
Version 1 (Gary Bradski, 2012-03-07 02:36 am)

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h1. GSoC2012OpenCVApplication
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h3. Org ID
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h3. Org name
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Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)
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h3. Description
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The Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) is a comprehensive computer vision library and machine learning (over 2500 functions) written in C++ and C with additional Python and Java interfaces. It officially supports Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android and iOS. OpenCV has specific optimizations for SSE instructions, CUDA and especially Tegra. There is an active user group of 50 thousand members and download are approaching > 4M. OpenCV has uses from gesture recognition, Android and iPhone vision apps on up to medical, robotics, mine safety and Google Streetview.
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h3. URL
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h3. License
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New and Simplified BSD
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h3. Backup Admin
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h3. Ideas Page
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h3. IRC channel
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#opencv on freenode
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h3. Mailing list
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h3. Why participate
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OpenCV has several full time contractors working on robotic applications and another paid group working on CUDA. However, the scope of the library is much larger and GSoC interns were invaluable last year in addressing other critical areas:
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* getting a solid port of OpenCV to iOS, 
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* developing a QT based graphical interface, the old GUI was decidedly limited and stale
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* creating an automatic interface to PASCAL VOC (the main computer vision object recognition challenge) 
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* coding up a long time winning classifier in PASCAL VOC: Latent SVM
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* features and support for feature tracking
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* A set of tutorials
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* A set of python examples
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All the above things were out of scope of the paid work and had substantial impact on OpenCV, especially making it work with Mobile. In addition, 3 of the interns are now regular contributors. 2 more are occasional contributors.
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Thus, why we are applying: We want to bring in a new generation of contributors and also to fill out areas where to don't have active development. We hope to gain pretty much a repeat of last year: Filling out new areas, perhaps co-authoring new papers and getting new regular contributors.
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h3. Past summer of code, If so, challenges 
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We participated in 2010 and 2011.
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