Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago

We've been using two versions of yet another debayering algorithm with the Kinect. It's simple enough to run in real time, but largely gets rid of the zipper artifacts you get from bilinear interpolation.

Suat has implementations for GRBG pattern (used by Kinect) in https://kforge.ros.org/openni/openni_ros/file/fbe024cacaf7/openni_camera_unstable/src/openni_image_bayer_grbg.cpp. You can ignore the downsampling logic.

I'd like these moved into OpenCV. [[OpenCV]]. Then in Electric, image_proc will allow a choice of bilinear, edge-aware or VNG debayering.

Kurt / Suat, could one of you post a high-level explanation of what these methods do?

Also, before we create too much work for Vadim: do we really need both, or is just @EdgeAware@ sufficient? I basically can't tell the difference between @EdgeAware@ and @EdgeAwareWeighted@, but then again the Kinect has a pretty crappy RGB camera.
