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13 |
14 |
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21 |
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24 |
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27 |
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30 |
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34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
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41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | #include "precomp.hpp"
47 |
48 | #ifdef HAVE_PVAPI
49 | #if !defined WIN32 && !defined _WIN32 && !defined _LINUX
50 | #define _LINUX
51 | #endif
52 |
53 | #if defined(_x64) || defined (__x86_64) || defined (_M_X64)
54 | #define _x64 1
55 | #elif defined(_x86) || defined(__i386) || defined (_M_IX86)
56 | #define _x86 1
57 | #endif
58 |
59 | #include <PvApi.h>
60 | #include <unistd.h>
61 | #include <string>
62 | #include <arpa/inet.h>
63 |
64 | #define MAX_CAMERAS 10
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | typedef struct
69 | {
70 | unsigned long UID;
71 | tPvHandle Handle;
72 | tPvFrame Frame;
73 | } tCamera;
74 |
75 |
76 | class CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI : public CvCapture
77 | {
78 | public:
79 | CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI();
80 | virtual ~CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI()
81 | {
82 | close();
83 | }
84 |
85 | virtual bool open( int index );
86 | virtual void close();
87 | virtual double getProperty(int);
88 | virtual bool setProperty(int, double);
89 | virtual bool grabFrame();
90 | virtual IplImage* retrieveFrame(int);
91 | virtual int getCaptureDomain()
92 | {
93 | return CV_CAP_PVAPI;
94 | }
95 | tCamera Camera;
96 |
97 | protected:
98 | virtual void Sleep(unsigned int time);
99 |
100 | IplImage *frame;
101 | IplImage *grayframe;
102 | tPvErr Errcode;
103 | bool monocrome;
104 |
105 |
106 | };
107 |
108 |
109 | CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI()
110 | {
111 | monocrome=false;
112 | }
113 | void CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::Sleep(unsigned int time)
114 | {
115 | struct timespec t,r;
116 |
117 | t.tv_sec = time / 1000;
118 | t.tv_nsec = (time % 1000) * 1000000;
119 |
120 | while(nanosleep(&t,&r)==-1)
121 | t = r;
122 | }
123 | void CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::close()
124 | {
125 |
126 | PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStop");
127 | PvCaptureEnd(Camera.Handle);
128 | PvCameraClose(Camera.Handle);
129 | }
130 |
131 |
132 | bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )
133 | {
134 | tPvCameraInfo cameraList[MAX_CAMERAS];
135 |
136 | tPvCameraInfo camInfo;
137 | tPvIpSettings ipSettings;
138 | tPvErr errCode;
139 |
140 |
141 | if((errCode = PvInitialize()) != ePvErrSuccess)
142 | {
143 | fprintf(stderr,"PvInitialize err: %u\n", errCode);
144 | return false;
145 | }
146 |
147 | Sleep(1000);
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 | int numCameras=PvCameraList(cameraList, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);
152 |
153 | if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
154 | return false;
155 |
156 | Camera.UID = cameraList[index].UniqueId;
157 |
158 | if (!PvCameraInfo(Camera.UID,&camInfo) && !PvCameraIpSettingsGet(Camera.UID,&ipSettings)) {
159 |
160 | |
161 | struct in_addr addr;
162 | addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpAddress;
163 | printf("Current address:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
164 | addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpSubnet;
165 | printf("Current subnet:\t\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
166 | addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpGateway;
167 | printf("Current gateway:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
168 | */
169 | }
170 | else {
171 | fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not retrieve camera IP settings.\n");
172 | return false;
173 | }
174 |
175 |
176 | if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)
177 | {
178 |
179 |
180 | |
181 | if (Errcode != ePvErrSuccess)
182 | {
183 | fprintf(stderr, "PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24\n");
184 | return NULL;
185 | }
186 | */
187 | tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSize;
188 | unsigned long maxSize;
189 | char pixelFormat[256];
190 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize);
191 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
192 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);
193 | PvAttrEnumGet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", pixelFormat,256,NULL);
194 | maxSize = 8228;
195 |
196 | if (PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(Camera.Handle,maxSize)!=ePvErrSuccess)
197 | return false;
198 | if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono8")==0) {
199 | grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
200 | grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;
201 | frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
202 | frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
203 | Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
204 | Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;
205 | }
206 | else if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono16")==0) {
207 | grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1);
208 | grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;
209 | frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 3);
210 | frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
211 | Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
212 | Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;
213 | }
214 | else if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Bgr24")==0) {
215 | frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
216 | frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
217 | Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
218 | Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = frame->imageData;
219 | }
220 | else
221 | return false;
222 |
223 | PvCaptureStart(Camera.Handle);
224 |
225 |
226 | if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
227 | {
228 | fprintf(stderr,"Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode\n");
229 | return false;
230 | }
231 |
232 | if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
233 | {
234 | fprintf(stderr,"Could not start Prosilica acquisition\n");
235 | return false;
236 | }
237 |
238 | if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
239 | {
240 | fprintf(stderr,"Error setting Prosilica trigger to \"Freerun\"");
241 | return false;
242 | }
243 |
244 | return true;
245 | }
246 | fprintf(stderr,"Error cannot open camera\n");
247 | return false;
248 |
249 | }
250 |
251 | bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::grabFrame()
252 | {
253 |
254 | return PvCaptureQueueFrame(Camera.Handle, &(Camera.Frame), NULL) == ePvErrSuccess;
255 | }
256 |
257 |
258 | IplImage* CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::retrieveFrame(int)
259 | {
260 |
261 | if (PvCaptureWaitForFrameDone(Camera.Handle, &(Camera.Frame), 1000) == ePvErrSuccess) {
262 | if (!monocrome) {
263 | cvMerge(grayframe,grayframe,grayframe,NULL,frame);
264 | return frame;
265 | }
266 | return grayframe;
267 | }
268 | else return NULL;
269 | }
270 |
271 | double CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::getProperty( int property_id )
272 | {
273 | tPvUint32 nTemp;
274 |
275 | switch ( property_id )
276 | {
278 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &nTemp);
279 | return (double)nTemp;
281 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &nTemp);
282 | return (double)nTemp;
284 | PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle,"ExposureValue",&nTemp);
285 | return (double)nTemp;
286 | case CV_CAP_PROP_FPS:
287 | tPvFloat32 nfTemp;
288 | PvAttrFloat32Get(Camera.Handle, "StatFrameRate", &nfTemp);
289 | return (double)nfTemp;
291 | char mEnable[2];
292 | char mIp[11];
293 | PvAttrEnumGet(Camera.Handle,"MulticastEnable",mEnable,sizeof(mEnable),NULL);
294 | if (strcmp(mEnable, "Off") == 0) {
295 | return -1;
296 | }
297 | else {
298 | long int ip;
299 | int a,b,c,d;
300 | PvAttrStringGet(Camera.Handle, "MulticastIPAddress",mIp,sizeof(mIp),NULL);
301 | sscanf(mIp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d); ip = ((a*256 + b)*256 + c)*256 + d;
302 | return (double)ip;
303 | }
304 | }
305 | return -1.0;
306 | }
307 |
308 | bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::setProperty( int property_id, double value )
309 | {
310 | switch ( property_id )
311 | {
312 | |
314 | PvAttrUint32Set(Camera.Handle, "Width", (tPvUint32)value);
315 | break;
317 | PvAttrUint32Set(Camera.Handle, "Heigth", (tPvUint32)value);
318 | break;
319 | */
321 | if (value==1) {
322 | char pixelFormat[256];
323 | PvAttrEnumGet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", pixelFormat,256,NULL);
324 | if ((strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono8")==0) || strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono16")==0) {
325 | monocrome=true;
326 | }
327 | else
328 | return false;
329 | }
330 | else
331 | monocrome=false;
332 | break;
334 | if ((PvAttrUint32Set(Camera.Handle,"ExposureValue",(tPvUint32)value)==ePvErrSuccess))
335 | break;
336 | else
337 | return false;
339 |
340 | if (value==-1) {
341 | if ((PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle,"MulticastEnable", "Off")==ePvErrSuccess))
342 | break;
343 | else
344 | return false;
345 | }
346 | else {
347 | std::string ip=cv::format("%d.%d.%d.%d", ((int)value>>24)&255, ((int)value>>16)&255, ((int)value>>8)&255, (int)value&255);
348 | if ((PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle,"MulticastEnable", "On")==ePvErrSuccess) &&
349 | (PvAttrStringSet(Camera.Handle, "MulticastIPAddress", ip.c_str())==ePvErrSuccess))
350 | break;
351 | else
352 | return false;
353 | }
354 | default:
355 | return false;
356 | }
357 | return true;
358 | }
359 |
360 |
361 | CvCapture* cvCreateCameraCapture_PvAPI( int index )
362 | {
363 | CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI* capture = new CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI;
364 |
365 | memset(&capture->Camera, 0, sizeof(tCamera));
366 |
367 | if ( capture->open( index ))
368 | return capture;
369 |
370 | delete capture;
371 | return NULL;
372 | }
373 |
374 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
375 | #pragma comment(lib, "PvAPI.lib")
376 | #endif
377 |
378 | #endif