1 | |
2 | * @file buttonsqt.cpp
3 | * @brief Demo Application to test some new interface functions of HighGUI-Module
4 | * @author Harald Schmidt
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "opencv/cv.h"
8 | #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
9 | #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
10 | #include <iostream>
11 |
12 | #ifdef _WIN32
13 | #include <io.h>
14 | #else
15 | #include <unistd.h>
16 | #include <dirent.h>
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | using namespace cv;
20 | using namespace std;
21 |
22 | |
23 | * @function UpdateContent
24 | * @brief Interface-Function to set content in buttonbar
25 | */
26 | void UpdateContent( string strpos, string name )
27 | {
28 | try {
29 | setButtonBarContent("ColorImg", EMOD_Label, 1, (char *) strpos.c_str());
30 | setButtonBarContent("ColorImg", EMOD_Label, 2, (char *) name.c_str());
31 | }
32 | catch (const std::exception &e)
33 | {
34 | std::cout << "setButtonBarContent Error: " << e.what() << endl;
35 | }
36 | printf("\n");
37 | }
38 |
39 | |
40 | * @function main
41 | * @brief Main function
42 | */
43 |
44 | int main( int argc, char** argv )
45 | {
46 | Mat img;
47 | Mat imgArray[5];
48 | string nameVec[5];
49 | string missing = "";
50 |
51 | double ticks = (double) getTickCount();
52 | int sec = ticks / getTickFrequency();
53 | int randomcode = (sec %2);
54 |
55 | int WinMode = CV_WINDOW_NORMAL;
56 | if ( randomcode == 0 )
57 | {
59 | printf("\nstartUpMode: CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE\n" );
60 | } else {
61 | printf("\nstartUpMode: CV_WINDOW_NORMAL\n" );
62 | }
63 |
64 | cv::namedWindow("ColorImg", WinMode);
65 |
66 | nameVec[0] = "baboon.jpg";
67 | nameVec[1] = "board.jpg";
68 | nameVec[2] = "building.jpg";
69 | nameVec[3] = "fruits.jpg";
70 | nameVec[4] = "lena.jpg";
71 |
72 | int cnt =0;
73 | for ( int i=0; i < 5 ; i++ )
74 | {
75 | img = cv::imread(nameVec[i]);
76 | if ( img.empty() ) {
77 | missing += nameVec[i] + "\n";
78 | } else {
79 | imgArray[cnt] = img;
80 | cnt++;
81 | }
82 | }
83 |
84 | if ( cnt < 5 )
85 | {
86 | string info = "Sorry, missing images !\nPlease copy following images to executable dir:\n";
87 | info += missing;
88 | printf("------\n%s------", info.c_str() );
89 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
90 | randomcode = 2;
91 | if ( cnt <= 0 ) return 0;
92 | }
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | bool USE_hms = false;
97 | int iKey = 999;
98 | int iSaveQ = 0;
99 |
100 | if ( randomcode == 0 )
101 | {
102 | setButtonBarContent("ColorImg", EMOD_Label, 3, "<font color=blue>AUTOSIZE</font>");
103 | }
104 | if ( randomcode == 1 )
105 | {
106 | setButtonBarContent("ColorImg", EMOD_Label, 3, "<font color=green>NORMAL</font>");
107 | }
108 | if ( randomcode == 2 )
109 | {
110 | setButtonBarContent("ColorImg", EMOD_Label, 3, "<font color=red>wrong FILENAMES</font>");
111 | }
112 |
113 |
114 | std::vector<std::string> stringVec;
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 | if ( cv::getCommandVec("ColorImg", stringVec ) )
122 | {
123 | printf("\n\ninitial values:" );
124 | for ( int j=0; j < stringVec.size() ; j++ )
125 | {
126 | printf("\n <%s>", stringVec[j].c_str() );
127 |
128 | if ( stringVec[j] == "h:m:s|1" ) USE_hms = true;
129 | }
130 | }
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 | cv::adjustWindowPos( "ColorImg",25,50, 0, 90 );
135 |
136 | int idx = 0;
137 |
138 |
139 | while (iKey != 27)
140 | {
141 | char csBuffer[255];
142 | csBuffer[0] = 0;
143 | if ( iKey > 0 )
144 | {
145 | cv::imshow("ColorImg", imgArray[idx]);
146 | char csTmp[255];
147 | sprintf(csTmp,"%d/%d", idx+1, cnt );
148 | string strPos = string(csTmp);
149 | UpdateContent( strPos, nameVec[idx] );
150 | }
151 |
152 | iKey = cv::waitKey(5);
153 |
154 |
155 | cv::getCommandVec("ColorImg", stringVec, csBuffer );
156 | if ( strlen(csBuffer) > 0 )
157 | {
158 | printf("\ngetCommandVec(ColorImg)->[%s]\n ", csBuffer );
159 | string strCmd = string(csBuffer);
160 | for ( int j=0; j < stringVec.size() ; j++ )
161 | {
162 | printf("<%s>", stringVec[j].c_str() );
163 |
164 | if ( stringVec[j] == "h:m:s|1" ) USE_hms = true;
165 | if ( stringVec[j] == "h:m:s|0" ) USE_hms = false;
166 |
167 |
168 | int ipos = stringVec[j].find("JPGQ");
169 | if ( ipos >= 0 )
170 | {
171 | ipos = stringVec[j].find("|");
172 | iSaveQ = atoi(&stringVec[j][ipos+1]);
173 | iKey = '*';
174 | }
175 | }
176 |
177 | if (strCmd == "LoadImg") iKey = 'l';
178 | if (strCmd == "SaveImg") iKey = 's';
179 | if (strCmd == "PrevImg") iKey = 'p';
180 | if (strCmd == "NextImg") iKey = 'n';
181 | if (strCmd == "Help_EMOD_PushText") iKey = 'h';
182 | if (strCmd == "h:m:s_EMOD_CheckBox")
183 | {
184 | printf("\n use_hms=%d ", (int) USE_hms );
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | if ( iKey == ' ') iKey = 'n';
189 | if ( iKey == 'p')
190 | {
191 | idx--;
192 | if (idx < 0) idx = 0;
193 | }
194 | if ( iKey == 'n')
195 | {
196 | idx++;
197 | if (idx >= cnt) idx = 0;
198 | }
199 |
200 | if ( iKey == 's')
201 | {
202 | char szParam[64];
203 | sprintf(szParam,"_Q%02d", iSaveQ );
204 | vector<int> ParamV;
205 | ParamV.resize(2);
207 | ParamV[1] = iSaveQ;
208 |
209 | string filename = "SaveImg";
210 | if ( USE_hms ) {
211 | int tick = 0.001 * getTickCount() ;
212 | sprintf(csBuffer,"%010d", tick);
213 | filename += string(csBuffer);
214 | filename += string(szParam) + ".jpg";
215 | } else {
216 | string savename = nameVec[idx];
217 | int ipos = savename.find_last_of(".");
218 | filename = savename.substr(0,ipos);
219 | filename += string(szParam) + ".jpg";
220 | }
221 | cv::imwrite(filename,imgArray[idx],ParamV);
222 | printf("\nfile [%s] written ", filename.c_str() );
223 | }
224 |
225 | if ( iKey == 'h')
226 | {
227 | printf("\n >>>> demo for use of buttons from *.cfg <<<<");
228 | string info = "Please open the *.cfg file fitting to the *.exe you are working on.\nThe HighGUI-DLL has interpreted this *.cfg file ";
229 | info += "and if yo want so see,\nwhat the DLL does with the *.cfg file, one approch is to activate \n $verbose\nby taking ";
230 | info += "the comment char '#' in the fitting line away. Thus you will get a \nconsole logging of the DLL activities.";
231 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
232 |
233 | info = "The simplest way to insert a button ist just one line :\n My simple Button \n";
234 | info += "In such a case no name for the button is needed and the HighGui-DLL stores \ninternal that you have pressed this button. ";
235 | info += "Your App says then to the DLL: \n Give me the name of the last clicked button.\nIn your sorce code you just call:\n";
236 | info += " cvGetCommandVec(\"ColorImg\", stringVec, csBuffer );\n";
237 | info += "And csBuffer will be will filled with the last command.";
238 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
239 |
240 | info = "If <LanguageTransTab> is defined, you can activate\n $applyLanguage \nto get some button names translated.";
241 | info += "This makes sense because getCommandVec gives you the original name back.";
242 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
243 |
244 | info = "All buttons without frame (QToolButton) appear in the context menu too.\nFor this type of button only one word (without leading $) is necessary in *.cfg\n";
245 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
246 |
247 | info = "There is no keyword 'emit' in the definition:\n $Spin JPGQ 0,100,75 \nWe dont want to have any action until 'SaveImg' is pressed.";
248 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", info );
249 |
250 | char msg4[] = "If you see 'SaveImg' and '$SaveImg' in different lines of *.cfg \nkeep in mind '$SaveImg' to be the floppy disk icon-button ";
251 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", msg4 );
252 | char msg5[] = "This box is internal displayed by\nQMessageBox::information( this, pCaption,pInfo )\nas part of the opencv_highgui24*.dll";
253 | cv::dispInfoBox( "ColorImg", "New Function Info", msg5 );
254 | }
255 |
256 | }
257 |
258 | destroyAllWindows();
259 |
260 | return 0;
261 | }