1 | #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
2 | #include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | #include <vector>
5 |
6 | using namespace cv;
7 | using namespace std;
8 | int main()
9 | {
10 |
11 | string test_im_file = "test_front_im.png";
12 |
13 | Mat im = imread(test_im_file);
14 | Mat im2;
15 | vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
16 |
17 |
18 | cout << "Doing SIFT " <<endl;
19 |
20 | SIFT sift;
21 | cv::Mat descriptors;
22 | cv::cvtColor(im,im2,CV_RGB2GRAY);
23 | im2.convertTo(im2,CV_8UC1);
24 | sift(im2,Mat(),keypoints,descriptors,false);
25 |
26 | sift(im2,Mat(),keypoints,descriptors,true);
27 |
28 | Size s =descriptors.size() ;
29 | cout << "Number of keypoints found: " << keypoints.size() << endl;
30 | cout << "Descriptor size: " << s.width << endl;
31 |
32 | cout << "Doing SURF" <<endl;
33 |
34 | SURF surf(1.2,4,2,false,true);
35 | vector<float> descriptors2;
36 |
37 | surf(im2,Mat(),keypoints,descriptors2,true);
38 |
39 | int s2 =descriptors2.size() ;
40 | cout << "Number of keypoints found: " << keypoints.size() << endl;
41 | cout << "Descriptor size: " << s2/keypoints.size() << endl;
42 |
43 | cout << "Doing ORB" << endl;
44 |
45 | Mat descriptors3;
46 | vector<KeyPoint> keypoints3;
47 | ORB orb;
48 |
49 | cout << endl;
50 | orb(im2,Mat(),keypoints3,descriptors3,false);
51 | cout << "Number of keypoints found when orb detects keypoints: " << keypoints3.size() << endl;
52 | orb(im2,Mat(),keypoints3,descriptors3,true);
53 |
54 | s = descriptors3.size();
55 | cout << "Number of keypoints found when the same keypoints are provided: " << keypoints3.size() << endl;
56 | cout << "Descriptor size: " << s.width << endl;
57 |
58 | cout << "Done!"<< endl;
59 | } |