Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago

I'm using OpenCV-2.3.1 [[OpenCV]]-2.3.1 with Qt and Qt OpenGL [[OpenGL]] on Fedora 15(64-bit). Everything works fine. Except, when i try to use the Webcam in the facedetect example, the LED of the Cam is green(it shows that it is in capture), but there isn't any picture shown and there is no window. I'm using a Microsoft Lifecam V-700. When i plug out my cam, it says "libv4l2: error dequeuing buffer: Kein passendes Gerät gefunden[I'm form Germany it means no matching device]".My System config
CPU: AMD Phenom x6 1055t
GPU: ATI-Radeon-HD 5850
OS: Fedora 15(Kernel version: 2.6.40[that's 3.0])
With best regards <henrytm>
