1 |
2 | #include <iostream>
3 | #include "cv.h"
4 | #include "highgui.h"
5 |
6 | using namespace std;
7 | using namespace cv;
8 |
9 |
10 | int hbins = 16;
11 | int sbins = 32;
12 |
13 | int histSize[] = {hbins};
14 | float hranges[] = { 0, 180 };
15 | float sranges[] = { 0, 256 };
16 |
17 | const float* ranges[] = { hranges };
18 | int channels[] = {0};
19 |
20 | int backproject_mode = 0;
21 | int select_object = 0;
22 | int track_object = 0;
23 | int show_hist = 1;
24 |
25 | Point origin2;
26 | Rect selection2;
27 | Rect track_window2;
28 | RotatedRect track_box2;
29 | int vmin = 10, vmax = 256, smin = 30;
30 | Mat image2, hsv2, hue2, mask2, backproject2;
31 | MatND hist2;
32 | Mat histimg2 = Mat::zeros(200, 320, CV_8UC3);
33 |
34 |
35 | void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
36 | {
37 | if( image2.empty() )
38 | return;
39 |
40 | if( select_object )
41 | {
42 | selection2.x = MIN(x,origin2.x);
43 | selection2.y = MIN(y,origin2.y);
44 | selection2.width = selection2.x + CV_IABS(x - origin2.x);
45 | selection2.height = selection2.y + CV_IABS(y - origin2.y);
46 |
47 | selection2.x = MAX( selection2.x, 0 );
48 | selection2.y = MAX( selection2.y, 0 );
49 | selection2.width = MIN( selection2.width, image2.cols );
50 | selection2.height = MIN( selection2.height, image2.rows );
51 | selection2.width -= selection2.x;
52 | selection2.height -= selection2.y;
53 | }
54 |
55 | switch( event )
56 | {
58 | origin2 = cvPoint(x,y);
59 | selection2 = cvRect(x,y,0,0);
60 | select_object = 1;
61 | break;
63 | select_object = 0;
64 | if( selection2.width > 0 && selection2.height > 0 )
65 | track_object = -1;
66 | break;
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 |
71 | Scalar hsv2rgb( float hue2 )
72 | {
73 | int rgb[3], p, sector;
74 | static const int sector_data[][3]=
75 | {{0,2,1}, {1,2,0}, {1,0,2}, {2,0,1}, {2,1,0}, {0,1,2}};
76 | hue2 *= 0.033333333333333333333333333333333f;
77 | sector = cvFloor(hue2);
78 | p = cvRound(255*(hue2 - sector));
79 | p ^= sector & 1 ? 255 : 0;
80 |
81 | rgb[sector_data[sector][0]] = 255;
82 | rgb[sector_data[sector][1]] = 0;
83 | rgb[sector_data[sector][2]] = p;
84 |
85 | return Scalar(rgb[2], rgb[1], rgb[0],0);
86 | }
87 |
88 |
89 | int main( int argc, char** argv )
90 | {
91 | VideoCapture capture;
92 | capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,320);
93 | capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,240);
94 | bool isOpened = false;
95 |
96 | if( argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0])))
97 | isOpened = capture.open( argc == 2 ? argv[1][0] - '0' : 0 );
98 | else if( argc == 2 )
99 | isOpened = capture.open( argv[1] );
100 |
101 | if( !capture.isOpened() )
102 | {
103 | cerr << "Could not initialize capturing..." << endl;
104 | return -1;
105 | }
106 |
107 | cout << "Hot keys: " << endl
108 | << "\tESC - quit the program" << endl
109 | << "\tc - stop the tracking" << endl
110 | << "\tb - switch to/from backprojection view" << endl
111 | << "\th - show/hide object histogram" << endl
112 | << "To initialize tracking, select the object with mouse" << endl;
113 |
114 | namedWindow( "CamShiftDemo", 1 );
115 | cvSetMouseCallback( "CamShiftDemo", on_mouse, 0 );
116 | createTrackbar( "Vmin", "CamShiftDemo", &vmin, 256, 0 );
117 | createTrackbar( "Vmax", "CamShiftDemo", &vmax, 256, 0 );
118 | createTrackbar( "Smin", "CamShiftDemo", &smin, 256, 0 );
119 | namedWindow( "Histogram", 1 );
120 |
121 | for(;;)
122 | {
123 | Mat frame;
124 | int i, bin_w, c;
125 |
126 | capture >> frame;
127 | if (frame.empty()) break;
128 |
129 |
130 | frame.copyTo( image2 );
131 | cvtColor( image2, hsv2, CV_BGR2HSV );
132 |
133 | if( track_object )
134 | {
135 | int _vmin = vmin, _vmax = vmax;
136 |
137 | inRange( hsv2, Scalar(0,smin,MIN(_vmin,_vmax),0),
138 | Scalar(180,256,MAX(_vmin,_vmax),0), mask2 );
139 | vector<Mat> vhsv;
140 | vhsv.resize(3);
141 | split( hsv2, vhsv );
142 | vhsv[0].copyTo(hue2);
143 |
144 |
145 | if( track_object < 0 )
146 | {
147 | double max_val2 = 0.f;
148 | Mat roi = hue2(Range(selection2.y, selection2.y+selection2.height),
149 | Range(selection2.x, selection2.x+selection2.width) );
150 | Mat roi_mask = mask2(Range(selection2.y, selection2.y+selection2.height),
151 | Range(selection2.x, selection2.x+selection2.width) );
152 | calcHist( &roi, 1, channels, roi_mask,
153 | hist2, 1, histSize, ranges,
154 | true,
155 | false );
156 | minMaxLoc(hist2, 0, &max_val2, 0, 0);
157 | hist2.convertTo(hist2, hist2.type(), (max_val2 ? 255. / max_val2 : 0.), 0);
158 | track_window2 = selection2;
159 | track_object = 1;
160 |
161 | histimg2 = Mat::zeros(histimg2.size(), histimg2.type());
162 | bin_w = histimg2.cols / hbins;
163 | for( i = 0; i < hbins; i++ )
164 | {
165 | int val2 = cvRound( hist2.at<float>(i)*(float)histimg2.rows/255.0 );
166 | Scalar color = hsv2rgb(i*180.f/hbins);
167 | rectangle(histimg2, Point(i*bin_w,histimg2.rows),
168 | Point((i+1)*bin_w,histimg2.rows - val2),
169 | color, -1, 8, 0);
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 |
174 | calcBackProject( &hue2, 1, channels, hist2, backproject2, ranges);
175 | bitwise_and( backproject2, mask2, backproject2 );
176 | track_box2 = CamShift( backproject2, track_window2, TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 1) );
177 |
178 | if( backproject_mode )
179 | cvtColor( backproject2, image2, CV_GRAY2BGR );
180 | ellipse(image2, track_box2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, CV_AA);
181 |
182 | }
183 |
184 |
185 | if( select_object && selection2.width > 0 && selection2.height > 0 )
186 | {
187 | Mat roi(image2, selection2);
188 | bitwise_xor( roi, cvScalarAll(255), roi );
189 | }
190 |
191 | imshow( "CamShiftDemo", image2 );
192 | imshow( "Histogram", histimg2 );
193 | waitKey(10);
194 |
195 | if( (char) c == 27 )
196 | break;
197 | switch( (char) c )
198 | {
199 | case 'b':
200 | backproject_mode ^= 1;
201 | break;
202 | case 'c':
203 | track_object = 0;
204 | histimg2 = Mat::zeros(histimg2.size(), histimg2.type());
205 | break;
206 | case 'h':
207 | show_hist ^= 1;
208 | if( !show_hist )
209 | cvDestroyWindow( "Histogram2" );
210 | else
211 | namedWindow( "Histogram2", 1 );
212 | break;
213 | default:
214 | ;
215 | }
216 | }
217 |
218 | return 0;
219 | }
220 |