1 |
2 |
3 | print "FeatureTree demonstration"
4 | print "(graphic rendering done using PIL)"
5 |
6 | import Image, ImageDraw
7 | import random
8 | import numpy
9 | import sys
10 |
11 | import cv
12 |
13 | def FindFeatures( coords, k, tree_type ):
14 | |
15 | Construct a k-approximate-nearest-neighbour graph using either a kd-tree or
16 | a spilltree
17 |
18 | Parameters
19 | ----------
20 | coords : numpy array, each row is a point
21 | k : number of neighbours to search
22 | tree_type : either 'kdtree' or 'spilltree'
23 |
24 | Returns
25 | -------
26 | edges : numpy array of edges, each row is of the form
27 | [ point_1, point_2, distance ]
28 | """
29 | nb_points = len(coords)
30 | cv_coords = cv.fromarray(coords)
31 | if tree_type == "kdtree":
32 | tree = cv.CreateKDTree(cv_coords)
33 | elif tree_type == "spilltree":
34 | tree = cv.CreateSpillTree( cv_coords,
35 | 100,
36 | 0.7,
37 | 0.1 )
38 | else:
39 | print "Unkwnown tree_type '" + tree_type + "'"
40 | print "valid types are: 'kdtree' or 'spilltree'"
41 | sys.exit(1)
42 |
43 | res = cv.CreateMat(nb_points, k, cv.CV_32SC1)
44 | dist = cv.CreateMat(nb_points, k, cv.CV_64FC1)
45 | cv.FindFeatures(tree,cv_coords,res,dist,k)
46 | edges = []
47 | for i in range(0,nb_points):
48 | for n in range(0,k):
49 | edges.append([i,int(res[i,n]),dist[i,n]])
50 |
51 | return numpy.array(edges)
52 |
53 | def weight_color( w, wmin, wmax ):
54 |
55 |
56 | return ( int( (w-wmin) / (wmax-wmin) * 255 ),
57 | int( (wmax-w) / (wmax-wmin) * 255 ),
58 | 0 )
59 |
60 | def render(points,edges,filename,image_size=600,point_size=4,line_width=2):
61 | img = Image.new( "RGB", (size,size), (255,255,255) )
62 | draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
63 |
64 | wmin = min(edges[:,2])
65 | wmax = max(edges[:,2])
66 |
67 |
68 | for e in edges:
69 | draw.line( [ tuple(points[e[0]]), tuple(points[e[1]]) ],
70 | fill=weight_color( e[2], wmin, wmax ),
71 | width=line_width )
72 |
73 |
74 | for p in points:
75 | box = [(p[0]-point_size,p[1]-point_size),(p[0]+point_size,p[1]+point_size)]
76 | draw.ellipse(box, fill=(0,0,0) )
77 |
78 | img.save(filename)
79 | img.show()
80 |
81 | def FindBox( coords, box ):
82 | |
83 | Returns the points that approximately fall in the box
84 |
85 | Parameters
86 | ----------
87 | coords : numpy array, each row is a point
88 | box : a numpy array defining the box, for instance
89 | box = numpy.array([[[xmin,ymin]],[[xmax,ymax]]],dtype=float)
90 |
91 | Returns
92 | -------
93 | edges : numpy array of edges, each row is of the form
94 | [ point_1, point_2, distance ]
95 | """
96 | nb_points = len(coords)
97 | cv_coords = cv.fromarray(coords)
98 | tree = cv.CreateKDTree(cv_coords)
99 |
100 | bounds_min = cv.fromarray(box[0])
101 | bounds_max = cv.fromarray(box[1])
102 | res = cv.CreateMat(1,nb_points,cv.CV_32SC1)
103 | cv.Set(res, -1)
104 |
105 | nb_found = cv.FindFeaturesBoxed(tree, bounds_min,bounds_max,res)
106 |
107 | found = []
108 | for i in range(nb_found):
109 | found.append(coords[int(res[0,i])])
110 |
111 | return found
112 |
113 |
114 | def render_box(points,box, found,filename,image_size=600,point_size=4,line_width=2):
115 | img = Image.new( "RGB", (size,size), (255,255,255) )
116 | draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
117 |
118 |
119 | for p in points:
120 | pbox = [(p[0]-point_size,p[1]-point_size),(p[0]+point_size,p[1]+point_size)]
121 | draw.ellipse(pbox, fill=(0,0,0) )
122 |
123 |
124 | for p in found:
125 | pbox = [(p[0]-point_size,p[1]-point_size),(p[0]+point_size,p[1]+point_size)]
126 | draw.ellipse(pbox, fill=(255,0,0) )
127 |
128 |
129 | draw.rectangle( [ tuple(box[0][0]), tuple(box[1][0]) ],
130 | outline=(255,10,10) )
131 |
132 | img.save(filename)
133 | img.show()
134 |
135 | if __name__ == '__main__':
136 | nb_points = 800
137 | k = 5
138 | size = 600
139 |
140 | points = numpy.array( [ [ random.random()*float(size),
141 | random.random()*float(size) ] for i in range(nb_points) ],
142 | dtype=float )
143 |
144 | edges = FindFeatures(points,k, 'spilltree')
145 | render(points,edges,"spilltree_search.jpg",size)
146 |
147 | edges = FindFeatures(points,k, 'kdtree')
148 | render(points,edges,"kdtree_search.jpg",size)
149 |
150 | box = numpy.array([[[100,200]],[[400,400]]],dtype=float)
151 | found = FindBox(points,box)
152 | render_box(points,box,found,"box_search.jpg",size)