (put into OpenCV application section)
1782 1
 * Chamfer matching 
1783 1
 ** Used in outlet matching -- works well for orange matching
1784 1
 *** Many false positives in high texture  
1785 1
 *** Works worse on white on white because edges are unreliable
1786 1
 *** Useful for European outlets
1787 1
 *** Edge template better, but depends on edge fidelity 
1788 1
 * MLL
1789 1
 ** a major commit to opencv svn. 
1790 1
 *** The new memory-efficient structure for tree-based classifiers has been implemented. The new memory limitations are still under investigation (because of the recent changes in cxcore).
1791 1
 *** About 2X saving for old version of OpenCV, looking at new version
1792 1
 *** 10,000 samples, 1000 variables. 
1793 1
 *** Doing new tests (*Maria*)
1794 1
1795 1
Application section
1796 1
1797 1
 * Same svn link, but put opencv_extra
1798 1
 * For example https://opencvlibrary.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opencvlibrary/trunk/opencv_extra/3d/createsamples3d/
1799 1
1800 1
1801 1
1802 1
 * Stereo starting tommorrow
1803 1
 * kd-tree on small vectors -- will send table
1804 1
1805 1
Activity results:
1806 1
1807 1
 # Converted to the new API and optimized (by factor of 2) pyramid functions.
1808 1
 # Integrated Fuzzy MeanShift Tracker by Farhad Dadgostar (the same person who contributed adaptive skin detector).
1809 1
 # Integrated Farnerback dense optical flow.
1810 1
 # *Anatoly* started investigation of 3DSom software for 3D reconstruction. A brief report has been sent.
1811 1
1812 1
Plans for this week:
1813 1
1814 1
 # Purchase some lighting setup for better background isolation. We have found some good possible setups in the internet already.
1815 1
 # Finish optical flow intergration (other dense optical flow algorithm and better sparse optical flow).
1816 1
 # Implement adaptive-window variant of stereo correspondence algorithm
1817 1
 * Issues: we still have not received the license update from 3DSom.
1818 1
1819 1
1820 1
1821 1
 * Can create numpy array and call OpenCV function
1822 1
 * C-type tool in more use
1823 1
 * Supports overload
1824 1
1825 1
Optical Flow
1826 1
1827 1
 * Forward back algorithm
1828 1
 * Have another dense algorithm almost ready, will integrate
1829 1
 * Improve sparse optical flow with color and image gradients
1830 1
 * About 1 week more work (delayed for stereo)
1831 1
1832 1
Contours and Object detection
1833 1
1834 1
 * Need C++ interface
1835 1
 * Contours
1836 1
 ** 2 week working time (data structure issues)
1837 1
 * Object detection
1838 1
 ** Probably 1 week
1839 1
1840 1
HighGUI and MLL
1841 1
1842 1
 * Can be converted in interface 
1843 1
 * HighGUI fast
1844 1
 * MLL ~ 1 month
1845 1
1846 1
External code, improvement in 
1847 1
1848 1
The details of the implementation can be found here:
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and one of the related videos also is here:
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"OpenCV Summer Release":http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/OpenCV%20Ideas%202009
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 # General Structure:
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 ** Decisions on library structure (Google's request, separate packages as is ...)
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 *** Provide way to build OpenCV statically, then size varies with binary size
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 # New Features
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 ** C++ interface
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 *** cxcore
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 *** cv  -- start with filtering functions, resize, optical flow, object detection (2 weeks)
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 ** Better python
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 *** *Vadim*, *Alex* ...
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 ** 2D features C-descriptor, HoG Boundary Fragments ...
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 *** C-descriptor ... resolved issues with Michael, *Vadim* understands code more deeply (next week)
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 **** No re-implementation yet. Code based on randomized tree, but specialized version.
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 *** Boundary fragments ... working on focus.
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 *** Get con