Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago
Hi, to whom it may concern:
Function HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale() seems to be clearly explained in OpenCV 2.4.0 documentation at http://opencv.itseez.com/modules/gpu/doc/object_detection.html#gpu-hogdescriptor-detectmultiscale .
"win_stride â Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride.
padding â Mock parameter to keep the CPU interface compatibility. It must be (0,0)."
However, in file OpenCV-2.4.0\samples\cpp\peopledetect.cpp, line 79
" hog.detectMultiScale(img, found, 0, Size(8,8), Size(32,32), 1.05, 2);"
This seems to conflict with what's described by the documentation.
IMO, this is clearly a bug. Can anybody help to fix it?
Best Regards