Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago
ile name: ba.cpp
I have found more than one bug in this implementation. I would list them out:
1) The implementation assumes pointer size to be 32 bit, while on my 64 bit UBUNTU/OPENSUSE system, gcc shows size of pointer to be 64 bit and because of this it crashes during run time.
The matrices A, B, W and Vis_index which store pointers, have type CV_32S. (line 214 - 217). If I chage the type to CV_32SC2, this bug gets fixed.
2) In the method fjac in Jacobian computation, at line 728
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 2, CV_64F ); //projection of the point
The type CV_64F cause assertion failure during run time in cvProjectPoints2 . This bug gets fixed, if I change the type to CV_64FC2 and reduce number of cols to 1, i.e.
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_64FC2 ); //projection of the point
The same bug lies in function named 'func', which is used to compute projections. At line 937
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 2, CV_64F ); //projection of the point
again if I change type to CV_64FC2, it gets fixed. Also in this case it would need to be reshaped before
line 963:
cvTranspose( _mp, estim );
cvTranspose( _mp, estim );
3) At line 1106:
params.rowRange(i*num_cam_param + 10,i*num_cam_param+10+numdist).copyTo(distCoeffs[i]);
The distortion being copied is the one which has been given as input for optimization, but rather it should be optimized one. i.e.
(levmar.P).rowRange(i*num_cam_param + 10,i*num_cam_param+10+numdist).copyTo(distCoeffs[i]);
This causes wrong output of optimization.
4) I noticed that the optimization does not let focal length and principal point vary at all, it only changes distortion and motion parameters. Though, I do not have any specific line to point out, but I still believe it is not natural behaviour of bundle adjustment. I compared it's output with sba package provided at http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/sba/ and sba's output confirms my suspecion.
I wanted to use this implementation in a software. I would be grateful if anyone fixes it soon.
I have found more than one bug in this implementation. I would list them out:
1) The implementation assumes pointer size to be 32 bit, while on my 64 bit UBUNTU/OPENSUSE system, gcc shows size of pointer to be 64 bit and because of this it crashes during run time.
The matrices A, B, W and Vis_index which store pointers, have type CV_32S. (line 214 - 217). If I chage the type to CV_32SC2, this bug gets fixed.
2) In the method fjac in Jacobian computation, at line 728
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 2, CV_64F ); //projection of the point
The type CV_64F cause assertion failure during run time in cvProjectPoints2 . This bug gets fixed, if I change the type to CV_64FC2 and reduce number of cols to 1, i.e.
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_64FC2 ); //projection of the point
The same bug lies in function named 'func', which is used to compute projections. At line 937
CvMat* [[CvMat]]* _mp = cvCreateMat(1, 2, CV_64F ); //projection of the point
again if I change type to CV_64FC2, it gets fixed. Also in this case it would need to be reshaped before
line 963:
cvTranspose( _mp, estim );
cvTranspose( _mp, estim );
3) At line 1106:
params.rowRange(i*num_cam_param + 10,i*num_cam_param+10+numdist).copyTo(distCoeffs[i]);
The distortion being copied is the one which has been given as input for optimization, but rather it should be optimized one. i.e.
(levmar.P).rowRange(i*num_cam_param + 10,i*num_cam_param+10+numdist).copyTo(distCoeffs[i]);
This causes wrong output of optimization.
4) I noticed that the optimization does not let focal length and principal point vary at all, it only changes distortion and motion parameters. Though, I do not have any specific line to point out, but I still believe it is not natural behaviour of bundle adjustment. I compared it's output with sba package provided at http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/sba/ and sba's output confirms my suspecion.
I wanted to use this implementation in a software. I would be grateful if anyone fixes it soon.