Can't detect runtime and/or arch Checking for Windows Platform SDK Checking for Visual Studio 2012 Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/zlib Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/libtiff Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/libjpeg Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/libwebp Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/libjasper Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/libpng Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/3rdparty/openexr Returning to C:/opencv Could NOT find Matlab (missing: MATLAB_MEX_SCRIPT MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIRS MATLAB_ROOT_DIR MATLAB_LIBRARIES MATLAB_LIBRARY_DIRS MATLAB_MEXEXT MATLAB_ARCH MATLAB_BIN) Entering C:/opencv/include Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/androidcamera Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/bioinspired Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/calib3d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/contrib Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/core Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cuda Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaarithm Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudabgsegm Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudacodec Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudafeatures2d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudafilters Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaimgproc Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudalegacy Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaoptflow Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudastereo Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudawarping Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudev Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/features2d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/flann Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/highgui Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/imgproc Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/java Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/legacy Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/matlab Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ml Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/nonfree Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/objdetect Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ocl Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/optim Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/photo Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/python Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/shape Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/softcascade Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/stitching Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/superres Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ts Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/video Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/videostab Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/viz Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/world Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/core Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/flann Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/imgproc Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/highgui Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/features2d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/calib3d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ml Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/objdetect Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/video Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ocl Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/bioinspired Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaarithm Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/nonfree Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/contrib Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudawarping Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cuda Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudafilters Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaimgproc Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/legacy Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudabgsegm Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudacodec Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudafeatures2d Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudaoptflow Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/cudastereo Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/optim Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/photo Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/softcascade Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/python Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/shape Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/stitching Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/superres Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/ts Returning to C:/opencv/modules Entering C:/opencv/modules/videostab Returning to C:/opencv/modules Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/doc Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/data Returning to C:/opencv Entering C:/opencv/apps Entering C:/opencv/apps/haartraining Returning to C:/opencv/apps Entering C:/opencv/apps/traincascade Returning to C:/opencv/apps Entering C:/opencv/apps/sft Returning to C:/opencv/apps Returning to C:/opencv General configuration for OpenCV 3.0.0-dev ===================================== Version control: unknown Platform: Host: Windows 6.1 x86 CMake: CMake generator: Visual Studio 12 CMake build tool: C:/PROGRA~1/MSBuild/12.0/Bin/MSBuild.exe MSVC: 1800 C/C++: Built as dynamic libs?: YES C++ Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/bin/cl.exe (ver 18.0.21005.1) C++ flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /EHa /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /arch:SSE2 /Oi /fp:fast /wd4251 /MD /O2 /Ob2 /D NDEBUG /Zi C++ flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /EHa /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /arch:SSE2 /Oi /fp:fast /wd4251 /D_DEBUG /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 C Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/bin/cl.exe C flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /arch:SSE2 /Oi /fp:fast /MD /O2 /Ob2 /D NDEBUG /Zi C flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /arch:SSE2 /Oi /fp:fast /D_DEBUG /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 Linker flags (Release): /machine:X86 /INCREMENTAL:NO /debug Linker flags (Debug): /machine:X86 /debug /INCREMENTAL Precompiled headers: YES OpenCV modules: To be built: core flann imgproc highgui features2d calib3d ml objdetect video ocl bioinspired cudaarithm nonfree contrib cudawarping cuda cudafilters cudaimgproc legacy cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudaoptflow cudastereo optim photo softcascade python shape stitching superres ts videostab Disabled: viz world Disabled by dependency: - Unavailable: androidcamera cudalegacy cudev java matlab Windows RT support: NO GUI: QT: NO Win32 UI: YES OpenGL support: NO Media I/O: ZLib: build (ver 1.2.8) JPEG: build (ver 90) WEBP: build (ver 0.3.1) PNG: build (ver 1.5.12) TIFF: build (ver 42 - 4.0.2) JPEG 2000: build (ver 1.900.1) OpenEXR: build (ver 1.7.1) Video I/O: Video for Windows: YES DC1394 1.x: NO DC1394 2.x: NO FFMPEG: YES (prebuilt binaries) codec: YES (ver 55.18.102) format: YES (ver 55.12.100) util: YES (ver 52.38.100) swscale: YES (ver 2.3.100) gentoo-style: YES OpenNI: NO OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules: NO PvAPI: NO GigEVisionSDK: NO DirectShow: YES Media Foundation: NO XIMEA: NO Other third-party libraries: Use IPP: NO Use Eigen: NO Use TBB: NO Use OpenMP: NO Use GCD NO Use Concurrency YES Use C=: NO Use Cuda: NO Use OpenCL: YES OpenCL: Version: dynamic Include path: C:/opencv/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2 Use AMDFFT: NO Use AMDBLAS: NO Python: Interpreter: C:/Python27/python.exe (ver 2.7.6) Libraries: C:/Python27/libs/python27.lib (ver 2.7.6) numpy: C:/Python27/lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.8.0) packages path: C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages Java: ant: NO JNI: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_21/include C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_21/include/win32 C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_21/include Java tests: NO Matlab: mex: NO Documentation: Build Documentation: NO Sphinx: NO PdfLaTeX compiler: NO PlantUML: NO Tests and samples: Tests: YES Performance tests: YES C/C++ Examples: NO Install path: C:/opencv/builds/install cvconfig.h is in: C:/opencv/builds ----------------------------------------------------------------- Configuring done CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_core" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_core" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_flann" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_flann" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_imgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_imgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_highgui" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_highgui" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_features2d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_features2d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_calib3d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_calib3d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ml" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ml" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_objdetect" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_objdetect" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_video" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_video" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ocl" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ocl" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_bioinspired" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_bioinspired" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaarithm" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaarithm" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_nonfree" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_nonfree" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_contrib" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_contrib" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudawarping" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudawarping" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cuda" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cuda" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafilters" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafilters" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaimgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaimgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_legacy" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_legacy" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudabgsegm" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudabgsegm" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudacodec" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudacodec" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafeatures2d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafeatures2d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaoptflow" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaoptflow" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudastereo" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudastereo" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_optim" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_optim" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_photo" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_photo" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_softcascade" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_softcascade" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_shape" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_shape" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_stitching" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_stitching" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_superres" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_superres" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ts" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_videostab" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_videostab" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_core" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_core" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_flann" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_flann" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_imgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_imgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_highgui" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_highgui" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_features2d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_features2d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_calib3d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_calib3d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ml" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ml" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_objdetect" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_objdetect" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_video" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_video" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ocl" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ocl" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_bioinspired" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_bioinspired" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaarithm" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaarithm" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_nonfree" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_nonfree" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_contrib" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_contrib" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudawarping" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudawarping" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cuda" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cuda" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafilters" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafilters" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaimgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaimgproc" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_legacy" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_legacy" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudabgsegm" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudabgsegm" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudacodec" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudacodec" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafeatures2d" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudafeatures2d" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaoptflow" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudaoptflow" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudastereo" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_cudastereo" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_optim" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_optim" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_photo" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_photo" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_softcascade" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_softcascade" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_shape" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_shape" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_stitching" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_stitching" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_superres" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_superres" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_ts" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_videostab" which has relative DESTINATION "lib". CMake Error: install(EXPORT "OpenCVModules") given absolute DESTINATION "/lib" but the export references an installation of target "opencv_videostab" which has relative DESTINATION "bin". Generating done