Version 3 (Alexander Shishkov, 2012-05-21 09:12 am) → Version 4/10 (Alexander Shishkov, 2012-05-21 09:12 am)
h1. OpenCV Meeting notes for 2008 year
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-07-21
h3. Agenda
Current Goals in Priority Order
# 3D Vision
## Stereo Rectification (Vadim)
## Stereo Correspondence
### Fast Version using correlation windows (Vadim)
### "Kolmogorov Graph Cut Energy Minimization Method":http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/vnk/recon.html (Victor and Sergey)
## Regression tests for chessboard finder, calibration, stereo calibration and rectification
# Feature Toolbox (Alex)
# Improve Python interface (Vadim)
# Google OpenCV Wrappers (Vadim, Daniel Filip)
h3. Minutes
* Google OpenCV Wrappers (done)
* Jean-Yves style rectification (this week)
* Correlation stereo correspondence (next week)
*Victor and Sergey*
* Kolmogorov first pass and first optimization (done)
* Reorganize code for OpenCV compatibility and add in correspondence constraints (2 weeks)
* Has 3 versions of SIFT and 1 SURF, writing a keypoint stability analysis/regression test tool (this week)
* Get kids party rectified stereo data to Alex (this week)
* Get feature citations to Alex (this week)
* Get Jack's MSER and Code to Alex ( this week)
* Get stereo correspondence code to Vadim (this week)
h3. Action Items
* Get whole stereo toolchain going with regression tests
* DoG, MSER, Harris, SURF, Star Keypoint detectors
* SIFT, SURF, DAISY, Lepetit, PHOG, PHOW features
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-07-28
h3. Agenda
Update of calibration and stereo, start of feature toolbox
h3. Minutes
* Checked in Stereo calibration and rectification code to OpenCV! Sent me calibration code example.
* Timing analysis of Kolmogorov's method.
* Analysed SIFT vs SURF on dataset
* Sent proposed keypoint detector/descriptor function
* Sent correspondence code example.
h3. Action Items
* *Vadim* to
** fix any issues that come up in stereo calibration and rectification code,
** look over book doc of these functions and
** start working on stereo correspondence.
* *Victor/Sergey*:
** Literature and code search of energy minimization.
** Decide on reimplement graph minimization or BP or to drop
* *Gary*:
** Get Alex data examples of party plates, left and right views.
** Start desired features list.
** WG detector code to Russia.
** Discuss changing contract with WG and Argus to focus on features and recognition along with fast stereo.
** Set out better long term plans.
* *Kurt*:
** Look at stereo calibration and rectification results.
* *Alex*:
** Surf and SIFT into OpenCV as start of key detectors and key descriptors toolbox
** Run on WG detector.
** Convert PHOG/PHOW for use on Opencv
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-15
h3. Agenda
* Progress report
* Hiring for full time team
* Feature and 3D code going in
* Release
h3. Minutes
* Progress
** Stereo now works for Vadim using the patched 1394 code. Issue is whether to just build that in and bypass 1394 or get the patch into 1394
** Vadim fixed an orientation bug in SURF and also sped it up 2.5X
** Kolmogorov: RCG looking it over, will hear reports on progress this week
* Hiring
** Might be easy to find people with test experience in NN
** One of the experts, Victor, Alex or Sergey has to decide who will come over full time
*** This position will be full time
*** Involve interesting work, and have research as well as practical output. At least one conference visit/year, possible onsite (at WG) working sessions
*** Kurt needs fast SLAM, I need work on near by object detection, recognition and segmentation
*** This contract is intended to be long term, first decision point will come at 10 months. It will be long term as long as it is productive (I depend on this too)
* Feature and 3D code
** We need a working SURF with demo added
** The Star feature should go in this week
** JD's 3D to 3D point projection is getting ready, he needs to talk about the interace with Vadim
* Release
** OpenCV 1.0 is getting stale
** We need at least a 1.1 release with Stereo for the book (otherwise there will be missing functionality that will cause bug reports/bad experiences for users).
** Mark's group has a preliminary 1.1 release
** 3D features
h3. Action Items
* *Gary*
** Talk to Jeremy about getting the patch into the official 1394 driver
** Get book code into OpenCV samples as a subdirectory
* *JD*
** Send 3D interface API
* *Patrick*
** Be ready to answer questions if any on star feature if Vadim needs
* *Vadim*:
** Get SURF into CVS
** Get Mark's 1.1 including Stereo and with book demos up as 1.1 release before Oct 1st
** Get Star detector first pass into OpenCV form (it will need optimization probably for performance) and include test and sample code
** Consider stereo HighGUI interface
** Possible help with getting book and associated code pointers to the OpenCV sites
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-22
h3. Agenda
* Just Updates
h3. Minutes
* SURF Integration to OpenCV is done
* Preparing a libdc patch for stereo camera integration
** Issue is of use of libdc2 (which this patch uses, but most people don't use yet: future use) or libdc (current)
* Kolmogorov
** Dimitry is working on porting 2nd part of code
** 1st part: MaxFlow takes 80-90% of computation (finished)
** 2nd part: Graph construction (still some re-write to separate from Kolmogorov)
** Already significantly faster, "normal" 640x480 scene with small 10s of disparity takes 7 seconds on an older laptop
*** Can have the ability to apply to specific parts of image (mix fast and slow stereo)
*** Speed depends on parameters: ~n^3 running time in number of pixels. Depends also on # of disparity levels
**** Hierarchical method will improve therefor on both of these bottlenecks
** This week expected for finish
* Hiring status
** Interviewed 1 RCG and 1 more this week
*** Possible: Specialist 2nd week Oct. of Anatoli Backsh (worked for Argus calibrating multi-projectors)
*** Possible: Dimitry (?) Was working on Kolmogorov as RCG is possilbe: Good mathematician, not fast programmer. So still considering.
*** Will probably wait to interview more over next 2 weeks
** Expert to be decided by mid-Oct. Will start in November.
h3. Action Items
* Send Vadim new cvx_background code
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-29
h3. Agenda
* Release
* Kolmogorov
* Background code
* Hiring
* New 3D package
h3. Minutes
*Release Issues*
* Video writing on Linux -- might have to add a video writer since not implemented in gstreamer
** sample for stereo calibration and correspondence.
** Release should be out by next Monday.
* Kolmogorov is in CVS (2.4 seconds on Tsukuba 52x288 images with maximum disparity == 16, we think later this can go to 0.33 sec)
** Sample use needs to be done (very quick, will be done today)
* Background codebook modeling is ready for CVS, need to check API
* Several RCG interviewed
** Final candidate list (7 total) this week
** Decide (maybe Thrusday)
** 2 weeks later starting (mid to late October)
* Specialist
** Anatoli
** Start in November
* Two issues as to how to include since it right now is a large class
** Simplify it down to 2 functions
** Keep it as a separate complete package
h3. Action Items
* Get the release out
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-10-06
h3. Agenda
* Release Status
** Matrix bug
* Hiring Status
** Alex visit
* Priorities
** Visual Odometery
** Object rec
*** Person rec
** Python
h3. Minutes
* Vadim sick
* Patches
* For fundamental matrix
** 32FC2 or 32FC3 for regular or homogenious coordinates
* Windows 2 days.
** Stereo calibration, final testing
* Linux by end of the week
* Specialist
** Anatoly joining in a month, mid-November
* RCG (interviewed 2 people)
** Alexi full time in two week (Finishing MS thesis)
** Andri (undecided, available in one month)
* Will be at WG Oct 16th
** arrive SJ 10:30 AM, taxi to WG
* Python
** Automatically generated by SWIG
** Might give to Alexi or Andri
** Should build OK now
h3. Action Items
* *Gary*
** Fix fundamental matrix point arrays bug in example code
** Send Vadim Learning OpenCV Code examples
** Ask Victor what he knows about hiring.
** Ask Adrian at AM about python contribution? Works with SWIG?
* *Vadim get*
** Better from (human not software) virus
** Windows version out in 2 days
** Linux by end of week
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-10-13
h3. Agenda
# Release -- if there are problems with tests or bugs, we can delay further
* Should we think about separating data from the rest of the package?
* Remind me what's in (full stereo I know is yes):
** SURF (I think so)
** Star detector
** Book Example code
*** Stereo example code is there, should it be modified?
** JD's 3D Rot and translation code (I think not?)
** Kolmogorov. With sample demo?
# Of course -- hiring status update
# Interface -- people here are talking about wanting a more modern interface to OpenCV
* Some are building on wImage -- what is in Daniel's utils?
* They (JD and Patrick) want type safe, templates instead of macros etc
* One (James) wants a more abstract image -- for data that might exist on arbitrary manifolds
** abstract reference to pixels, so they can reside say on a GPU etc
** I think if we do this, it has to be a new image type and separate functionality to use it. I don't see the "demand" for this right now
* (I insert for Daniel) Creating opencv with smaller footprint. (Is this in already?)
* This is just a heads up. We will set up another meeting to discuss
# OpenCV wiki. Scott is on vacation but I left a message asking him about hosting at Willow Garage. This is probably fine using moinmoin
# General schedule of post release priorities (what are they/when are they). Some "whats":
* 3D pipeline (for 3D slam etc)
** JD Chen's 3D point to point estimation code
** Optimized Star
** Bundle adjustment
* Object recognition
** Spin features
** Boundary fragments
** Pyramid Kernels, perhaps extended to 3D
** Possibly simpler (Zisserman or LePetit type) Random Forests in machine learning.
h3. Minutes
* Functionality wise, it's complete
* Didn't try python wrappers, or 64 bit Windows
** SURF, codebook is in,
** New sample code:
*** Stereo calibration
*** Background subtraction
*** (possibly birdseye)
*** SURF demo
*** Octave example directory
* No star detector in.
* Kolmogorov in
** Good to have example
*Hiring status*
* Alexi (RCG) Oct 20th
* Other (Andre) RCG, still in negotiation ... in Nov
* Anatoli Nov 1st or delayed week.
*New interface*
* Will be discussed on Thrusday
*OpenCV Wiki*
* Probably at Willow Garage with MoinMoin
*Future Priorities*
* Object recognition
** Star detector optimized and in
** Boundary features
** Regularized stereo
** Spin features need to be speeded
** Machine learning
* Interface C++
* 3D pipeline
* Look at recognition architecture in last CVPR robot competition.
h3. Action Items
* Release Windows next 2 days
* Release Linux version after Mark in Germany tests it.
* Get wiki up -- might happen next week because Scott is on vacation.
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-07-21
h3. Agenda
Current Goals in Priority Order
# 3D Vision
## Stereo Rectification (Vadim)
## Stereo Correspondence
### Fast Version using correlation windows (Vadim)
### "Kolmogorov Graph Cut Energy Minimization Method":http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/vnk/recon.html (Victor and Sergey)
## Regression tests for chessboard finder, calibration, stereo calibration and rectification
# Feature Toolbox (Alex)
# Improve Python interface (Vadim)
# Google OpenCV Wrappers (Vadim, Daniel Filip)
h3. Minutes
* Google OpenCV Wrappers (done)
* Jean-Yves style rectification (this week)
* Correlation stereo correspondence (next week)
*Victor and Sergey*
* Kolmogorov first pass and first optimization (done)
* Reorganize code for OpenCV compatibility and add in correspondence constraints (2 weeks)
* Has 3 versions of SIFT and 1 SURF, writing a keypoint stability analysis/regression test tool (this week)
* Get kids party rectified stereo data to Alex (this week)
* Get feature citations to Alex (this week)
* Get Jack's MSER and Code to Alex ( this week)
* Get stereo correspondence code to Vadim (this week)
h3. Action Items
* Get whole stereo toolchain going with regression tests
* DoG, MSER, Harris, SURF, Star Keypoint detectors
* SIFT, SURF, DAISY, Lepetit, PHOG, PHOW features
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-07-28
h3. Agenda
Update of calibration and stereo, start of feature toolbox
h3. Minutes
* Checked in Stereo calibration and rectification code to OpenCV! Sent me calibration code example.
* Timing analysis of Kolmogorov's method.
* Analysed SIFT vs SURF on dataset
* Sent proposed keypoint detector/descriptor function
* Sent correspondence code example.
h3. Action Items
* *Vadim* to
** fix any issues that come up in stereo calibration and rectification code,
** look over book doc of these functions and
** start working on stereo correspondence.
* *Victor/Sergey*:
** Literature and code search of energy minimization.
** Decide on reimplement graph minimization or BP or to drop
* *Gary*:
** Get Alex data examples of party plates, left and right views.
** Start desired features list.
** WG detector code to Russia.
** Discuss changing contract with WG and Argus to focus on features and recognition along with fast stereo.
** Set out better long term plans.
* *Kurt*:
** Look at stereo calibration and rectification results.
* *Alex*:
** Surf and SIFT into OpenCV as start of key detectors and key descriptors toolbox
** Run on WG detector.
** Convert PHOG/PHOW for use on Opencv
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-15
h3. Agenda
* Progress report
* Hiring for full time team
* Feature and 3D code going in
* Release
h3. Minutes
* Progress
** Stereo now works for Vadim using the patched 1394 code. Issue is whether to just build that in and bypass 1394 or get the patch into 1394
** Vadim fixed an orientation bug in SURF and also sped it up 2.5X
** Kolmogorov: RCG looking it over, will hear reports on progress this week
* Hiring
** Might be easy to find people with test experience in NN
** One of the experts, Victor, Alex or Sergey has to decide who will come over full time
*** This position will be full time
*** Involve interesting work, and have research as well as practical output. At least one conference visit/year, possible onsite (at WG) working sessions
*** Kurt needs fast SLAM, I need work on near by object detection, recognition and segmentation
*** This contract is intended to be long term, first decision point will come at 10 months. It will be long term as long as it is productive (I depend on this too)
* Feature and 3D code
** We need a working SURF with demo added
** The Star feature should go in this week
** JD's 3D to 3D point projection is getting ready, he needs to talk about the interace with Vadim
* Release
** OpenCV 1.0 is getting stale
** We need at least a 1.1 release with Stereo for the book (otherwise there will be missing functionality that will cause bug reports/bad experiences for users).
** Mark's group has a preliminary 1.1 release
** 3D features
h3. Action Items
* *Gary*
** Talk to Jeremy about getting the patch into the official 1394 driver
** Get book code into OpenCV samples as a subdirectory
* *JD*
** Send 3D interface API
* *Patrick*
** Be ready to answer questions if any on star feature if Vadim needs
* *Vadim*:
** Get SURF into CVS
** Get Mark's 1.1 including Stereo and with book demos up as 1.1 release before Oct 1st
** Get Star detector first pass into OpenCV form (it will need optimization probably for performance) and include test and sample code
** Consider stereo HighGUI interface
** Possible help with getting book and associated code pointers to the OpenCV sites
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-22
h3. Agenda
* Just Updates
h3. Minutes
* SURF Integration to OpenCV is done
* Preparing a libdc patch for stereo camera integration
** Issue is of use of libdc2 (which this patch uses, but most people don't use yet: future use) or libdc (current)
* Kolmogorov
** Dimitry is working on porting 2nd part of code
** 1st part: MaxFlow takes 80-90% of computation (finished)
** 2nd part: Graph construction (still some re-write to separate from Kolmogorov)
** Already significantly faster, "normal" 640x480 scene with small 10s of disparity takes 7 seconds on an older laptop
*** Can have the ability to apply to specific parts of image (mix fast and slow stereo)
*** Speed depends on parameters: ~n^3 running time in number of pixels. Depends also on # of disparity levels
**** Hierarchical method will improve therefor on both of these bottlenecks
** This week expected for finish
* Hiring status
** Interviewed 1 RCG and 1 more this week
*** Possible: Specialist 2nd week Oct. of Anatoli Backsh (worked for Argus calibrating multi-projectors)
*** Possible: Dimitry (?) Was working on Kolmogorov as RCG is possilbe: Good mathematician, not fast programmer. So still considering.
*** Will probably wait to interview more over next 2 weeks
** Expert to be decided by mid-Oct. Will start in November.
h3. Action Items
* Send Vadim new cvx_background code
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-09-29
h3. Agenda
* Release
* Kolmogorov
* Background code
* Hiring
* New 3D package
h3. Minutes
*Release Issues*
* Video writing on Linux -- might have to add a video writer since not implemented in gstreamer
** sample for stereo calibration and correspondence.
** Release should be out by next Monday.
* Kolmogorov is in CVS (2.4 seconds on Tsukuba 52x288 images with maximum disparity == 16, we think later this can go to 0.33 sec)
** Sample use needs to be done (very quick, will be done today)
* Background codebook modeling is ready for CVS, need to check API
* Several RCG interviewed
** Final candidate list (7 total) this week
** Decide (maybe Thrusday)
** 2 weeks later starting (mid to late October)
* Specialist
** Anatoli
** Start in November
* Two issues as to how to include since it right now is a large class
** Simplify it down to 2 functions
** Keep it as a separate complete package
h3. Action Items
* Get the release out
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-10-06
h3. Agenda
* Release Status
** Matrix bug
* Hiring Status
** Alex visit
* Priorities
** Visual Odometery
** Object rec
*** Person rec
** Python
h3. Minutes
* Vadim sick
* Patches
* For fundamental matrix
** 32FC2 or 32FC3 for regular or homogenious coordinates
* Windows 2 days.
** Stereo calibration, final testing
* Linux by end of the week
* Specialist
** Anatoly joining in a month, mid-November
* RCG (interviewed 2 people)
** Alexi full time in two week (Finishing MS thesis)
** Andri (undecided, available in one month)
* Will be at WG Oct 16th
** arrive SJ 10:30 AM, taxi to WG
* Python
** Automatically generated by SWIG
** Might give to Alexi or Andri
** Should build OK now
h3. Action Items
* *Gary*
** Fix fundamental matrix point arrays bug in example code
** Send Vadim Learning OpenCV Code examples
** Ask Victor what he knows about hiring.
** Ask Adrian at AM about python contribution? Works with SWIG?
* *Vadim get*
** Better from (human not software) virus
** Windows version out in 2 days
** Linux by end of week
h2. OpenCV/Minutes 2008-10-13
h3. Agenda
# Release -- if there are problems with tests or bugs, we can delay further
* Should we think about separating data from the rest of the package?
* Remind me what's in (full stereo I know is yes):
** SURF (I think so)
** Star detector
** Book Example code
*** Stereo example code is there, should it be modified?
** JD's 3D Rot and translation code (I think not?)
** Kolmogorov. With sample demo?
# Of course -- hiring status update
# Interface -- people here are talking about wanting a more modern interface to OpenCV
* Some are building on wImage -- what is in Daniel's utils?
* They (JD and Patrick) want type safe, templates instead of macros etc
* One (James) wants a more abstract image -- for data that might exist on arbitrary manifolds
** abstract reference to pixels, so they can reside say on a GPU etc
** I think if we do this, it has to be a new image type and separate functionality to use it. I don't see the "demand" for this right now
* (I insert for Daniel) Creating opencv with smaller footprint. (Is this in already?)
* This is just a heads up. We will set up another meeting to discuss
# OpenCV wiki. Scott is on vacation but I left a message asking him about hosting at Willow Garage. This is probably fine using moinmoin
# General schedule of post release priorities (what are they/when are they). Some "whats":
* 3D pipeline (for 3D slam etc)
** JD Chen's 3D point to point estimation code
** Optimized Star
** Bundle adjustment
* Object recognition
** Spin features
** Boundary fragments
** Pyramid Kernels, perhaps extended to 3D
** Possibly simpler (Zisserman or LePetit type) Random Forests in machine learning.
h3. Minutes
* Functionality wise, it's complete
* Didn't try python wrappers, or 64 bit Windows
** SURF, codebook is in,
** New sample code:
*** Stereo calibration
*** Background subtraction
*** (possibly birdseye)
*** SURF demo
*** Octave example directory
* No star detector in.
* Kolmogorov in
** Good to have example
*Hiring status*
* Alexi (RCG) Oct 20th
* Other (Andre) RCG, still in negotiation ... in Nov
* Anatoli Nov 1st or delayed week.
*New interface*
* Will be discussed on Thrusday
*OpenCV Wiki*
* Probably at Willow Garage with MoinMoin
*Future Priorities*
* Object recognition
** Star detector optimized and in
** Boundary features
** Regularized stereo
** Spin features need to be speeded
** Machine learning
* Interface C++
* 3D pipeline
* Look at recognition architecture in last CVPR robot competition.
h3. Action Items
* Release Windows next 2 days
* Release Linux version after Mark in Germany tests it.
* Get wiki up -- might happen next week because Scott is on vacation.