
Version 2 (Gary Bradski, 2012-03-07 01:06 am)

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h1. What we want to know about you for OpenCV GSoC
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*NOTE:* You +MUST+ apply through Google Summer of Code, +DO+ +NOT+ send us an application directly!
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* Students can submit their applications via the Google Summer of Code 2012 "site": from March 27 - April 9, 2012
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We welcome contact with prospective students. Send us mail:
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 [email protected]  (remove the {{{-delete-}}})
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h2. Student Application for OpenCV-GSoC 2012
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h2. Contact Information
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* Please provide: 
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** Your name
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** A phone number
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** An email address where we can reach you for daily communication.
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* If you have a website that discusses your research, work and/or coding, let us know.
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h2. Requirements 
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* We are looking for people who have strong programming backgrounds, there is no time to "learn on the job".  
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** Most of the positions will require advanced ability and experience in *C++* and/or *Python*. 
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*** Exception might be for help working on the website itself
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** Most of the projects require knowledge of computer vision techniques. If so, your application will not be accepted if you don't have such experience. These will be stated on the projects ideas page. 
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Again, you must meet the requirements -- it is not enough to "want" to work on computer vision, we have limited time and so we need people who already have the necessary background. If you lack this background, spend the next year getting the background and apply then, we intend to be back for GSoC 2013.
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Students will be expected to ''meet'' with their mentors by email, skype or google chat once a week and to twitter at least 2x/day on their current coding activities
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h2. Sample Code and other skills 
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** With your application: *Please send in some sample code that you are proud of and are prepared to answer questions on.*
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** If you have other useful skills such as experience with code optimization, or knowledge of SSE, MMX, CUDA or especially development experience on Android or iPhone let us know.
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h2. Courses Taken 
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List the courses that you have taken in:
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** Math
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** Computer programming, especially:
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** Programming languages
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** Data structures
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** Web programming
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** Data base
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** Computer vision
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** Engineering
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h2. Work Experience 
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* List any work experience that you've had in 
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** software development and/or in 
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** computer vision.
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h2. Open Source Experience 
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* If you have already contributed to other open source projects, please tell us what it was and when you did this.
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h2. Which project you are interested in and and why you want to do it 
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* Please tell us which of the project ideas you are interested and why you want to work on that one.
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* If you have your __own idea__, please describe it clearly and provide a timeline of progress towards that goal.
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h2. References 
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* Please list 2 or 3 academic or programming work references.
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