Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago
# @VideoWriter@: VideoWriter: add a link to fourcc codes page
# @putText@: putText: fontScale -- not clear what is the base font size
# @getTextSize@: getTextSize: "Use "y" to show that the baseline is about" -- comment is unclear
# @CvRTParams@: CvRTParams: there is no description of the structure members. So it is completely unclear how to alter a default value for one of the parameters without specifying all of them.
# @findContours@: findContours: description of hierarchy has a typo 'same hierarchical level: the first' -> 'same hierarchical level, the first'
# @findContours@: findContours: the description of hierarchy should explicitly say it should be a vector<Vec4i>. If hierarchy is a Mat, the results are confusing (one row matrix is returned)
# @opticalFlow@: opticalFlow: not clear what is the type of 'status' matrix
# @goodFeaturesToTrack@: goodFeaturesToTrack: not clear what is the type of 'corners' matrix
# matrix concatenation: I am sure there was one (Vadim has told me) but it is not in the documentation (search on 'concatenate' does not bring anything relevant)
# @CvStatModel::train@: CvStatModel::train: "For classification problems, the responses are discrete class labels". Well, thank you very much, as if I didn't know that. However the real goal of this would be to tell me what is the expected type of the response matrix. And I can't find it in the documentation. The whole documentation for this class method has to be made rigorous, describing the meaning of each argument.
# @CvBoost@: CvBoost: returnSum in function declaration, but return_sum in parameters description
# @putText@: putText: fontScale -- not clear what is the base font size
# @getTextSize@: getTextSize: "Use "y" to show that the baseline is about" -- comment is unclear
# @CvRTParams@: CvRTParams: there is no description of the structure members. So it is completely unclear how to alter a default value for one of the parameters without specifying all of them.
# @findContours@: findContours: description of hierarchy has a typo 'same hierarchical level: the first' -> 'same hierarchical level, the first'
# @findContours@: findContours: the description of hierarchy should explicitly say it should be a vector<Vec4i>. If hierarchy is a Mat, the results are confusing (one row matrix is returned)
# @opticalFlow@: opticalFlow: not clear what is the type of 'status' matrix
# @goodFeaturesToTrack@: goodFeaturesToTrack: not clear what is the type of 'corners' matrix
# matrix concatenation: I am sure there was one (Vadim has told me) but it is not in the documentation (search on 'concatenate' does not bring anything relevant)
# @CvStatModel::train@: CvStatModel::train: "For classification problems, the responses are discrete class labels". Well, thank you very much, as if I didn't know that. However the real goal of this would be to tell me what is the expected type of the response matrix. And I can't find it in the documentation. The whole documentation for this class method has to be made rigorous, describing the meaning of each argument.
# @CvBoost@: CvBoost: returnSum in function declaration, but return_sum in parameters description