
Version 29 (Gary Bradski, 2012-04-12 08:49 pm)

1 17 Gary Bradski
h1. *Ideas Page: OpenCV Google Summer of Code 2012*
2 18 Gary Bradski
3 19 Gary Bradski
4 20 Gary Bradski
  _+From+_: B. Yao, G. Bradski, L. Fei-Fei, _A Codebook-Free and Annotation-Free Approach for Fine-Grained Image Categorization_ to be published in "CVPR 2012":
5 18 Gary Bradski
6 17 Gary Bradski
General Information:
7 5 Gary Bradski
* "GSoC 2012 site":
8 4 Gary Bradski
* "Timeline for GSoC 2012":
9 15 Gary Bradski
** *Next important dates:*
10 29 Gary Bradski
*** -March 9th: Organization Application deadline.-
11 29 Gary Bradski
*** -March 16th: Announcement of GSoC Mentoring Orgs. (whether we're in or out) 
12 1
13 9 Gary Bradski
14 1
15 8 Gary Bradski
*  UTC to PDT (Pacific Daylight Time == Daylight savings time. In winter it's PST).
16 15 Gary Bradski
** "utc time converter":
17 3 Gary Bradski
18 8 Gary Bradski
h2. For students interested in applying
19 3 Gary Bradski
20 8 Gary Bradski
* *To apply to us:*
21 14 Gary Bradski
** Go to
22 15 Gary Bradski
** Click on "apply"
23 15 Gary Bradski
** After the organizations load (takes some time), type in "OpenCV", click on what comes up and apply.
24 22 Gary Bradski
*** [[GSoCApplicationTemplate]] -- This is what we want to know about you
25 3 Gary Bradski
26 3 Gary Bradski
27 9 Gary Bradski
h2. Project Idea summary
28 10 Gary Bradski
29 9 Gary Bradski
*Students may propose their own projects (give us a clear summary and why you can do this project). However below are some of our priorities for this year*
30 22 Gary Bradski
* *OpenCL Optmization:*
31 15 Gary Bradski
** We have contributors already, get one or more of them to be GSoC students
32 9 Gary Bradski
* *Mobile vision app development:*
33 1
** Vision apps on phone and tablet. We want a very clear "hello world" type of example to make it easier for the rest to start developing mobile vision applications. People can apply for:
34 1
*** iOS (iPhone) examples
35 1
*** Android example
36 22 Gary Bradski
* *Mech Turk Interface*
37 22 Gary Bradski
** Easily label images for train test in OpenCV
38 9 Gary Bradski
* *1D and 2D Barcode readers:*  
39 22 Gary Bradski
** We have a basic datamatrix reader.  Expand to other kinds of barcodes (1D, other 2D).
40 9 Gary Bradski
* *Natural barcodes:*
41 15 Gary Bradski
** OpenCV can read calibration patterns. Calibrate a camera, rectify it's output. Put a picture next to a calibration pattern in a scene. Find 2D interest points with features2D. Measure them in the image using the calibration pattern. Use the pattern of interest points and their measures to turn the picture into a calibration pattern/barcode so that the computer recognizes the picture and knows where it is in relation to the iamge.
42 15 Gary Bradski
*** Stretch goal, embeded and retrieve watermarks in the image.
43 9 Gary Bradski
* *Python example:*
44 15 Gary Bradski
** We're finding the python interface extremely useful and productive. It needs a lot more examples
45 9 Gary Bradski
* *Tutorials:*
46 15 Gary Bradski
** Continue with "OpenCV Tutorials":
47 9 Gary Bradski
* *Inverted index:*
48 16 Gary Bradski
** Help create an _*inverted index*_ of functionality to functions.  That is, say, _edge detection_ would list Sobel, Scharr, Canny etc.
49 9 Gary Bradski
* *Train Classifiers:*
50 15 Gary Bradski
** OpenCV has many classifiers. Train them carefully on useful objects (faces, people, cars, bikes, plates, cups, bowls etc) and we'll allow others to use those trained categories.
51 9 Gary Bradski
* *Structure from Motion (SfM):*
52 15 Gary Bradski
** Help adapt libmv for OpenCV.
53 9 Gary Bradski
* *Course-ware:*
54 15 Gary Bradski
** We want to start offering vision courses using OpenCV. 
55 15 Gary Bradski
*** If you are expert in a topic (say it's your area of graduate research, or you've just finished a project or course in a particular topic and can explain it well)
56 15 Gary Bradski
*** Write up the topic, the math and then develop a step by step example of it using OpenCV.
57 3 Gary Bradski
58 1
h2. Mentors
59 20 Gary Bradski
60 3 Gary Bradski
In the below, get rid of the ''-delete-'' to make the emails work.
61 3 Gary Bradski
62 28 Gary Bradski
 Anatoly Baksheev
63 28 Gary Bradski
 Researcher, Vision Algorithms on GPU
64 28 Gary Bradski
65 28 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]  
66 28 Gary Bradski
67 27 Gary Bradski
 Serge J. Belongie
68 27 Gary Bradski
 Professor Computer Science and Engineering 
69 27 Gary Bradski
 University of California, San Diego 
70 27 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
71 11 Gary Bradski
72 3 Gary Bradski
  Alexander Bovyrin
73 3 Gary Bradski
  PhD, Senior Researcher
74 3 Gary Bradski
  Argus/Itseez founder
75 3 Gary Bradski
  NNU Lecturer
76 3 Gary Bradski
  [email protected]
77 3 Gary Bradski
78 3 Gary Bradski
 Gary Bradski
79 3 Gary Bradski
 Founder, Industrial Perception Inc.
80 3 Gary Bradski
 Consulting Prof. Stanford U.
81 1
 OpenCV Founder, Technical Content Owner, GSoC Admin
82 26 Gary Bradski
 Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book
83 3 Gary Bradski
84 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
85 3 Gary Bradski
86 11 Gary Bradski
87 3 Gary Bradski
 Victor Eruhimov
88 3 Gary Bradski
 OpenCV founding team/Senior Researcher
89 3 Gary Bradski
 Argus/Itseez founder
90 1
 NNU Lecturer
91 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
92 3 Gary Bradski
93 25 Gary Bradski
 Adrian Kaehler
94 25 Gary Bradski
 Principle Engineer, Applied Minds
95 25 Gary Bradski
 Co-author of Learning OpenCV Book.
96 25 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
97 27 Gary Bradski
98 27 Gary Bradski
 Peter Karasev
99 27 Gary Bradski
 PhD Student, MINERVA Research Group
100 27 Gary Bradski
 Georgia Tech
101 27 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
102 25 Gary Bradski
103 1
 Kurt Konolige
104 3 Gary Bradski
 Founder, Industrial Perception Inc
105 3 Gary Bradski
 Consulting Professor, Stanford CS
106 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
107 11 Gary Bradski
108 3 Gary Bradski
 Caroline Pantofaru 
109 3 Gary Bradski
 Researcher Scientist in perceiving people
110 3 Gary Bradski
111 1
 [email protected] 
112 11 Gary Bradski
113 3 Gary Bradski
 Vadim Pisarevsky
114 3 Gary Bradski
 OpenCV founding team/Czar
115 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
116 3 Gary Bradski
117 3 Gary Bradski
 Vincent Rabaud
118 3 Gary Bradski
 Research Engineer/Perception, Willow Garage
119 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
120 3 Gary Bradski
121 3 Gary Bradski
 Ethan Rublee
122 3 Gary Bradski
  Founder, Industrial Perception Inc
123 1
 Ported OpenCV to Android
124 1
 See Android vision apps under "Robot view" or "the vegan robot"
125 1
 [email protected]
126 1
127 11 Gary Bradski
h3.  Back up Mentors
128 3 Gary Bradski
129 3 Gary Bradski
 Mark Asbach
130 3 Gary Bradski
 Fraunhofer IAIS
131 3 Gary Bradski
 Schloss Birlinghoven
132 3 Gary Bradski
 Sankt Augustin, Germany
133 3 Gary Bradski
134 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
135 3 Gary Bradski
136 11 Gary Bradski
137 3 Gary Bradski
 Nicolas Saunier, Ph.D.
138 3 Gary Bradski
 Assistant Professor
139 3 Gary Bradski
 Civil, Geological and Mining Department (CGM)
140 3 Gary Bradski
 École Polytechnique de Montréal
141 3 Gary Bradski
142 3 Gary Bradski
 [email protected]
143 3 Gary Bradski
144 3 Gary Bradski
145 11 Gary Bradski
146 11 Gary Bradski
h2. OpenCV Org. Application to GSoC 2011
147 11 Gary Bradski
148 1
149 3 Gary Bradski
150 23 Gary Bradski
h2. Previous Years 
151 23 Gary Bradski
152 23 Gary Bradski
* 2011 Ideas site
153 23 Gary Bradski
** 2011 Application GSoC page is
154 23 Gary Bradski
* 2010 Ideas site
155 23 Gary Bradski
** 2010 Application page
156 23 Gary Bradski
157 3 Gary Bradski